I've been using this forum as well as other forums with this same software. However and often I would get discouraged because I'm constantly scrolling left or right in order to read topics or post topics myself. This morning while at one of these other forums, I found out a simple solution to my forum width issue.
For all those who are having the same issue, follow these directions.
Press and hold the "Ctrl" key Using your mouse scroll/roller/wheel, roll forward or back (Do not move the mouse) this adjust (zoom in or out) the web page within your browser. Done.
Now I can see and read everything over the entire page, even stuff on the right side that I've never seen before, tag clouds and more..
Another adjustment I just located is a shadow box, as shown in the attached image. Take note of the red arrow over at the top right.. this is pointing to a shadow box, which can be clicked to close the right side column area (tags, top posters etc) thus allowing for a wider view of the forum area.
Hope this helps anyone who has a smaller screen or even those who need to read the site in large text mode.