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Everything posted by Decker

  1. "The Green House" refered to LRO, when it was up on the roof. Here at CAP. The label has stuck over the years even after LRO moved twice. Dam, thats Old Folks talk.... you`ve been around a while, long forker. fmccap, I agree wait till July and August.... On a daily basis I hear our trades members stating over and over, the "burner is OFF"... the "blowers are ON".... and the best one "NO there is NO Air Conditioning!!!!" and that is in responce to the new management people. Decker 1 of the 1788
  2. People, will be people.... Well, they called in members off the B crew yesterday. Sunday. The topic of discussion for most (not all) C crew members was "how come they(B crew) get "all" of the OT?" Then the other questions just kept coming... Will we get sent home early, "again?" Can they (management) call us in for OT on the A or B crews? When does holiday pay start? Why haven`t we got a 10 hour day, yet this week? How will the SWW benefit work with holiday pay? and on and on..... Then there are the C crew members that are pissed. They are showing their pissed off ness through their emotional exchanges with our Rep.`s. Of course the C crew is upset with their pay, hours and OT...then there are those the jump at the chance to "go home". Yep, the same members complaining about the B crew members getting "all of the" OT... yep, you guess it... went home when asked???? Of course there is the constant statements "fruck this!!!... I am going back to "MY" shift". "When the Hell!!! can I bump back to A or B crew?" Then the "Fair" statements... Its not fair and how can this be fair? and the one that keeps coming up that has a personal point for me... "DDDTMYDK" "Dam it Decker, Don`t Tell Me You Don`t Know"..... Well people, welcome to the world of "perpetual uncertainty" that is our beloved CAP. As for the OT thing? Do you think the C crew was put into place to run OT? or to reduce OT? It is now apart of the managements radio discussions every hour, (no not safety issues) "whats the numbers", "get me the numbers" and "send them home". As for the "Fair" statements, people, people this is a business. It doesn`t say "Fair Motor Company" on the Blue Oval. Is there a "F" in our Unions title (FUAW or UAWF) no... NOW... knock it off, you that think there should be... that doesn`t count. All I can say is, its about three years away, "Negotiations"... So hold on, as so many have said its not going to be fair or we most likely won`t enjoy it and yes it is going to be bumpy uncertin ride. A new contract in THREE YEARS...... hope on the horizon? Ok, its cooled down enough. Back to the bike!!!! Thanks to all those that served and pray for those that gave all. We owe them everything. Decker 1 of the 1788
  3. Jeff how true, I too welcome open debate and have learned from your points of view in the past. I agree we don`t need to sell the farm, we should possibly change our approach at marketing the chicken. Again, great to get the feed back. Hearing what is going on at other plants is a positive advantage for us all. Decker 1 of the 1788
  4. LadyJaguar We here at CAP can`t seem to get our LRO department to even remotely see the picture. LRO is looking out the window thinking of things they would rather be doing instead of thinking about how the plant could run just a little better or easier or should I say..."business like". So, nope DTP like other plants do things completely different then here at CAP..... C crew starts at 5:30pm today. As for Trades coverage for the C crew???? we will see. So yes the phone banks are running strong.... Its the Sunday Morning/Afternoon, "B" crew Tele - a - Thon!!!! "would you be willing to pledge 10 - 11 or 12 hours... please" Decker 1 of the many happy campers
  5. Yes Jeff, we have added close to that number here at CAP. Yes, as you said that is what we (IUAW) are all about. I feel less upset with myself by misstating the white pages, now that others have shown the same signs of being human, those in our LRO department and some of our Rep`s have made the same mistake. When being asked questions by so many at any point in any given day, the possibilities of mistakes do accure . I have the feeling that you know the situation. (human right?) Talk to our Trades sisters and brothers then within seconds talk with entry level members and things can get stressful. Maybe not for a representitive with the years of dealing with the number of members as you have at the 600. I have seen the numbers of entry level go up and here lately go down. We do have a revolving door going on here at CAP. Is the 600 having to deal with improper cycle time on operations and/or with line speed changes? We here seem to have a major problem with cycle times. We have operations all over the plant floor that has our Job Standards Rep fighting on a daily basis. We started the "3 Crew" schedule last week and everyone was wondering by weeks end, what was going on. If you went outside it was unlike most have seen in a long time. Where did all the repairs go? Now there are those in management that are stating how "we" are getting the hang of it... "3" crew is going to be a "good thing", and on and on.... I do believe, they actually believe that they are really doing a great job of manageing the work force. But truth be told there was this e-mail that went out two weeks ago that stated there would be a "LSR" so as to trend into the "3" crew schedule at a more normal rate. Even with the LSR we have members (thankful for having a job) running to keep up with their task cycle time. I wonder what things are going to look like here at CAP in a week or two when once again our efficiency rates will be pushed "back" to what Ford needs to stay competitive? Jeff, we have been on opposite sides of the UAW coin on other topics but, this topic is one we discussed at length before. I take the side that the IUAW has worn out the security in numbers claim years ago. We both have been through down turns in the past and both have agreed on giving up benefits so as to fight another day. Then at some point the IUAW seemed to lean towards helping and keeping Ford competitive over fighting for what we once had. Or to even try to get something equitable in exchange for the labor the IUAW sells to Ford. I have before and will state now, I too wish the IUAW had 1 million members. Or more. With that said I`m not sure if you were around when we were the biggest and badest union but I was. It wasn`t to much different. We had down turns and we gave up benefits. We got this for that or we recieved something for something we gave up. Yes the numbers were large but, stop and look what was going on. We had leaders that knew they had to bring something to those large numbers of members that had to add up to a fair deal. Now in no way am I saying everything was good and all the contracts benefited everyone but, if your leaning on the numbers game you`ll have to agree that like in a large local compared to a smaller local, numbers can be used by either side. Smaller locals tend to be given that fact (smaller) as a way to get what the leaders need to get done. Larger locals, (not always) tend not be influenced on that level as much. We have agreed in the past that the numbers can be a helpful asset. The numbers we have now are the numbers that have been around for some years. The IUAW has tried to sell their services to many groups that provide labor to many companies. The IUAW has used many different tactic`s some old school, some not so thought out at all. But all in all, the membership has spent millions to try to sell the services the IUAW is selling without much return on our investment. My point, numbers? really? the IUAW was yet to sell something that they have been giving away for a few contracts. Now they have started giving it away at a "50% OFF SALE". (ever try to buy a 60k truck with 14 dollars an hour?) When the Germans have efficiency studies done right here in the states, then take back the data to Deutchland. The Euro Nations move production to the states. Japan has more and more assembly sites than ever before because of it. Honda buys 17000 cases of what the IUAW just can`t seem to sell for a fare amount..... If the IUAW wants to survive..... in my opinion.... they better realize what so many have realized. The American workforce has proven (most unknowingly at times) that what we have, do and can produce is what so many companies seem to be wanting more and more of.... EFFICIENCY is the numbers of the future. Hell, Carl Ziess the most highly thought of optics manufacturer in Germany, has now open a cost efficiency plant ... drum roll... in the USA. Oh, by the way the labor in Germany is about 90% organized.... but then again the "numbers" in organized labor is higher everywhere in Europe than here. I find it hard to believe that our leadership can`t see the hand writing on the wall. Give up that old worn out numbers game...BS... sell what you have. Hell, they do it in the Areo Space Industry...Efficiency rates that leave other labor forces PISSED OFF!!!! Jeff, Second Off, nice to hear from you again brother. Remember same coin just different side. I know, I know... I`m the older crusty side, that has no blind faith in the IUAW.... humans, nothing more. Just saying Decker 1 of the 1788
  6. Thanks trailfndr, They decided the C crew will have the holiday off. As for our Trades.... thank G-D for them!!!! Lets see... two 12 hour shifts with starting times of 7pm and 7am. Soo, 7pm Sunday starts Memorial Day... Who is covering for C crew production Sunday for their 5:30pm start? Planning you just got to love the way management thinks a head... Oh, they tried the "hey, why dont we bump your starting time back, oh lets say 6:30? Think midnight premium would be a big deal? LRO puts out a flyer stating "If you are schedule to work (RWD) on the holiday, then it is mandatory you`ll have to report"?? Oppp`s they were looking at the wrong "AWS" schedule when they tried that one..... Then the survey`s started. But, that is a good thing... at least they are asking if people want to work Sunday and/or Monday. Members of salary (the same that tried the bump your start time back and reading the wrong schedule thing) have said this will work until they don`t have enough to run. Then the word "mandatory" will fall into place. It seems CAP is not what some thought was going to be their answer to employement... a lot of MIA`s Decker 1 of the 1788
