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Posts posted by Decker

  1. I went on a limb, (gave my support to the agreement) like so many other members. I was hopeful and ran right into the same puddle of who knows what, as others....


    Could we get those that sat at the table on the same page? (why was there only 2 members at the press conference?) Then could we have the people that sat at the table get those at the Regional offices on the same line? And I mean please could we try real hard to bring the Local people that sell these things some where in the same paragraph??


    Ok, I had limited information I know, but the hope level was high, the stress level was higher and my open mind said... Ok, if I keep this or that dosen`t change and I see the same money per hour, I can live with it.


    Well, then the Highlights, the Q&A Regional information meetings, the White Papers, Red Books and our Local Rep`s stating how they thought the Regional Rep`s looked and acted unclear on a lot of issues and things or had multiple answers for the same questions (not all remotely the same). Then the comment "we`re not having a meeting, its their contract International can explain it". Now we have Local district Rep`s handing out fliers stating THERE IS NO CAP ON PROFIT SHARING..... when asked who is behind this handout well the response from our district Rep was, International Rep`s? Members asked why there was no letter head or union bug, once again the Rep`s stated " I don`t know I was told to hand it out and they made a mistake"?


    Why can`t we get this right? One group tells the next group then that group tells the next that tells us... Really if they come up with an agreement and everybody listens and asks questions to come up to the same level of understanding why then, all this confusion? Really, how would you guys expect to sell anything?


    I have an E-board member handing out a letter in some kind of support of the agreement and I have E-board members that still look like they are not sure what to do. (little or no engagement on the contract) Then one E-board member that is standing strong with his stance that he had before this contract thing came to ahead. But, everybody states that they are not sure about the facts, I mean Regional wasn`t sure, either.... they keep saying. Now the district rep`s being forced to hand out a letter and to tell the membership there was a mistake.


    Once just Once, could we try this selling of this or any agreement a little bit better? Information about the product backed up by facts = SALE .....cha ching


    Ok, I know one of you veteran poster`s is going to throw in something about my two references to high and higher. Come on lets all giggle together, hehehe...


    Dam, I`d hate to be walking point with you guys. I`d take a quick look and you guys would be gone on every path possible... the saying "couldn`t sell ice to people in hell" keeps coming to mind.


    A, no membership meeting, go look on line, its not in the White Pages, but, the Red Books look like the White pages with a red cover... very uninformed, Decker.


    Please, I mean no offense to anyone. But, dam we could have used those members that work part time in retail to help sell this agreement.... want cheese on that???


    just venting,


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  2. Decker we asked at MAP's meeteing yesterday and this language pertains to skill trades only. We did not get overtime restored to general production.


    Thanks Builderdad,


    I have pasted your information on to our sisters and brothers. We could have used a special meeting yesterday, also.



  3. I can answer that for you, Great Bridge. It has everything to do with the fact that the VEBA guarantees a set amount of money to paid, per person, per year. It doesn't guarantee a set level of service. In Michigan, Blue Cross Blue Shield is the state chartered insurer of last resort and has to guarantee to take damn near anyone. As a result,m all other insurance companies are much more competitive in what they offer, per $1000 of annual insurance premium. So the VEBA in Michigan gets much more bang for the buck than if you cross state lines and buy coverage in Ohio or Indiana. This affect employers that do business across state lines. You could have two employees, same gender, same age, same overall health. One lives in Monroe, MI, and one lives in Toledo OH. If the insurance is bought from the same company, but bought as one policy in each state of residence, the Ohio policy cost the employer more than the Michigan policy.


    Since the VEBA is chartered to spend a guaranteed amount of money per year, and not a guaranteed level of service, what the VEBA can buy in Florida is a hell of a lot less coverage than what you can buy in Michigan.


    Hope that explanation helps, at least in giving you as straight an answer as I can give. I researched this, because if my wife & I were to book from Michigan and head down to Texas, where I have family living in Dallas, if my Local 600 retiree parents want to follow us, the VEBA change is going to screw them over even more than they're screwed by it in Michigan.


    Thanks Len A, you did your home work and put it way better than I could have.


    Great Bridge, Len A hit it on the nose. One thing is for sure you like my parents live in one of the higher states for coverage costs. But, one thing is for sure even if VEBA reaches a level that the fund can (and I can only hope it does) start paying a higher percent of the cost coverage, unfortunately Florida will still be one of the states eating up more of the buck, in the way of overall cost for benefits.


