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Everything posted by kitten

  1. Louie doesn't know jack Shhhh.. he works in the locker room handing towels out to the workers near the sinks.
  2. It pertains to the fact that people shouldn't be buying anything they don't need right now, they should be investing their money. Nearly every factory worker making 30.00 an hour has 2,3,4 and 5 vehicles in their family, along with water craft, snowmobiles, etc etc and a mortgage they can't afford. If everyone didn't spend their money in the late 90's like they did, they wouldn't be hurting. My point is, and if you took the time to read every word, was to invest your dollars into something that is tangible and holds value like precious metals. It is never too late to have an insurance policy. Youtube video you should watch: Youtube
  3. Why not take all that money and buy a couple of the plants that were closed down to make frisbes or Tonka trucks or something and put people back to f-ing work or create 8.00 an hour jobs. Something is better then nothing. Here is a better idea, lets start copying products and selling them over in China, they do it with us with no fair tariffs. I need another Jacket like I need a hole in my head. Here's an idea, take that money (your 50 million dollar nickel fund) that you embezzle from to go to Vegas, and pay it back to the membership (the workers that deserve it). Consider it a UAW membership "Payback Bonus" for being such a good worker.
  4. Instead of buying cars right now you should invest your money in precious metals like Silver or Gold. visit here to buy physical Gold and Silver I did.. Silver is around $37.00 an ounce and this time next year it will be over $40.00. The American dollar is weak and shrinking by the day. As long as this administration keeps giving our money to other countries pretty soon our dollar will be worth only 60 cents. Moddy's is already threatening the US that it's going to downgrade it's bonds and credit.
  5. Snyder was bought and sold long before he took office. The people didn't want Verge because of his radical thinking just like Trump's radical thinking, and look where it got us. People should have voted for Verge if they wanted jobs. I think this is why you saw Trump Palin eating Pizza together, I think they are going to wait to see who declares and then jump in the race "Palin Trump" at this point I don't care who is president and VP, as long as we get this GOLFER/Spender out of office.. 71 Times our president played golf while he was in office. I don't think I played golf 71 times in my whole life. Oama's going to run on the fact that he created 50,000 jobs and got Bin Laden. I can't wait till all the smear ads start about how Obama promised this and that when he was running. It's going to be some funny shit.
  6. Yes that's right, if you don't know what a "Disaster Transport Protocol" is, then look it up and it says "DTP Dearborn Truck Plant" The only plant left taking people in the system is this plant, and it's because they can turn out, or turn over employees there and they have the backing of the union!. If you don't know what "Turn out" or "Turn over" employees means, then let me spell it out for you. They simply write you up for everything under the sun to get your ass out of the plant. Or they just terminate you if they don't like you!. I personally know a few people this has happened too and in every case the person was able to get their job back because the company is willing to violate everything in the contract to get that person out. Further more in every case I know about, that employee was able to get unemployment benefits and the company never tried to block or stop them. This means that the company can't provide sufficient evidence of the employees termination because there is none and in the mean time that employee had to bow out and sit out for a while and lose stuff such as vacation time, personal time, any contract bonuses, and not to mention seniority. In the mean time, the company brings in people that have no senority to make up for those they sent out. In my opinion if the UAW down town grew a set, and put a stop to this shit, this crap wouldn't be happening. You look at the termination rate at Dearborn and compare it to any former Ford/ACH plant and you'll see what I mean. If you find yourself getting transfered to the "Disaster Zone" be prepared because the (Sucker Butts) or "Kiss asses" tend to get what they want because they are willing to turn in a fellow employee for just about anything. And I'm talking about people such as team leaders and manager assistants. I wish you luck if you find yourself in the "Disaster Transport Protocol", or as I like to put it "Turnover Alley"..
  7. Tax incentives will not bring jobs back to this country. All the plants that are closing down is the work of this and past administrations not tackling the problems we have with fair trade and countries like China that are manipulating their currency in order to take our jobs away. Giving a company tax breaks is not going to give that company a strong enough inventive to bring back jobs and re-open plants in this country. Those jobs are gone for good and they are never coming back. SHAME ON THE USA.. I will not be voting for Obama this time around because he fails to act on important issues such as US border control and jobs. This administration is not doing anything to bring jobs back or create them. This administration is more focused on sending Millions and Billions of our tax dollars over to countries that hate us and do nothing with the money but take it from those that really need it. Just look at your TV and look at how the living conditions are in those countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and more. I am very unsatisfied on the fact that we can't spend that money over here in the US to help people and help ourselves but no we have to send it to other countries so that we can show our support to them when they hate us and want to kill us. By 2042 we will all be moving over to the middle east to find work. Trump Palin for 2012 - I never thought I would say this, and I know Palin is an idiot, but we don't need anymore politicians in the White House, we need real working people that ain't tied to Chicago scandals and people that don't have agendas like selling books and raising money for their own charity organizations just so they can pocket the dollars. I would rather see Trump get in office and (as a business man) turn this country around and get us back in the Black then to watch "Wiener" gate type politics and nothing be done. This guy has been in office now for 3 years and can't take care of the problem we have at the Mexican border. He would rather hold dinners for these presidents instead of saying "Look this is what were gonna do". We need an administration that can grow a pair. Were in so much debt and they want to raise the debt ceiling??? are you kidding me. Yeah sure add another 2 trillion on top of what we got. No problem. This is unacceptable. Aren't you tired of working so that 20 percent of your money can go to the government's stupid programs and them giving your money to some ARAB that will just spend it on weapons and kill someone with it? I know I'm tired of it. I could go on and on, but I'll leave it here for now. Thanks for listening. And if you vote Obama in 2012, you might as well start making your "I'll work for food sign"..
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