  7. Just a little up date: It seems the C crew was really short of members Sunday. Salary memebers were maning the phone banks like the Memorial Day Tele-Thon.... "Would you like to pledge 10 - 11 or 12 hours... please" Calling B crew members, funny thing not many answering their phones or jumping in their cars. Hmmm Some members of the C crew will exprience something they haven`t seen in few years... "SWW Benefit" The radio`s were all a buzz with a term we haven`t heard in a long time "got the number?.. send`em home!!!!" I think they caught a few new hires trying to sneek out one of the Training Center doors after the center was closed... just a few hours after their first shift started..... Seems possibly, we will be starting the new hire training orientation sessions again.... One of the most used phraes said in Chassis and Trim is "You got to be F`in BS`in me" then... MIA. Everyone is really getting ready to start our SUPER DAYS!!!! Fatso, I think CAP is in the running for the "Cheaper than Anyone" title.... How`s it work on holidays at DTP? We have been told maybe, just maybe the C crew could come in at 6am on Memorial Day so they could get home for the BBQ....at 4:30pm, they would pull a double from Sunday to Monday? Or four days of dayshift? I know, I know.... armstrong, I can`t help it... I`m just a sorry example of a person who just dosen`t know how blessed he is :blink: Oh, La..Ja.. the Doc said you were right... completely "Nutso" Decker 1 of the 1788
  8. I`ll try to answer your question as best a Nut can dooo... dadooo... dadooooooo. opp`s sorry. For the second part of your question, you can call it what you like, complaining thats good with me. Me I find a board like this to be a mutiple type of resource. First, I do admit to using this site to vent, rant or complain. Good for the soul,,, get it out and take a deep breath. Then second, I do find the site educational. No, really... take this post, it is a very good example. Then third, there is the "Entertainment"!!!! There have been many a late night when I get a chance to read that darn General, he would bring a smile to this old face. With his quick witted posts and the way he can draw members in to some of the silliest posts by just being the General. I have to admit... yes a little giggle snuck out at times.... Speaking of the General where has he been???? As for the first part of your question.... Never a day in my life!!!! Well maybe a few years of it??.., a long time ago. When Mom and Dad told me not to sign up for that government run summer camp. Who knew they would make you do some of those things at camp? (hanging out of a chopper was COOL at that point) Then that government paid vacation, way far away where the peolpe spoke a funny language. But their food was GREAT!!! Yep, that was work, about 3 years of it. (but, not one day more of that work stuff) But, then FORD and everybody knows that`s not real work. Hell, just ask some of them southern Republiccccan Congressman they`ll tell you we don`t do anything..... Hey Armstrong!!! now there are the real assholes!!! So, your LADYSHIP as you can see I`m exsackellllly what you susspecttted .... and on the nutty side tooo. Decker 1 of the 1788 <---- like that don`t ya dear :shades:
  9. qwertyuiop, As you can see, I too tend to use the edit botton very often. Today alone, I have used the botton numerous times. When interacting with all parts of our membership I find that on occasions I will have to catch myself while working with one group or the other. There are differences in language for the different groups. I`m totally sure you are completely aware of this type of stituation. Talk at lenght with a Trades sister or brother and walk away just to be answering questions givien by our entry level brothers and sisters and I find that I have wished for that edit button. Then our seniority members well, lets just say I have so many of the same questions they do so yes, I try to pass on as much information as possible. But, in real life the edit button becomes more walking and more discussing and yes at times having to state, "I" was wrong or at best "I" mis - stated the language. I rely very much on not only reading but those Rep`s that I can have different opinions with, then reach a point of understanding that benefits all. (Trades reps come to mind, along with others) And now "you". I have been blessed with what and who I have become. Doing what I do is at times ruff on the nerves and loads of stress... but, being a resource for those that ask, is very rewarding. (most times) Hey LadyJaguar, you are correct... I`m nuts Decker 1 of the 1788
  10. qwertyuiop, It was mentioned in prior posts the "fairness" and the "shaft" points of the AWS scheduling. This I guess was my hopes, "fairness". Now those references are becoming clear. After you pointing out the language I missed or subconsciouy didn`t want to read. After some discussion I and many on the B crew.... Are clearly seeing the potential shaft... Once again thanks for your input it is good to be able to discuss these type of topic`s without having ego`s play the major role. Decker 1 of the 1788