    Great Bridge I`m not sure if this will help or fit your situation but I called and believe it or not talked face to face with Dad`s V.A. Doctor. He went into length with giving some advice and suggested calling Humana for some possible additional coverage. They, Mom and Dad have saved money over and above the cost of the coverage in the first six months. I stressed this time and time again to our Local retiree`s, ask questions and seek help from your Retiree Organizations and yes sit down with your Doctor and see what she or he may be able to help with. Some Doctors may be able to help with prescriptions also.


    One other thing, and I know this on a first hand basis. Take advantage of the different government both state and federal agencies that offer help. I had 9 years after Dad retired that I and Mom tried to talk Dad into going to the V.A., just to talk. Then his long haired baby boy (55 years old) said one morning we`re going to breakfast and got to Tampa about 9:15am, just in time to start filling out paperwork..... that's history and now the pride that once kept him from going is apart of going and being with others that served and are waiting for their share of the benefits.


    Thanks again Len A, and I know your information should help. Great Bridge. just wondering is Great Bridge, is referencing to that bridge leaving Tampa and heading over that beautiful bay, heading for Sarasota?



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  4. I don't think you will receive many replies to this post because there is nothing in this contract for retirees.The only thing I've seen is that we will lose our 700 dollar Christmas bonus.


    I heard the questions year after year, then I received the honer to become the person that some of these questions were directed at. When will I get my "Christmas Bonus"?, "where is my Christmas bonus"? and why did they send my "Christmas bonus after Christmas" ? Being one that took his service to the membership serious, I looked into these issuses.


    Well, after the first hunderd questions... I talked with the Retiree`s Chapters Financial Secretary. (former IUAW auditor) He stated thats just the way it was with the "Christmas bonus". If I had to press the issue I could get in touch with Region. I did, and was instructed to call Solid House and talk with the Retiree`s Benefits Rep`s. I did, and thats when I became aware of something that was a little confusing at first but, sinse then has become very clear....


    First it was not a "Christmas Bonus" benefit, So, what it was and now may never be again.... It was a 13th payment that would be issued to the retiree`s as an offset for out of pocket costs for Medical Expences. This payment will be issued in the 12th month of the year after receiving the regular monthly retirement benefit. As I was told by the Rep. Hence, payments sometimes well after "Christmas".


    I took this information back to the Retiree`s Fin. Sec. and asked why they keep referring to this payment as a "Christmas bonus"? It was stated thats its just there (retiree`s) way of thinking. It comes close to "Christmas" so they think its a "Chirstmas bonus". I asked why he had not tryed to present the real information, the responce, "I wasn`t going to take their "Christmas Bonus" away....


    Now, we come to a point in time when the IUAW agrees to manage all the Retiree`s medical benefits, VEBA. If this managed fund reaches a level that benefits have to be reduced, then benefits have to be reduced... higher co-payes, higher office visit costs and yes... no offset for out of pocket medical cost, "13th payment".


    But, the Retiree`s think ther "Christmas Bonus" has been cut out.... Once or if this VEBA ever reaches a level at which there is enough money in it, the retiree`s will get their "Christmas Bonus" back.



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  5. Decker again not to offend you but you were for it and now you are against it? When you blasted me for saying you were lucky to make the amount you stated that it was because of the leadership years prior. Years prior the agreements were give backs and concessions. Now I know I am coming from the angle of LAP and our new product but now this contract is anything but concessionary and you are against it? We have over 140 members at CAP and they tell me your plant has a big number of LTS's that under this will be post dated seniority and a pay bump with a bonus. Sounds like you are upset about how this will play out with your leadership and the block they will obtain.


    Blasting anyone was not the intent, I was trying to point out that we too were a plant with a poor future at best and now we are a "have" plant. Product, facility improvements and overtime.


    But through the past, former or prior negotiators we were given all the information they had and turned this information over to members to use in their decision on the last group of concessions. They knew that it was not a popular or for that matter a good political move. But the information was pasted on.


