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Everything posted by efudd

  1. Cyberdman, Seven days since my last update. I wonder if you can hit me one more time with some info. My ETA (3/30) has came and went, and my dealer is giving me a two week window. Any chance of some more accurate information? 3FA6P0SU1DR273630 As always, thank you in advance.
  2. Cyberdman, I wonder if you can hit me one more time with some info. My ETA (3/30) has came and went, and my dealer is giving me a two week window. Any chance of some more accurate information? VIN: 3FA6P0SU1DR273630 As always, thank you in advance.
  3. The dealer said it was delayed a week. I'm in the Los Angeles area, and I believe they use a truck auto transporter to ship from Phoenix to LA, so I'm at the mercy of available transporters. It looks like the April rebates are similar to March, so I'm not that bothered.
  4. I got that message early on. I believe it means the railcar has been uncoupled and left at the destination yard. There should be a follow-up message, where the rail car weight is zero, meaning it has been unloaded.
  5. Mine arrived at the train destination 10 days ago, and it's still there. While it was unloaded from the rail car, I presume it's now waiting on a car transporter.
  6. My ETA was 3/30, but as of now, it's still sitting in a railyard 500 miles away. I guess it's a good view, since it's been in the same spot for over 10 days.
  7. I think sometimes it's quicker for a train to get from Los Angeles to Chicago then it is for that same train to get across Chicago.
  8. Cyberdman, Can I get an update one last time for VIN: 3FA6P0SU1DR273630 ? Thank you in advance for your great service.
  9. If you do a Google search on your ETTX number, you can find an actual picture of your Rail Car Transporter. While I don't understand Transpotters, you gotta love 'em...
  10. The Energi I ordered and was build on 3/18 and placed on an ETTX rail car on 3/20. It's now sitting in Nogales as of 3/21. I also have an ETA of 3/30 to Southern California.
  11. I've used the rubber "twigs" before (in conjunction with the awl/installer tools that come with the rubber twigs). Pretty easy to use if you have an easy flat (nail or screw hole in the right place). At least with the tire mobility kit that Ford puts in your trunk, you can use the compressor w/o the sealant to get you going.
  12. JD, You can update the FFE info in the spreadsheet (VIN below). I was told a build week of 3/18, and ETIS says it was built 3/18. Cyberdman says, "Awaiting Shipment - Origin Received - 01a06 (Allied Systems Ltd ) Ramp 54, Hermosillo Asy, SO Mar-20-2013, 04:44 MT." I'm not sure what that all means, but it sounds positive. Now the big questions is whether it sits in the Hermosillo lot for 2 days or 2 months.
  13. cyberdman, Can you please follow up on my Fusion Energi Ti. VIN: 3FA6P0SU1DR273630 Thank you in advance.
  14. I think you have to drive it a bit, and the friction helps solidify and distribute the sealant. The sealant only works for quarter-inch +/- punctures on the tread area. If you get a sidewall puncture, you're out of luck.
  15. I think you have to go to the Motorcraft site. The Ford site just has the standard model owner's manual, even though the page says Hybrid. http://www.motorcraftservice.com On the left side of the page, there's an Owners Guide link. Navigate from there.
  16. You might be cutting it close. My order was "locked-in" 4 days prior to my window sticker being generated. FWIW, I think both the Platinum White and Sterling Gray look nice. I don't think you can go wrong with either...
  17. JD, I added my order info to my signature if you want to add it to your spreadsheet. I don't have a moonroof, so we'll see if things move faster. Thanks.
  18. I guess the conflicting information keeps it interesting, and distracts one from the wait...
  19. My build week is 3/18, and I didn't get my sticker until 3/11. That would translate to 3/18 (Monday) for the 3/25 build week... of course everyone's mileage is different...
  20. My dealer told me my Energi was in "Production" when the order is locked-in and can not make anymore changes to it. I think that's a week or two before the build date, and before the Window Sticker is available.
  21. I thought they were only to be on Hybrids and Energis to help reduce drag when the ICE is not running, and cooling is not critical. However, having the shutters behind the grill still gives a bit of a parachute effect, granted no as much as exposing the entire engine cavity.
  22. The active grill shutters are not visible. They are behind the chrome grill. It that correct?
  23. I don't think anything is a fact, science does point in certain directions. Is climate changing? Yes, it does that naturally. There have been 6 ice ages recorded through coring and stratification analysis. Is what's happening now man-made? I don't know. I try to do my part, but then a volcanic eruption or the natural methane decay from the tundra regions make all of our contributions a blip. So, I just continue to recycle, buy more fuel effecient vehicles, and of course blame Canada -- those are the right things to do
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