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  1. We will never have a c crew in our plant, and I have no problem being unemployed if a package was offered I would gladly take it, 48 hour work weeks is enough for I don't need 8 more. Within the last 3 months two people have died, one at the end of his shift and the other having a heart attack during the shift, both were fairly young being in their 40s. Can't wait to see how turn this reply into a joke
  2. Mandatory Saturdays is also included in this contract so lets see last contract we lose two weeks vacation this contract we get nothing back and now we have to work more, I don't get to see my family for two weeks out of the month and now they want to take my weekend time away from them
  3. I'm just curious I work at OAC and while I'm going through other threads I read alot about these scheduled Saturdays how does that work? I mean we work 48 hours max and they cannot make us work a Saturday. Do you have to work them or can you say no?
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