    Then as now, I gave my feeling to the members that asked for my opinion. (never telling anyone to vote for or against) Exchanged what information I received. I even stated, like this situation, I supported the chance of helping our membership and along with possible help for other plants in our situation through any benefits the agreement might give. On the basis of the information I had at the time.


    I went to Region4 for the Q&A and sat in two meetings at our Hall with IUAW Rep`s and listened to their explanations. I always kept an open mind through these meetings and came away with a feeling that these Rep`s were not to sure of them selves or the material they were presenting. But, then after they left and before the voting started our Chairman had a meeting and spelled it out to those that came. We, CAP, were in line for products, investment and facility improvements and other plants were not. He went on to say how we had to go out and give as much information and try to explain as much as we can to the membership so they can make their decision. He stated we should not be confrontational but, let the members vent and remind them that we would be getting a lot of work and the products are projected to be very good sales units.


    We projected all the information we received to our members, the best we could. It was voted down. But, we did what was asked. (and received what we were told)


    Now at present, I received some information on the contract and was sure I would be able to back up my good feelings on this contract with additional information (facts) that I was sure was coming soon. I did go out on a limb and with my hopeful way of being, stated I would support this agreement.


    Then a few day`s and asking many questions later, I find myself short on information, facts and any sort of reason.


    I compiled some questions and received many questions from members. Went to the web site read, read, and read some more. Asked members that attended the Regional Q&A and well lets say, I was sure these members would be more resourceful... Then I took a wrong turn and mistook the White pages for contract language. Was quickly pointed in the right direction and proceeded to try and see a copy of the Red Books.


    In the mean time, I think... hey, lets have a special membership meeting? It was only Wednesday and Sunday would be a day or two before we vote. So my old ass texted both the President and the Unit Chair along with most of the E-Board. In the mean time I'm still texting and trying to catch up with the Unit Chair to look over the "RED BOOKS". All the time my phone and the (dam) textings is getting more and more intense and just a little goofy....


    Ok, to cut this down a little... I never was called or texted back from any E-Board member, the President and Unit Chair either.... NO SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING??? I was told by an appointed Rep that their wasn`t going to be a meeting because "its their contract let them "IUAW" explain this thing"... After reading and reading I had a good idea of the White pages so, when I did catch up with the Unit Chair and asked please, I open the RED BOOK. My face must have sent a funny message because the Unit Chair said, WHA?? I said "this is the same as the white pages"... ??? He stated yep. I asked to see the book with the contract language as it will be and he stated your looking at it. I was given the defensive posturing and the attitude of a man that wished he was somewhere else or much larger maybe... so I left.


    I`m not sure if the so called LTS to Entry Level is clear enough to me to consider it a problem for any political gain. One thing I still can`t get an answer to is the 20% LTS cap. Will it be a one for one? Who will keep track of the LTS numbers? At 41 thousand members do we have to hit 8200 LTS before any of these members become entry level? If there is a reduction in force will they hit the street? or will they go back to LTS level and LTS`s hit the street? How would their rate of pay be adjusted if they reduce to LTS?


    There is a political gain in this agreement, stop and think of the $1.50 for Group Leaders... it is applied on a plant by plant basis with the Bargaining Units doing the deciding. As i read it. So, if I or any other member is so inclined, I would hope and pray our Unit Chair gives this "block" there $1.50.... Hmmm... how that would go over at CAP I can only wonder.


    My questions on the back up time, over time for anything over 8 hours, how will this effect 4 - 10hour days or the 5 - 8 hour days

    My question on the 20% cap and if it has to be reached before LTS become entry level,

    My question on just seeing the strike clause

    My question on the cap on eligible hours for Profit Sharing

    My question on the 12 thousand dollar cap on profit sharing and how much profit would ford have to make to reach this cap

    and on and on....


    With this said, I had to with draw my support on the basis of lack of facts to back up the early information. And the non engaged Local Representatives.


    I think the IUAW could have helped a little better with the passing on of information and the Local Rep`s could have thought that this was "our" contract and engaged a little more.


    Blasting, no. Sometimes a little touchy on my part, sorry to much stress.... no offense taken young brother.



    Chi Town Assembly

  6. Chicago Assembly Plant. It's a good contract for the membership. All these non-skilled laborers who think they deserve more... can take the $50,000 buyout and come back later as LTS's because no one else will hire them. People don't let these idiots (that cannot even manage their households) dictate the conversation. Vote YES ... I'm very dissapointed to hear so many union appointed cronies bad mouth this contract ... they are the #1 beneficiaries of the status quo ... They should not be allowed to bad mouth the UAW.


