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About dtpbodybuck

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  1. Just so you know, this forum script is free out there to download.. And because the authors made the source available, I get the time stamp and IP address next to the post number within the coded page (post).. So if you all wanna play games with me, I'll start pumping thousands of emails out using your IP's and have comcast shut your internet service down for spaming people!. You people wanna keep fucking with me, I'll not bother to call you out on here or even log in anymore, I'll go another route. If you don't believe me you can download this forum's source code here http://www.invisionpower.com/products/board/ it's PHP format allows me to find out anything I want after you have posted. If your not smart enough to use a proxy server, then make sure you watch what you say when you try and call someone out, someone just may own you and not get owned. ok Gabe?
  2. Don't worry when I come back I won't be working in dept 31103B like good ol'e Jimbo thinks I will.. As for the mats, I did what I could without any backup (I appreciate the comments from Jeff) btw, because he seems like the only person that would back someone up on a line full of 60 people which is sad, very sad. There is already a record on file of one of the workers in this department turning their ankle, and I'm sure there is more on file where that came from. I can guarantee if I have to work in this plant for the next 15 years, I'll be working on mats, and I'll have my fans installed. It may take time but I will do it. BTW people, start sending letters to the local with your issues on them if the plant committee is not doing anything for you. The local would love to hear how they are not doing their jobs in there. Every ACH plant has rubber floor mats on every work station, Body doesn't want to spend the money and they just don't care. I believe the company is using this place and DTP as a means to weed out people that try and "buck" the system. Well this buck won't be quite I can tell you that much. Losing weight doesn't have anything to do with it because some people just can't lose weight. The body shop management and union discriminates against people. This is all a matter of record btw. When the parts plants people were moved to the Rouge years ago, the company and local 600 kept making comments about how we didn't want to work. That is called harassment and discrimination. I was told by a supervisor that parts plants people are lazy. Document everything people. I won't say anymore cause I'm going to get banned.. hahahahaha
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