  11. Thank you qwertyuiop, This will help very much. I will be posting this information at the plant today. Decker 1 of the 1788
  12. In reference to 3rd Day RDO time, double time is paid REGARDLESS of hours worked on RDO's 1 & 2. It was written into the contract this way to keep some semblance of 7th-day work as a bonus. I agree with you qwertyuiop completely, but the "regardless of hours worked on RDO`s 1& 2" part is what some members (and rep`s) here at CAP are having issue with. The key part of your statement is "worked". Now I have been wrong, (far from a virgin there) and being well on my way to "old" I can say with all honesty "I have missed a certain point in acticles I have read". So I say with all honesty" this is the way I`ve read the requirements in the white pages, referring to the AWS 3 Crew. RDO #1, has to be "worked" then RDO #2, has to be "worked" and then and only then RDO #3 (Sunday) will be paid at "double time" for the hours "worked". There are memebers that are still thinking (Tradititional Language) if "Sunday" is required it automatically is paid at "double time"...... I also agree with you totally on the chances for A or B crew fulfilling these requirements for the double time premium. Due completey to the C crew schedule. RDO #3 is not the only issue here, try getting double time if RDO #1 or RDO #2 is a Regular Day Off (no work)... and RDO #3 is mandatory..... Double time....Not a chance. damagedone37, young brother, you have brought up some issues that have been discussed, at lenght in our discussion group (Nuts getting together, LadyJaguar) here at CAP and we too think the next step will be focused on our hourly rates of pay. How true, the splitting of the membership along the lines of hourly wages is terrible. But, the horrible part of it all is we are highest authority in the organization that has negotiated the path we are going down. Solidarity Forever....... Decker 1 of the 1788
  13. Thanks qwertyuiop, The one issue that is very much at the root of most if not the all confusion (sometimes heated confusion) here at CAP is the language its self. Being that it is of the legal gherkin...type.... jumpimg to one place from another and then referencing some other part before one can get to some type of a conclusion, But, then roll in the "play" on words that Ford (IUAW also) is so good at. Use the word "shift" when referring the term "crew" or use the "traditional" terms (accidentally of course) when referring to the AWS 3 Crew procedures and agenda.... This alone had some, thinking for a while, "3 shifts of production a day" .....nope. I think this was one of the play on words the IUAW was using?? naaa Also here at CAP ..... our leadership tends to be in a numbers, numbers, numbers (which is ok) mind set so, at times the whole place is up for grabs. We tend to see the "book", "white pages" or the mystical "volume one" thrown right out the window. Then at this point ( very offend here lately) the method in use is the "guess as you go" method...? So yes, CAP is waiting to get on a ride it has never been on before..... Health and Safety is making sure everyone is properly buckled in. ERGO is making sure the padding is in the proper placement. The Rep`s are doing their best to make sure there is no cutting in line..... and the membership (old and new) can`t wait for the carney`s to crank this bad boy up... MONDAY....MONDAY...MONDAY!!!! Put your hands UP!!! the first dip on this ride may be WICKED!!! Got one question for you qwertyuiop, (very easy to type "first row" cool idea) when DTP went back to the traditional mind set how (this will be a touchy subject here at CAP) did the reduction in force play out? Traditional or Guess as you go??? Decker 1 of the 1788
  14. "Decker 1 of the Nuts" 1 of the nuts? really? Lady Jaguar, are you referring to the 1788 members that didn`t think the cream on top of the last contract was anything remotely close to a dairy product? If you are then... Lady its save to bet your Jag... "I`m one of those Nuts"!!!! You should be able to feel the solidarity once in your life, that those 1788 felt. Members reasuring each other during all the pissed off IUAW speechs. Being sure of the one thing, the democratic process allows for the people to disagree with the direction there leaders are telling the masses that they should go in. The 1788 are not the types that think they know whats best for all and have stated at meetings they can never know what really goes on at the negotiation table, so we never thought anything of our actions other than acting like Americans that were acting within their constitutional rights. The right to disagree with the leadership of any organization is what the 1788 envoked. So yes, LadyJaguar "Decker is very proud to be 1 of the 1788 UAW Members"...... "Nuts?" I guess if you say so, freedom of speach right? Decker 1 of the 1788 LadyJaguar??? Bob.... is that you?
