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Decker last won the day on December 6 2021

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  1. Isn`t this the trend, in the Ford process, how many hold positions and have very little if anything to show as accomplishments for the company or employee`s or for the stockholders? Farley is just another golden parachute recipient waiting to jump. Just possibly, he was mugging for the Chinese Corp. that builds the unit he thinks so highly of, in hopes of a safe landing after he open`s the golden parachute? After all these year at one Ford facility, in one department I have seen for a decade or so, and it continues today the complete elimination of the need for accountability or pride in what an employee accomplishes. So really Farley is just another in the line of non-leaders since Mulally left. Then there is the union leadership, (leadership?) he is way too busy selling a candidate to voice any company opposition. One thing for sure many of the union membership see right through his candidates lack of accomplishments.
  2. Walgreens - 1200 plus stores closing 7 Eleven - 450 plus stores closing Added to the list of Biden&Harrisnomic`s successes The economy is just fine.... They have everything we need....
  3. "Fact is, if he's endorsing the Democratic Party, then that's who he thinks will be best for our industry. And historically, the data supports that claim, regardless unbridled fears of electricity." "if he`s endorsing" come on man.... he`s got both ears up her butt. Really... "historically, the data supports that claim"? come on man... the last 3 1/2 years of history smacks non sheep in the face every time we pay for anything, watch your savings go bye bye or try to send kids to school. Then "unbridled fears"... who cares about EV`s burning for days, insurance costs or if you buy one and let`s not forget plug the dam thing into your house electric supply then just get a slight surprise when you get your first bill from NIPSCO. Actually, the fear is just the reality of what is going on in the streets. Just recently I was leaving Hubbard place (River North) to get something across the street with my daughter when all hell broke out. A carjacking and purse/phone jacking, CPD and Hampton security got the medics called in. But the thing that stuck in my head was the Kammie&Wally support button on the purse/phone donating individual.... come on man, the "crime is down in Chicago". Some sheep are starting to realize they are addicts, they`ve been main lining Hopium laced Fantasy way too long. Especially when reality grabs their purse or breaks into the house or etc etc etc. After flip flopping from Reagan to fantasy, it`s been 12 years clean for me, hopium laced fantasy just wasn`t cutting it. Our society and country will reflect the choices made next month, good luck QEIT with your choice.
  4. There are a few question you will need to take into consideration either finding answers or being realistic with your own personal situations. The LIB`s got a $5 or so increase in the last agreement. This will apply to each year of service at the time of retiring under this agreement. Not any retiree`s that started the annuity payments prior to this current contract. So if you agree to an education incentive in a prior contract most likely your LIB would be at that contracts LIB level. My LIB under the current agreement is $59.05. Then another question you have to consider is, what was the total years of service you were granted in the educational incentive? Then prior to the current agreement my LIB was $54.05. If you are in an agreement that was prior to current agreement then most likely your LIB would be the $54ish per year of accredit company service. One fact of the annuity payment process is that the only way anyone will receive a full 30 year payment is with 30 years service. So at the point you took the education incentive how many years of service did you acquire? Multiply those years by the LIB that was in place at that time. that will give you a ball park "total" monthly payment. Then when you have that total monthly payment in mind, you'll have to secure another question, will you be eligible for a bridge benefit. Bridge benefit would help by around another 800 or 900 a month till age 62. Most incentives did not allow for a bridge benefit. Then there is the SS Administration.... at 62 you will pay a penalty of somewhere in the area of 26% decreased monthly benefits. Then (there`s always lots of thens) if you start your annuity payments prior to 62 you will pay another age reduction in the way of 20 to 25 percent less than the total amount you get for the years of service. 20 years service = ballpark $1000 the reduce that by 20% = $800 a month payment from the retirement annuity. I hope things work out for you, I think you will be doing the best for you if you sit down with the totals that reflect the truth. Not guesses are rumors. The pentanes/reductions are an eye opener and so few want to talk about them so start pushing for good info. Start with a face to face visit at a SS Administration office. Good Luck
  5. Hmmm Teamsters; Presidential Support Trump - 59.6% Harris - 34.0% But hey our just barely president is kissing Kamy`s butt like no tomorrow...