    Corecting my stance and realizing the IUAW may not be as truthful as I once gave them credit for....


    After finishing reading the contract today and listening to the phone calls from retireed UAW Rep`s, I belevie I`ve found the truth about this agreement, I found things missing from the last master agreement.


    In addision I have become aware that we will be capped at 1850 hours for a profit sharing total, for a year, for all four years of the contract.


    And will all LTS`s really become entry level?


    The missing article from the present master agreement, is on page 25 on the present agreement "Right to Strike". Vote on an agreement that doesn`t have language and you don`t have the right.


    1850 hours cap works out to about 35 hours a week that will be eligable for profit sharing. The plants llike mine that have forced overtime in place and agreed on by some of the Bargaining Unit will receive no profit sharing for the force overtime. With this cap a member wiil receive half of the 1850 in November and the other half in March. That is 925 hours of profit sharing each time. A Chairman in most plant has his 1850 cap before June first. In my plant most repairmen do to. (yes I`m a repirman) Nice gift to the company....


    Will it take a full 20% in the system before one LTS becomes entry level? If so when or will we ever reach to 20% level? Who will keep tract? From plant to plant?


    With a clearer awareness, I will not be supporting this agreement. I still have full respect for the ture Union idea of respect, fairness and equality. The Union ideal is not in this agreement.


    Don`t give up hope, stand strong and allow our Union Rep`s to bring back some fruit from our labor, in a few weeks.



    Chi Town Assembly

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  7. I`m very proud of Jimmy and the whole bargaining team.


    But, its far from my first time. (being glad to be union) We, my union, have been through a lot of ups and downs through the last 35 years. I for one can say one thing many friends and family can not, every week for the last 35 years I have received some form of compensation from a UAW/Ford contract. Whether it was a good hourly rate or vacation time or personal business time or holiday pay the weekly compensation was there. Even when I was layed off, the unemployment check and S.U.B. check was good compensation.


    Some will say, "it should be more" or "we should get more" but, I have to stop and think of what others (friends and family) are getting paid or what they don`t get in benefits and how many times I hear people ask for a chance to work for Ford because of the UAW pay and benefits.


    This agreement will help our young sisters and brothers realize that as long as we, our union, work for and negotiate for all its members, they will realize that compensation every week. The strength in the members at the "have" facilities, fighting to help the facilities that are not as lucky as those working overtime and have products, has once again worked out for us, the UNION.


    Proud to see the membership benefit from the negotiations. I will be supporting this agreement with a yes vote.



    Chi Town Assembly


    I`m very proud of what the Union stands for and truely thankful for what the past leaders have put in place through their negociations. And still belevie totally in the concept of negociations.


    So when I received the phone calls, I was really set back.... After listening to explainions of the forgotten text in the highlights and how some things were not as they are portrayed in the agreement. I thanked those that call. I will step back and rethink my support for this agreement.


    To put it in my word`s,


    Because of the hidden truths and forgotten langange that have been revealed about this agreement, I will be with drawing my support for this agreement, in its current state.


    Don`t give up, never stop and be hopeful our union will bring us just some of the fruits of our labor.



    Chi Town Assembly

  8. this guy is a ball sack that dont know shit----probably a cubs fan also and they suck also-----this deal is shitty-----VOTE NO


    Wait.... one... minute.... my Cubs don't SUCK!!!! they are professional losers and dam it they are the best!!!! Leave my Cubs out of your really intelligent evaluation of my fellow CAP member.... one beer in left field at Wrigley and you would understand...

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  9. Not intending to attack you as much as to point out you have recently joined and conveniently have revealed little of your previous thoughts. While it is possible that you are, as some have implied, a shill, I do not assign that to you. What I was implying it all this wasn't important to you until the past month...or you are re-entering under a new alias.

    Be that as it may, our brothers at Walton Hills are now going to face what so many others have had to since 2007. It's the "Cheerleader" attitude I have issues with. Yes, many are getting new products and job security, but I refuse to let this pass without rubbing everyone's nose in the fact that a YES means Walton Hills Stamping plant closes. And we will be party to it happening. That, my brother, leaves one helluva bad taste in my mouth and it reeks of selfishness.