  15. Armstrong... Armstrong... get your med`s.... I bet your face is all red and you may be starting to get that rash back. That paranoia is really showing its ugly head again. Brother you`ve got to try and put all those fears behind you. You had the chance hell, I bet they would help you pack and fix you a little cute lunch box for the ride to CAP. Really it was your choice to stay on the south side of Detroit. You remember all the judgemental rants you go on... The name calling.... you can work through this the latest fear attack. Mr. ARMSTRONG!!! CAP is waiting for you!!!! COME ON DOWN!!! Nope, instead you will type out all the "you are an ASS" tuff guy stuff... all the while wetting your pants every time you think about your plant being sold or going to one shift or .... I won`t say it... I know, you are already all worked up. Hang in there young brother you still have a release of all that fear and paranioa .... come on and join us here in beautiful Chicago. Hell I`ll take you to a CUBS Game and I`ll buy you 2 beers in left field.... Fun fun fun Decker 1 of the 1788
  16. Contractual language is key..... The traditional contract stated and refers to Premium Time as, any hours after 8, any hours after 40. Then the two days of premium time paid, no matter if you reached the other requirements are, Saturday at 50% above straight time for every hour worked and 100% above straight time for every hour worked, "Sunday". The key to the traditional language is the word "premium". The present contract lanuage made the first part or the magical word "premium" drop from our language.... No "premium" for anything over 8 hours a day. Unless, the employee reaches the requirement of 40 hours. Then the language states and only then, the employee will receive 50% over straight time for every hour worked. Saturday Premium also Sunday Premium has language in the present contract that is almost the same language as in the traditional contractual language. Then...in this present contract, Ford startes to talk some other langage, the language spoke in some galaxy far far away in a board room where the people talk of "REDUCTION OF COST".... Poof, the "AWS" is born. Now take a look at the white pages or contract (what ever) and you`ll notice the word "premium" never sits beside either word "Saturday" or "Sunday". There is a mystical grouping of three letter of the alphabet "RDO" in this new language. Now here and there in this new language there is reference to the old language "Premium", but one has to mix in these mystical three letters to be able to receive the magical "Premium" word. Ok, enough of that silly shit. Work "7"... "Seven"... days in one "7' day pay period and magic!!!! You will receive Double Time for the "7th"... "seventh" day worked. The plain language on the Mystical "AWS" is those three magical letters "RDO" are put right in there to reduce labor costs and reduce the chances labor well have the opportunity to reach that... took for granted, automatic and so rewarding "Premium Days of the week" "Saturday" and "Sunday". Ford`s Pay Schedule is, 7 days in one pay period. Starting ( so as not to confuse) Monday and ending on Sunday. A Crew has "3" RDO`s they are Friday, Saturday and Sunday in one pay schedule. During those magical RDO`s someone is in the plant working the same operations that the A crew does when they are in the plant.... C Crew!!! get it? With the only, (some more contractional language here) opportunity for mandatory overtime being "Sunday". So if the A Crew has a crew doing their operations on two of the magical RDO`s do you really think double time will just kick in automaticly?? The same mystical AWS language works in the same way for the B Crew. People, the AWS is nothing more than the reduction of labor costs. The AWS has made every day of the week equal. NO... permium to any one of them. Unless you can work some magic of your own and work "7"... "Seven" ... days in one pay period, you will never see the now... mystical Double Time. Decker 1 of the 1788
  17. The membership both active and retiree, has been on the receiving end of a large part of the burden when it comes to the helping, keeping the competitivenes and the restructuring of Ford Motor Company. We`ve been told time and time again how we the active and retired members need to consider the down side of the possibility of Ford going Bankrupt. I`m sure all were told by IUAW more than a few times how we should, need and have too... secure our futures by doing the right thing..... Then I`m sure most remember how things progressed when some locals voted in a manner that was not pleasing to the IUAW... Remember the youtube postes, the confrontational meetings at the local halls and all the you better or else messages and points of veiw our IUAW put out there? I beleive the membership got the message and now we see the fruits of the negotiations. Yes, we see better earnings (overtime at most plants) and yes we see more people getting employment. But at what cost? People working in forced overtime situations. People working for half what the majority of others are being