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America OWES Ford Motor Co.


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Here goes: It is an easily demonstrable fact that everything good about modern America was created by The Ford Motor Company.

From the beginning of time and up until the early 1900s and the development and mass production of the automobile by Henry Ford, the founder of The Ford Motor Company, the vast portion of the population walked from here to there and worked barefooted like draft animals on farms.


If the reader will do a little traveling to the interior of Mexico, Russia, China, Vietnam, Rumania, Poland, Turkey, Brazil and Kazakhstan to name just a few places he will see real live people walking barefooted and working like draft animals. This is pointed out to show the curious how modern people live when they do not have a domestic automobile manufacturing industry.


The first mechanized transportation came with the railroads in about 1850. Railroads did not serve a statistically significant portion of the population. By 1875 street cars were coming into use in the largest cities, being first pulled by horses.


With the advent of Henry Ford's Model T automobile regular men of normal intelligence had for the first time in the history of the earth the ability to get their own goods to market. The importance of this simple fact cannot be overestimated, it is the linchpin, the main spring of our American material well being. It is how the Americans became the richest people on earth, and why everyone wanted to come here: they could open a shop and make something useful and get to market.


General Motors is a copy of Ford by a consortium of American investors. So was Chrysler. The synergy of these three businesses and the developments of Thomas Edison created and made manifest everything that we love about modern America.


Simultaneous with the development of the automobile, The Ford Motor Company also invented and put into place the device called a tractor. This machine liberated hundreds of millions of men and women from the incomprehensible drudgery of subsistence farming world wide.


These tractors were also used to power portable lumber mills, water well drilling and some mining equipment. With this tool it did not take long for the intelligent segment of the population to start making things and get them to market. In a few short years, other men built machines that could fly, wash clothes, cook meals and weave socks.


When we hear talk in the media of Ford or GM going bankrupt or being bought out by the Communist Chinese Government S. and the ignorant commentary eructed by the stupid and uneducated American talking heads, bipeds who never made so much as a wooden candle holder in junior high school, then it is necessary for those of us who know something about this subject to attempt to shed a little light on it.


Here goes: It is an easily demonstrable fact that everything good about modern America was created by The Ford Motor Company. This includes every industrial device ever created or manufactured and all the benefit this has brought our families and country. Every little girl playing piano is the direct result of good parents and the industrial activity created by The Ford Motor Company.


The global steel industry was created by The Ford Motor Company. Prior to autos, steel in limited amounts was used for the railroads and the making of guns and shrapnel for war. Ford can be credited with supplying the demand for enough steel of the many shapes and grades to build the America the reader sees when he looks at the skyline of any city.


Ford can also be credited with causing the glass industry to expand exponentially.


With the manufacture of millions of cars comes tens of millions of rubber tires and a demand for copper wire and the beginnings of electrical controls.


Gears and rivits provided a hundred thousand good jobs and sent thousands of young men and women to medical school.


The machine tool industry and everything that spun off from it was a creation of The Ford Motor Company.


Edison developed the cement that is used make the concrete used to build our roads. Without the Ford cars there would have been no roads. The reader would be accustomed to walking on dirtS


Ford also created the airline industry and the planes to support it. The first airliner was the Ford Tri Motor.


It is not a stretch to note that every manufactured item anyone surfing the Internet can see was a direct result of the industry created around The Ford Motor Company.


It is also a demonstrable fact that in just 120 years more people have had their lives made livable as a direct result of the operations of The Ford Motor Company than all the religious figures, politicians, doctors, do gooders and wars for peace combined since the beginning of time.


The great Bill Gates could not have done anything without the foundation laid before by The Ford Motor Company.


Because the high technology product of The Ford Motor Company liberated mankind from the status of draft animals the super rich quickly realized that their monopoly on power was beginning to wane. The super rich, who profited handsomely from doing business with the Ford Motor Company, began to make war on it. Now, after 110 years of concentrated war the super rich are about to kill The Ford Motor Company which is also the America the reader knows and gets his meals and shelter from and has his future with.


Hillary Clinton described campaigning and politics before the Americans as: people who like simple stories with happy endings.


The basic concept of economic war with all of its nodes, networks and gateways is probably too difficult for most people to be interested in comprehending. The typically ignorant as well as the extremely stupid, with considerable provocation from the news media, have managed to equate the US auto companies with other businesses like phone or carpet installation companies, but obviously not as important as a stock brokerage firm. Imagine that.