  6. Hmmm Do you think Ford will go back to putting individuals in positions that have knowledge of, experience in and maybe something other than a polysci degree for the position they will fill? Maybe put being an auto manufacturing company at the top of the business agenda? "Ford Motor is the latest company to walk back some of its commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. The automaker has taken “a fresh look” at its DEI policies and practices over the past year to take in to account the evolving “external and legal environment related to political and social issues,” according to an internal communication that was shared with global Ford employees and posted Wednesday on X by an anti-DEI activist. Ford confirmed the letter was authentic and said it had no additional comment on the matter. Ford’s move follows retailer Tractor Supply, which one of the first major companies to stop its DEI efforts, as it severed ties earlier this summer with the Human Rights Campaign, an LGBTQ+ advocacy group, and retired DEI targets like boosting the number of employees of color at the manager level. Harley-Davidson, whose board of directors includes Ford CEO Jim Farley, also decided last week to stop consulting the HRC’s metric for treatment of LGBTQ+ employees and affirmed that it does not have a DEI function."
  7. Then there is this, of course the just barely IUAW president would support this... https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://twitter.com/human20039/status/1827399151274852498&ved=2ahUKEwjjtbfO2o6IAxXJhYkEHQ1_Kq8QFnoECBYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2EaUMtW3Py9NHYgS19jOGq
  8. I`m not totally sure I can copy and paste this without being banned or something but, there is a clear truth to this post. One who is brianed washed or just washed of certain historical facts will not understand or will be offended by the post. Selective memory is offensive to me, so that makes the offences even I guess. Those of the left prove there are multiple layers of what a democrat is. This post clearly puts the name to those who are using, in control and even who is in salving the lower class democratic sheep with the handouts. There are other names that are in the same millionare inner circle as the Kennedy `s. The same names that made those heart felt speeches in Chicago. 'Post' 'Tammy Bruce @HeyTammyBruce An open letter to Kerry Kennedy: You people are awful. Despite your family's checkered past and horrible behavior of so many of the men, Americans have stood with you out of loyalty, sentimentality, and too often, grief. Despite the questionable establishment of your family's wealth, the treatment of Marilyn Monroe, the general womanizing, the abandonment of Mary Jo Kopechne to her death, allegations of rape, one could go on and on, but the point is your family has stayed loyal and protective of family members who have done the most appalling of things. But the moment one of your own acts on his conscience for this country you attempt to throw him to the wolves and publicly condemn him. Never a word for the trail of abused or abandoned women left behind by a Kennedy, but because one of your men supports Trump in an effort to make the lives of Americans better, that alone is beyond the pale. In your ugly treatment of your brother you reveal the rot that has broken the hearts of the American people so many times over the years. Beyond that, the economic destruction of American families is something your family would never truly understand. You are not touched by the worry about having enough gas to get to work, or whether or not you can afford eggs this week, if you'll be safe walking your own neighborhood, or if your child will be safe in their urban public school or even if they will know how to read and write while collecting their diploma. You keep doing civil rights work and public service virtue signaling. But in the meantime, make a pledge to not keep doing damage as Americans are simply looking for a way to reclaim their own futures, the safety of their families, and knowing that maybe, just maybe, they can leave their children a little better off w a future they can rely on. The condition of this country should shock everyone, even if their name is Kennedy. We know it at least shocks one of you who, like us, has had enough of the fear and hopelessness assigned to us for generations. Americans are happy to see Bobby on our side as we refuse to comply and will not go gentle into the catastrophes to which we are expected to succumb. Instead, with Trump and all who join us, we will fight, fight, fight!' jerrymaker Yep I knew I wasn't`t going anywhere a long time ago. District Rep, Con Con Delegate and E Board member (Local Financial Secretary) and got a view behind the curtain and the wizard was stealing like a crazed maniac. I never could fit in with that.