paid. A system being put into place to reduce or eliminate premium overtime pay. And a "Crew" that will see a four day work schedule that will inclued working holidays as a mandatory scheduled day. I bring this up because I have a question for the membership.... "Do you think the business partners (IUAW andFord) are done restructuring Ford Motor Company??? I know most will say "No". But stop and think for just a few minutes. What other things can be restructured? More tier 2 people coming in? Even more right of choice being slipped away? Less benefits for our retired sisters and brothers? Well maybe?? There is one avenue that the restructuring hasn`t started down, yet. For all the business partners. Basicly restructuring in any business big, small and MEGA like Ford, the company will come around to take a close look at all expenditures. Ford has done just that with their creditors. Ford reduced (negotiated) the amount it owed on more than a few occasions. Ford went to the local, city and state goverments and received reduced, abated and in some cases no tax liabilities for long periods of time. And of course we all know the restructuring of the companies labor cost in the present contract. There are more like these under the magnifying class with hopes they will add to the bottom line in a positive way. But, there is one avenue of restructuring that isn`t talked about much... this avenue is one that Ford has a real nack for. I guess we at Ford don`t hear much about this restructuring because the venders are always outside entities. You know, business partners. They come and go without concern for the time clock. They get to use the phones and set up in office space. Possibly get a free meal now and then. But, when the business genius of Ford Motor company comes into play, this avenue can be a dark and scary road to travel. Just ask any vender Ford still has as a business partner..... Now there is one vendor that hasn`t seen much resturcturing, so far. What if Ford starts looking at this vendor and starts restucturing its place as a business partner? Ford might look at how much is paid to represent the vendors supplied labor? Maybe Ford will work out some reduction but allow for the business partner, vendor to see an increase in their income by reallocation of their staff? Just a thought, reduce the cost of each plants operating cost. Then throw some of the reduced cost at the vendor to offset the costs the vendor has in its everyday operations... WIN!!! WIN!!! Right? Look at it like this. Every plant pays for lets say 4 heads (yeah, I know not a nice way to put it, but its business) to represent the labor that the vendor sells to Ford. These 4 heads do the authority figure type of operation. Make decisions on who gets what when it comes to days off, getting excused and how the overtime is handed out. And of course these heads sit at a table and make the deals that show up in a contract. Not at all plant do these heads sit at that table... (Local Contract, got one?) OK, think busines partners.... Ford puts on the table, to the vendor, (IUAW) a plan to put the same amount the head of the heads gets for a full year of earnings in the vendors account and in return reduces all 4 heads worth of yearly income that Ford would show as a restructuring benefits....? The vendor thinks, one years earnings multiplied by all the heads of the heads at all the plants.... Hmmm what do you think the vendor is going to do??? Well, hows this for some restructuring on the vendors part? The announcement is made.... drum role please.... Due to a restructuring the IUAW will be shifting some of its leaderships responceabilities as listed: 1) All Barganing units will fullfil their terms in office then return to their picked out operations. 2) Committee persons will continue to be the memberships first line of repersentation. (do everything, dam it) 3) Regional Servicing Rep`s will assume the part time role as head of the heads. WIN....WIN..... 160K a year from each plant that one business partner is now in control of and lets just say half a MILLION baby!!! at each plant in operating cost RESTRUCTURING SAVINGS!!!!!!!!! NAAAA.... never happen ........ (Business is Business) Decker 1 of the 1788
  18. Thanks, CandyCane, Smokey paw and XSTAP. The Big Business, Labor Agency we call "Our Union" is really moving further and further away from its beginings. The questions of "why" they do this or that seem to be asked by an ever growing number of its members. Decker 1 of the 1788
  19. Yep, we push the police units through our process then send them down the street for dress out. We haven`t worked all the bugs out of this type of process so, these units do come back to our plant for this or that then back down the street. We are seeing some paint application issuses, this to will make for the boomerrang symptom..... I can only hope we get close to the process that our sisters and brothers in Canada had in place, on the best police interceptors made. Decker 1 of the 1788