    Not meaning to be on the defensive, just stating that I`m not looking for acceptance. As for being a "cheer leader" well, my day`s of being on the line have come and gone but I have never forgot where I started.


    As for previous thoughts, lets see... 1976 just under 90 day`s in when I went on strike. Worked in all 3 spray booths in big paint and all 3 spray booths in small parts for the next three and a halve years, didn`t have much time to have thoughts. 12 to 14 hours a day, as many days as I could take it. Then the reduction in force.... lots of thoughts. It didn`t take long to realize just how good I had it Paint. I listened to members complain that they would quit before going to Paint and how it was so hot and dirty over there. My thoughts, were just how the hell do I get back to my department...


    Thanks for not labeling me a shill. Important in the last month... well, no not really. Actually, I`ve had the privilege to serve on the local level. My luck I guess, I got elected during one of the worst down turns this country has seen since the depression. I had to help sometimes 12 to 14 hours a day, as many days as I could take it. I looked into the eyes of members that had real problems. I listened to them and called state and federal agencies to find help. I watched families come apart. I helped move parents into kids houses and helped kids move back home. As their Financial Secretary it was just part of my duties. And besides that's just me. My thoughts, were how the hell do we get back to the good times....


    Now I`m getting old and the eyes just don't see color at all but, my perception of the contract is, members getting product to build, LTS`s getting 3 plus dollars in hourly hate increases, 6 thousand dollars or 5 thousand dollars to keep working the overtime we have. 2 family days, 8 hours then overtime, LTS`s building seniority, benefits for LTS dependents and profit sharing for all members. Yes, there will be closing of plants and I know very well how hard that is on the members and there families but, with added product and bringing product back from outside the country, this will add to the hope that these members will have a place to relocate and keep some security. Instead of having to start all over. My thoughts are with the members of Walton Hills....


    As you can see I`m not asking for acceptance or trying to be credible. I was just stating my view of the world from CAP. Sometime the department you work in and the plant your at changes but, you have to make do and never give up, I got back to my department. There are members going back to KTP after spending time at CAP and we at CAP hope that some day we can help those members at Walton Hills.


    But, the key to our (CAP) hopes for helping other members is through negotiations.



    Chi Town Assembly


    ps. no thoughts, on the helluva taste in your mouth.....

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  10. The way I see it is, with the $6000, the $1500 per year($6000), the $250(or up to)($1000 approx) is $13,000. Divided by 40 hours a week for four years is $1.56 per hour raise. Not bad in my book. Yeah all the negatives are gonna disagree with me, but the product commitments are pretty darn good, The buy outs will secure some jobs, you get pay in lieu back, the sick save money on office visits and profit sharing redefined. Besides COLA, is it really that bad?


    Dam your good, I`ve been stressing this point all day at CAP. Oh, yes I was around in the 70`s....



    Chi Town Assembly

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  11. If you'd been here longer than September 2011, I'd put more credence to your sincerity. Must be nice to be in a plant where your future is secure, despite troubles finding volunteers to come to Chi-Town.


    Is it the over 2000 posts? or is it that you`ve been doing this posting thing from 2006?


    My sincerity comes from being through the good times and the lay off`s, the one week on and two or three off, the TRA checks, the having and not having the PPH days and on and on..... Seeing friends lose families, because of being bounced from plant to plant. Watching members that realized, way to late that the By-Out, wasn`t the right thing to do. Or listening to members wonder when the bank is coming for the house, car or wants to know when the payment will be sent....


    Yes, CAP has had an up and down history. Through it all we, the union, have made it because of the UAW with the cooperation of Ford.


    As for the lack of volunteers... most that come seem to become part of the family.



    Chi Town Assembly

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  12. In my opinion this contract has no chance of passing....NO CHANCE. What did the IUAW restore to us that was temporarily given up till the company got back to profitability? Nothing!! They didn't even throw enough cash up front to get the paycheck to paycheck workers to vote in! Not to mention the fact that a grievance that was to be settled prior to negotations has not be finished. The IUAW has no clue what the workers want and care more about the company then the union members....period.