Here are some of the elements of the war against Ford (and the rest of the USA heavy manufacturing): enormous taxation nightmarish health care requirements unconscionable union demands backed by the full force of the military of the USA restriction of bank credit government forced design changes, ie: plastic bumpers, but not the good stuff takeover and subversion of the Ford Foundation into the antitheses of The Ford Motor Company destruction of the family of Henry Ford destruction of the dealership network established by Ford installation of an Egyptian as President of Ford whose every move lost money, wrecked the product and helped to ruin the dealer network the forced outsourcing of manufacturing to third world locations the hobbling of the engineering staff of The Ford Motor Company who could, if they were allowed to, build UFO's and cars that never needed any fuel at allS


Early in the 1990*s GM was ordered by elements of the US government to open manufacturing plants in China of face a bankrupting recall of every car it had ever built. The GM Board of Directors protested, to no avail or relief, that such would lead to a weakening of their domestic operations, America.


Those in control of the labor unions, protected by the government, piled on and forced unconscionable elements like $75 per hour wages into their contracts but still Ford and GM survived, so powerful was the economy they created.


Perhaps the reader remembers this exchange between Larry King of CNN and candidate for president George W. Bush during the 2000 election theatrics:


King: *So, what you are saying is that no one ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the American People?


Bush: *Well Larry you know I cannot give you a direct answer to that and be truthful but yea, I know what you are saying.*


This, the situation with the Big 3 Auto Makers, is one of the moments they were talking about.


The American people, damnably fat and lazy with all these creature comforts, and bamboozled with negative subliminal programming in the open air mind control arcade cannot now see or understand what is about to happen.


This is what is about to happen: If America loses the domestic ownership and operations of The Ford Motor Company, GM and Chrysler then the people can expect to return to draft animal status in short order.


It is that serious.


Here is how you will return to draft animal status: The new foreign owners will not use American suppliers for even one screw, nut, or bolt much less, paint, engines or transmissions. You will not be paid for Internet surfing and even the naked girls will have to go back on the streets to peddle their goodies.


The demonstrable fact that not one American politician holding high office comes forth and says the bankrupting of The Ford Motor Company cannot, shall not and will not happen is proof that they are in an organized conspiracy with the owners of the major news media to dehumanize the American People back into draft animals.


That most people, especially those in Congress, do not understand the basic economic driver for our economy is perhaps proof that the most Americans are already dehumanized draft animals. I hope notS


Think about it and know: Nothing can do as much damage to America, and the American People, as the bankruptcy of The Ford Motor Company. It will be worse for the country than nuclear obliteration. With The Ford Motor Company and other USA heavy industries the country could rebuild. Without them there is no possibility of any recovery from anything.


Without The Ford Motor Company you dear reader will be a real slave.


The indisputable signal that America is down for the final count, bullet in the head and rope around your neck will be if and when these three companies are acquired by foreign owners and all of their manufacturing operations removed to other markets.


Protest this with as much vociferation as you can, the life you love depends upon it.

Edited by craignorden
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Here goes: It is an easily demonstrable fact that everything good about modern America was created by The Ford Motor Company.

From the beginning of time and up until the early 1900s and the development and mass production of the automobile by Henry Ford, the founder of The Ford Motor Company, the vast portion of the population walked from here to there and worked barefooted like draft animals on farms.


If the reader will do a little traveling to the interior of Mexico, Russia, China, Vietnam, Rumania, Poland, Turkey, Brazil and Kazakhstan to name just a few places he will see real live people walking barefooted and working like draft animals. This is pointed out to show the curious how modern people live when they do not have a domestic automobile manufacturing industry.


The first mechanized transportation came with the railroads in about 1850. Railroads did not serve a statistically significant portion of the population. By 1875 street cars were coming into use in the largest cities, being first pulled by horses.


With the advent of Henry Ford's Model T automobile regular men of normal intelligence had for the first time in the history of the earth the ability to get their own goods to market. The importance of this simple fact cannot be overestimated, it is the linchpin, the main spring of our American material well being. It is how the Americans became the richest people on earth, and why everyone wanted to come here: they could open a shop and make something useful and get to market.


General Motors is a copy of Ford by a consortium of American investors. So was Chrysler. The synergy of these three businesses and the developments of Thomas Edison created and made manifest everything that we love about modern America.