  20. "Ford has always played games" well, I guess you can call it that. Ford is in business to do one thing and only one thing.... Show a Profit. Yes Ford has become very good at one thing over the last 70 or 80 years and that is, controling the business (IUAW) that Ford purchases all its labor from. 70 to 80 years ago a group of people stood together and fought for a number of things the laborer`s at the different plants in Detroit needed to become safe on the job, have a life outside of the plant, provide for their families on a middle class level and the right of choice. The group of people became the IUAW a very trusted organization. (then) The labor organization fought and won the right to work in a safe environment, wages that grew to help build the American middle class and this family orientated organization fought and fought for the right of choice when it came to overtime. If Ford needed to buy extra labor, the organization (not a business partner) made it clear that the time after the first eight hours in any day and after the fifth day of any work schedule would be purchased at a premium. What the HELL happened to the IUAW....?? My opinion and only my opinion. I can think of two situations that may have been the writing on the wall. First, Henry fought the UAW and stated on many occasions he would never have the Union in his buildings. Ford was the last to be organized. Then Henry released a statement, "I will control the union by doing as I do with all other business partners", "I will give the elected union officials Executive Privilege". Like most business partners the union officials come and go without any concern of the time clock. Office space, phone privileges, company supplies and in some buildings free meals. Now today stop and think of some of these business partner benefits. Why you may wonder, is the "word" so often mentioned when Ford and the IUAW Ford Department are working together on just about anything? The word is Relationship.... Yep, good Business Relationships produce successful, rewarding and profitable business.... For the business PARTNERS. The second situation, does anyone really think that the Reuthers or any other leaders in our Labor Organization, would have ever imagined how their organization would be transform in to a large business entity. Sitting on the Board of Directors of one of The Big Three, becoming part owners of Chrysler LLC, controling over a Billion Dollars in assets, control and adminiester multi Billion Dollar insurance corperation.(VEBA) (a second attempt but, first in the Auto Indust.) Once again, my opinion. I believe my Union was taught very well by a business genius (Ford Motor Co.) and over the years has become a very ruthless business partner. Ford is buying and the IUAW is selling what they need to reach Fords one and only reason for existence. Profit. How things have come full circle. The only difference from way back then, the Reuthers only had the company to contend with. We on the other hand have a multi billion dollar vender to contend with and the venders business partner, Ford Motor Co. Ok, bring on the go and quit shit, CC. As far as bringing anyone down, really??? have you talked with any Trades members that have had their schedules change two or three times in the last month? Or maybe walk through the Trim or Chassis Department lately? Maybe take a walk through Pre-Delivery where starting times are a topic of discussion everyday? That look on so many faces is as down as I`ve seen since we went to one shift. CandyCane in all due respect, a "downer" is watching members that have to do whatever Ford wants (even if it makes NO sence) and their business partner doing very little to support the membership to their right of choose. Do you know any members that have had to choose between the Little League Game, Dad`s weekend or an R&W because Saturday`s are manditory?
  21. Yep, we are thankful.... and after hearing it over and over from this IUAW Rep and that IUAW Rep we all sing it in unison now... "Yes, we are thankful to have a Jaa-Ohh-Bee" but, it dosent make the contract and its loop holes go down any easier..... :mellow:
  22. Why?... leg of lamb.... mighty tastey ummm um :rolleyes:
  23. I agree that the first bite by the goverment would be an amount that most of us can`t imagine. But the tax burdend would then only accur on the interest earned from the principal. As a retiree most if not all expences would have to be planned on everyday needs and the standard of living one would want to sustain. In a world where someone else has been regulating (30 to 40 years) your income, (bi-monthly or weeky) I can see this being good for some and not so good for some. With the prior buy out`s there were some real horror stories. Unfortunately some only saw 6 figure checks. I would, if the amounts talked about were close to reality, be happy to take on the accountability and planning that would come with this type of decision. Coming from a farming background, pay days were once or twice a year so the planning that was drummed into my head would come in handy. For me it would be my jumping off point. Thanks qwertyuiop Decker 1 of the 1788
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