    I wonder if this type of out look is from all that money Ford and the UAW keep pushing at KTP? I can only wonder why with all the overtime and ability to feel secure with the number one selling products at KTP, you can`t feel for the sisters and brother at the closing plants?


    Is this attitude, that KTP 1989 seems to have, in the majority at KTP? I believe there are some at DTP with this attitude, also.


    Ever have to pack up the family and move across country to keep a UAW job? Ever wake up wondering if your going to have work next week? Ever stand in line while someone states your form isn`t fill out right, now go to the end of the line? Must be really boring to hear the members stories about the "have not" plants....


    Sounds like maybe KTP 1989 might think that he`s the center of the universe or something...



    Chicago Assembly

  13. For the first time in my life I can say I am proud of my union! Thank you guys for fighting on my behalf and all of my brothers and sisters>


    I`m very proud of Jimmy and the whole bargaining team.


    But, its far from my first time. (being glad to be union) We, my union, have been through a lot of ups and downs through the last 35 years. I for one can say one thing many friends and family can not, every week for the last 35 years I have received some form of compensation from a UAW/Ford contract. Whether it was a good hourly rate or vacation time or personal business time or holiday pay the weekly compensation was there. Even when I was layed off, the unemployment check and S.U.B. check was good compensation.


    Some will say, "it should be more" or "we should get more" but, I have to stop and think of what others (friends and family) are getting paid or what they don`t get in benefits and how many times I hear people ask for a chance to work for Ford because of the UAW pay and benefits.


    This agreement will help our young sisters and brothers realize that as long as we, our union, work for and negotiate for all its members, they will realize that compensation every week. The strength in the members at the "have" facilities, fighting to help the facilities that are not as lucky as those working overtime and have products, has once again worked out for us, the UNION.


    Proud to see the membership benefit from the negotiations. I will be supporting this agreement with a yes vote.



    Chi Town Assembly

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  14. I would like to add an update, well kinda an update.... It is rumored that the CAP Bargaining Unit has sat down with Management to start our Local agreement. Has a list of the memberships proposed changes to the local agreement, been agreed on or posted?


    Three minutes clean up time at the end of the day, reinstated? Full Environmental relief reinstated? No more early lunches? Postings of operations left open by members returning to LAP, so senior members can bid on these operations? These and anything else the membership lost, right? Or just vote no???


    Here at CAP, we stand in the strongest position we have been in for many years. The products that were negotiated for three years ago or so, are doing really good. We are still at the top of the company`s cost to profit ratio. Oh, and something most haven`t brought up, efficiency rates, that (efficiency rates) here at CAP has been close too, if not one of the top facilities in the Ford system. This is the measurement of just how hard we as a workforce are working and just how much the company is receiving from every dollar spent on labor and overhead. (efficiency, one of the real reason facilities receive product, a little talked about secret) These two measurements (cost to profit ratio and efficiency rate) are by themselves unequaled when sitting down to the table.


    With this type of strength, I`m sure we at CAP will be getting everything back and some. (Sarcasm)


    But, really I believe we at CAP should use our strengths to come out in full support of two group`s of members. The first group that needs our full support are our LTS`s. On a local level why haven`t we negotiated a percentage of them to become entry level employee`s??? (like other facilities) We have the highest population of these members in the system. BIG savings in the companies PROFIT to COST RATIO..... Think of it this way, if there are 600 LTS`s that work at CAP, the company is really paying for less than 300 full seniority people. (50% less per hour and little or no benefits) Now, lets talk "efficiency rate".... have you seen how the members of management have these members stretched out? And how management always brings up the topic that, refers to being able to fire a LTS without any trouble.... "EFFICIENCY... PRODUCTIVITY!!!" once again a BIG savings for the company....


    The other group that needs our full support are the men and women of our Trades.


    Now, I`ve heard all the bullshit, Production people ramble about the Trades and I`ve heard the bullshit the Trades people ramble about Production. One thing for sure is that it`s 90% BULLSHIT!!!!


    OK, now that we got that out the way, the men and women of Trades are one BIG part of the total efficiency rates. Really stop and think of the number of Trades members compared to all the equipment that they are responsible for. Not to mention how these same members come up with most the fixes for just about everything that comes their way. Once again the company is realizing BIG savings. As for the cost to profit ratio, have you ever seen a group of Trades members fixing or making parts to keep things going because management doesn`t have the money in the budget for a new or proper part?? Again BIG company savings ...