  9. Flameout Of Renewable Delusions = FORD Wait... What... come on man... The just barely IUAW president has all those dues counted for, from all those full electric units Ford is going to build. Not to mention all those "promised" UAW jobs in Tennessee at Fords eco friendly battery plant that will bring in even more dues too. But the IUAW never showed up at either political convention to convey what would be the best for or the wishes for a better America for it`s membership, Naa no need to show up cause that Socialist Demicratic organization said "Comrade Camala will take care of ewe`s".
  10. UAW @UAW If we want the war in Gaza to end, we can’t put our heads in the sand or ignore the voices of the Palestinian Americans in the Democratic Party. If we want peace, if we want real democracy, and if we want to win this election, the Democratic Party must allow a Palestinian American speaker to be heard from the DNC stage tonight. This is what we pay dues for......
  11. The question, "and this is different from any other election, how?" I`m opened minded to realize things in elections and our country have changed from my youth. There was a time when "propaganda" was anything remotely considered coming from American Press. Newspapers and telecommunication sources of the day were help in high regard for their perceived honesty and non-biased communicating to the masses. Key word perceived. In the last few years, the honesty in and biased leaning reporting has become apparent to 50% of masses. This notable change was assisted by social media. This change of perception, within 50% of the masses recognizing a clearer perception of fact base truth. It was much easier to deceive the masses back in the day, even with telecommunication reporting in place. The middle to late 60`s even early 70`s it was common practice to report the daily VC/Enemy body count to gander a feeling of winning. TV, radio and print used the influence to get the points across that, politicians needed. Change in reporting, boots on the ground, having the ability to report to the masses on occasions, a true to facts situations. Unless intercepted. There are large changes with just these two points of discussion. But many other points of change. As far as motive for the just barely IUAW President that's anyone's guess. His perception of being a progressive would fit into the current liberal/democratic socialism movement, a current DC prerequisite. Who know Kami`s secretary of labor??? Again, sheep will be sheep so the UAW Sheep will fall right in line. For the other UAW members welcome to the troublemaker`s with a clearer view of the facts.
  12. Hamas supporters campround at Harvard. Is that a United Anti American Workers sign or united against whatever you got, sign? Maybe there can be organizers sent to Gaza? Wait even if the UAW organized the Gaza workers the females can`t be members, cause the females are possessions and possessions can pay the altimite dues. Then alphabet soup males can't be members either ... in Gaza, these people are illegal and put to death. No dues there. Even democratic socialits would find it hard to last in Gaza so dues generators? not so much. Then the free speech thing? really look into how well that goes over in Gaza. UAW showing support on campus. Teamsters having classes in Chicago local hall teaching how to say death to America in a language spoke by the Gazan`s.... Labor unionists pushing the inclusiveness thing.
  13. Chaos is everywhere.... Teamster`s local in Chicago having a get together like this. https://hotair.com/headlines/2024/04/15/when-american-anti-war-activists-cheer-for-irans-war-on-israel-n3786506 Death to America? in an American Labor Union house?
  14. This pretty much can sum up CAP well a lot of Ford situations. It is written about Boeing but substitute Ford in place of Boeing and dam it puts things in perspective. DEI or DIE "I interviewed a long-time Boeing insider who explained exactly how DEI has undermined company culture and degraded performance. "DEI is the drop you put in the bucket, and the whole bucket changes." Christopher Rufo But I guess I should be glad that after "13" recalls on the Focas and 11 recalls on the Escape then waiting for the Explorer to be delivered just to get the "dear customer" letter two weeks later.... at least the door didn`t fly off at 600 mph.
  15. Is it just CAP or possibly other Ford facilities? Down week with MP1 build scheduled? Model year balance out starting three days before the last day of producing MP1 ? MPP2 what's that? VIN Roll umm no. 20 to 26% awol daily. Process coaches awol daily. Equipment creating more issues than good units. Anyone can be an engineer even managers from Target. Part shortage one of the favorite excuses to short shift. Close the facility building PHEV and FHEV`s move FHEV production back to the facility that didn`t have the floor space to build FHEV`s. Without adding square footage. FHEV`s will be very low volume mix rate. DAMMM Police FHEV orders are whaaaat? And that is just a short over view of the short list of CAP`s downward spiral.
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