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Posts posted by TrentM

  1. Very True.  I have a coupla friends who ride that are thinking of hanging it up also.   We are considering the Gator as our new RV.  It will get us wherever we want to go and we can stay on motels and hotels like we always do. Don't have to look for an RV park or campground. No septic tank to drain and clean. Always have clean sheets. Always have a toilet and shower that work fine. no cleaning. TV.   RV has a killer sound system with 20 speakers! lol!    we like this kind of RV traveling life style.

  2. Had one!!  Sold it last year because I was not using it anymore. I Had it before  the Raptor but the paint still matched it. Ha Ha!.  Actually thinking about selling the Harley. We have put 54,000 miles on it traveling around the western US.  Wife is not that excited to hard boil her noggin in the summer anymore, along with too many stupid car drivers out there these days texting, sleeping,  talking,  eating & whatever.  Too many close calls the last couple of trips.  I think it is the time to downsize.

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  3. With the 20" wheels and tires I put on I now have almost 6 inches of side wall,, verses the 3 inches I did have. Handles in the turns and curves much more firmly now and just just feels more solid. Great ride and ready for more Idaho snow and ice too. Does not feel as solid as the 35's on my Raptor with 17" wheels, but I am happy with them now.

  4. Thanks!  Yeah there are 18 and 19 inch alloys that will fit I am assuming. But none that I was looking at.  If you want to see the new wheels I put on go to the Black Rhino Wheels website. I did the Glamis Matte Black.. 20 X 9.  Very happy with em. I have 5 full inches of sidewall now instead of 3.  Not so squishy in the turns and curves. More solid ride.     Tires and wheels better suited to Idaho country,, not Miami freeways.     Had a guy offer me $600.00 for all four factory wheels and tires!  I said 'C'mon!  You can do better than that.!!   He said "Nope...  those wheels are so ugly I should only offer you $400.  !!  Ha ha!!!!!

  5. Thanks!  Yep 4 x 4.  I do not like the 22 inch factory wheels. They are coming off this weekend. But the smallest wheel you can put on is a 20 inch due to the brake caliber size.   I hate the sorry factory Hankook tires that are squishy and soft.  Could have made it through the crap in Texas and New Mexico much better if I had the Toyo all terrain 10 ply tires on 20 inch wheels that are going on it.  Need Idaho worthy tires. Not Florida freeway slicks!  Ha ha! I will have four 22 inch wheels for sale if anyone is interested. 

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  6. Flight Blue exterior with Chalet interior. 80's in Florida...  got down to 9 in Texas & New Mexico. 32 here in Idaho right now which is normal...  No deal at all and no negotiating .  It was the only Gator on the lot. They had sold all of their 2020's and got this one in 4 days earlier. Take it or leave it.  Love the vehicle. Ride is awesome and for a cross country road trip cruiser it is perfect for us. My wife drives a 2020 Nautilus and loves it also.  We have always been Lincoln fans. I have a 2019 F-150 Raptor which is my favorite Ford truck ever. And I have had a lot of them. Been a Ford guy all my life. I don't know yet what to do with it. Maybe I will sell the Harley which does not get used much these days and keep the Raptor. I love that truck.

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  7. So my wife and I flew from Boise, ID on Feb 3rd to Florida. Had a crappy rental car of course. Drove through Naples and the Lincoln dealer there had a 2021 Black Label that got my attention. Ended up buying it and turned in the rental at a Budget lot a mile down  the road. Now I have a problem. The airline would not let me bring my newly purchased Gator on the plane. So we cancelled our flight and drove it home to Boise. Got back yesterday. What an adventure. What poor timing. Drove through very miserable road conditions across Texas last Thursday and Friday. All on I-10.  I have years of snow and ice driving experience due to growing up and living in Utah and Idaho. But all the drivers not familiar with such driving did everything they could to try and kill us.  Anyway, made it home with 3,100 miles on my Gator that had 25 miles on it when I drove it off the lot.  Now it is parked in  the garage and my poor 2019 F-150 Raptor is parked outside in the cold. Gotta decide if I am going to keep my most favorite truck I have ever had.  Glad to find this forum!  More to come!   

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