    With that said, IN MY OPINION.... I can only hope that our Bargaining Unit uses the strength that this membership at CAP, and I mean "ALL the MEMBERS" of the 551 have built up over the years and support us all. We can`t be efficient or cost effective without all the UNION MEMBERS.


    I guess what I`m trying to say is, If we keep hearing what some of our Rep`s have told President King and Vice President Settle`s to do and how they think we should get everything back, or JUST VOTE NO..... Well, the ball`s in your court now 551 Rep`s.


    The membership has given the Bargaining Unit a strong and capable workforce, this will help them in negotiating.



    Chi Town Assembly

  15. No offense Decker but I made 52 K last year. So now I know why you thank your leadership is greedy they have already filled your pockets. I would be praising leadership that allowed me the opportunity to make that kind of money. Is Chicago taking transferees?



    No offense taken, and yes Chicago has been a receiving plant for a long time. We have members from many different plants. We are even seeing the returning of 125 members to LAP right now. I think this is the first time for that situation.


    As for putting the money in my pocket well, I believe the work we are doing now was negotiated for back during our "have not" days. We had Rep`s that had to think about our futures, and theirs. These Rep`s worked at all the issues we were having in a business manner to secure the products we have and the overtime that we have at present.


    I do praise leadership skills, experience and hard work. That is my reason for wondering why we at a local level, have not keep the forward motion going by taking the opportunity to move on through negotiations? We have helped other members through out the Ford system, with our past leadership and through their negotiations we were able to do just that.


    I for one what welcome you to Chicago, UAW12.

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  16. I think Ford needs to reevaluate the hiring process. Too many tards post here. Us Ford employees are soooo deprived of the good life. Maybe I should just give up my 70k yr job cause I can't nickle and dime the company that provided me with a decent life style the last 17 yrs to death! Maybe you should quit Ford if you don't like how the union negotiates for us. Just saying....



    I agree with you completely.

  17. My point is, if we have all these Rep`s that state and know how to negotiate everything back and can second guess everything going on in the International negotiations why, then are our Local`s going so long on extensions to prior contracts? Why have not the Local concessions been brought back?


    My Local for one, is a Local that has went from a "have not" plant to a "have" plant. We lost a shift and didn`t know how or if we would be working with just one shift. At that point in time we had to look at just keeping the doors open. But, now we have moved into the "have" type plants like other`s (DTP, KTP) that are not only pulling two shift`s but well on our way to three shift`s. And mountain`s of overtime.....


    The issue I keep bringing up is, on a Local level at least, these Rep`s that have to say NO, are at the have plant`s. They have all the power they need to be calling the shots in their negotiations or to reopen their contracts. Locally... Look at the reasons they have this power, that is needed to get everything back. At Chicago, hugh increase in sales on one product over last year (Explorer) and the total lock up on another product (Police units), not to mention Chicago builds the only full size Lincoln. Then there is the reasons two other plants are "have' plants and they are the Truck plants. Sales are power....


    With that said, why are we at the "have" plants waiting or holding off on the Local negotiations? Really, come on, does anyone think Ford would want to stop the line at Chicago? Or at the truck plants? Really, after being told that our Saturday`s are mandatory and you will receive discipline if you don`t want to work a scheduled Saturday? Come on, how much more do you have to have in the way of sales and product to start thinking "NOW IS THE OUR TIME" .....??


    Yes, we`ve been in the bottom of the bucket through the years. Hopes up so high, when the 500 was the thing that was going to save the company, that was going to save our jobs. The silly name changes on a SUV or Crossover or what ever they tried to make it into. Even further back when the company let the original Taurus turn into the cheapest rental car on the market. Those were the times that we had little or no power.


    So, what the hell are we waiting for??? Once again, I hear from some, at my Local, that the International should do this or that. And there are those that sound like A Rep in Michigan when running it down to others about all that we`ve lost. But, why are these same Rep`s not applying what they keep telling their memberships, what they think should be done? Why are they holding off applying all this knowledge and experience on a local level?


    I for one, believe that if my house is in order, then I`d be able to help my sisters and brother at the "have not" plant a little easier. If I was to receive some local concessions back or as some Rep`s keep saying "everything", I would not find it hard to give in to some demands to help all those members that don`t have it as good as the members at Chicago or DTP or KTP.


    WAIT A MINUTE, helping others, looking out for the members that need some reinsurance that we are there for them too.... Union, Solidarity, hmm, when have so many turned to a me,me,me....

  18. I have heard it time after time (JUST VOTE NO) from those Local Rep`s that believe they know more, have more ability or just think the International negotiating teams can`t do their jobs. I`ve heard some members at my own Local (551) and some of our 551 Rep`s, state in their flyer`s or in the Local newspaper that they have told President King just what he has to do. Or else....


    I`ve read about some Local Rep in Michigan that works for Ford but, just has to tell GM Local members what they should do and of course "JUST VOTE NO".


    I have listened when these Rep`s state their demands and how if we don`t get everything back and at least 3% a year in increases to our base rates, WE SHOULD JUST VOTE NO !!!!!


    After listening and reading about all these demands from all these different Locally elected Rep`s, then hearing how they would go about negotiating the contract and telling the International President just how to go about negotiating it, I can`t help but wonder.... Are we the membership of my and other Local`s going to get back everything that the Local`s have given up?


    I`m not sure about to many other Local`s but my Local`s contract expired 28 May 2011. We have been told that our contract will be negotiated after the International is done and then told that the Company and the Unit Chair have had some discussions. Then Sunday our Unit Chair stated that he was waiting for the H.R. Manager to return from bereavement leave, then talks would start. I know about not tipping your hand while in negotiations but, a firm "we started negotiations" would be a good sign. Wait, that's the way International doses it, OK so maybe they (International) are not doing things right? I don`t know.....


    I hope the Local membership remember that there were things we lost locally..... If we don`t get everything back at the Local level negotiations should we, JUST VOTE NO??


    I remember three little minutes at the end of the day, less environmental re-leaf and other local issues, that were given up. Do you remember any at your Local?


    JUST VOTE NO.....???



    Chicago Assembly

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  19. Not only have the politics of our country, given us the "two groups" way of life in this Great country. But, it seems the "two groups" way of thinking is very much becoming apart of our Great Union. The "two groups" are the "have" and "have not`s".


    I can in no way try to imagine what kind of stressful work it takes to secure work for one group of members that have to live with the "no product" hanging over their heads. But, at the same time continue to negotiate something in the way of a reward for those members that have product and are working their asses off.

    I`ve heard those that are working their asses off go on and on about "NO MORE GIVE BACKS", "we deserve this and that", "our products are selling like hot cakes and we should just vote NO unless we get everything back".... Never once, looking beyond their four wall`s


    I for one feel the bitter sweet success of being at a plant that is going to be working overtime for some time. But, the overtime, is the main reason other UAW plants are not going to have product. We will produce, not one but two units that were at other UAW plants. We have gone from the possibility of closing the plant, to the loss of one shift and all the stress that comes along with that type of action. We have brought back a shift and at present ramping up for a third shift. All in a period of less than three years.


    I can`t help but think of the members that will be losing the products. Will they be able, through their Local Leadership, to secure something for their plants? Will the International Leadership be able to help work things out through negotiations for these members? Will their Local Leadership be able to work with the company and the International Rep`s in the way our Local Leadership did almost three years ago?


    I have been through more down turns then I want to admit too but, we the membership have always made it through. Lets not forget, the recovery is not over, at every plant. We still have big problems throughout the auto industry. If I, for one, can help in any way to get another member a steady pay check I will do it. For two years I listened to the problems that members were going through and helped by calling any and all the state and federal agencies to try and find any help these (my brothers and sisters) members could receive. But, through it all I never gave up. Because we had Local Leadership that fought among each other and fought both the International Rep`s and the Company. Three years ago these leaders always looked towards the future so as to secure the products we are building today.


    My point is, after all these years we can not become a Union that can stop helping the have not`s. As a Delegate I listened to Gary at an International Convention and have heard his way of thinking through the newspapers and lately I hear Gary through a few elected officers at my Local. One thing is missing from his suggestions on how the International Union should proceed in their negotiations, he and those followers seem to come up short on how to secure the have not`s, something.


    I can`t understand how any of us, can forget what it was like to be a "Have Not".



    Chicago Assembly

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