Simultaneous with the development of the automobile, The Ford Motor Company also invented and put into place the device called a tractor. This machine liberated hundreds of millions of men and women from the incomprehensible drudgery of subsistence farming world wide.


These tractors were also used to power portable lumber mills, water well drilling and some mining equipment. With this tool it did not take long for the intelligent segment of the population to start making things and get them to market. In a few short years, other men built machines that could fly, wash clothes, cook meals and weave socks.


When we hear talk in the media of Ford or GM going bankrupt or being bought out by the Communist Chinese Government S. and the ignorant commentary eructed by the stupid and uneducated American talking heads, bipeds who never made so much as a wooden candle holder in junior high school, then it is necessary for those of us who know something about this subject to attempt to shed a little light on it.


Here goes: It is an easily demonstrable fact that everything good about modern America was created by The Ford Motor Company. This includes every industrial device ever created or manufactured and all the benefit this has brought our families and country. Every little girl playing piano is the direct result of good parents and the industrial activity created by The Ford Motor Company.


The global steel industry was created by The Ford Motor Company. Prior to autos, steel in limited amounts was used for the railroads and the making of guns and shrapnel for war. Ford can be credited with supplying the demand for enough steel of the many shapes and grades to build the America the reader sees when he looks at the skyline of any city.


Ford can also be credited with causing the glass industry to expand exponentially.


With the manufacture of millions of cars comes tens of millions of rubber tires and a demand for copper wire and the beginnings of electrical controls.


Gears and rivits provided a hundred thousand good jobs and sent thousands of young men and women to medical school.


The machine tool industry and everything that spun off from it was a creation of The Ford Motor Company.


Edison developed the cement that is used make the concrete used to build our roads. Without the Ford cars there would have been no roads. The reader would be accustomed to walking on dirtS


Ford also created the airline industry and the planes to support it. The first airliner was the Ford Tri Motor.


It is not a stretch to note that every manufactured item anyone surfing the Internet can see was a direct result of the industry created around The Ford Motor Company.


It is also a demonstrable fact that in just 120 years more people have had their lives made livable as a direct result of the operations of The Ford Motor Company than all the religious figures, politicians, doctors, do gooders and wars for peace combined since the beginning of time.


The great Bill Gates could not have done anything without the foundation laid before by The Ford Motor Company.


Because the high technology product of The Ford Motor Company liberated mankind from the status of draft animals the super rich quickly realized that their monopoly on power was beginning to wane. The super rich, who profited handsomely from doing business with the Ford Motor Company, began to make war on it. Now, after 110 years of concentrated war the super rich are about to kill The Ford Motor Company which is also the America the reader knows and gets his meals and shelter from and has his future with.


Hillary Clinton described campaigning and politics before the Americans as: people who like simple stories with happy endings.


The basic concept of economic war with all of its nodes, networks and gateways is probably too difficult for most people to be interested in comprehending. The typically ignorant as well as the extremely stupid, with considerable provocation from the news media, have managed to equate the US auto companies with other businesses like phone or carpet installation companies, but obviously not as important as a stock brokerage firm. Imagine that.


Here are some of the elements of the war against Ford (and the rest of the USA heavy manufacturing): enormous taxation nightmarish health care requirements unconscionable union demands backed by the full force of the military of the USA restriction of bank credit government forced design changes, ie: plastic bumpers, but not the good stuff takeover and subversion of the Ford Foundation into the antitheses of The Ford Motor Company destruction of the family of Henry Ford destruction of the dealership network established by Ford installation of an Egyptian as President of Ford whose every move lost money, wrecked the product and helped to ruin the dealer network the forced outsourcing of manufacturing to third world locations the hobbling of the engineering staff of The Ford Motor Company who could, if they were allowed to, build UFO's and cars that never needed any fuel at allS


Early in the 1990*s GM was ordered by elements of the US government to open manufacturing plants in China of face a bankrupting recall of every car it had ever built. The GM Board of Directors protested, to no avail or relief, that such would lead to a weakening of their domestic operations, America.


Those in control of the labor unions, protected by the government, piled on and forced unconscionable elements like $75 per hour wages into their contracts but still Ford and GM survived, so powerful was the economy they created.


Perhaps the reader remembers this exchange between Larry King of CNN and candidate for president George W. Bush during the 2000 election theatrics:


King: *So, what you are saying is that no one ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the American People?


Bush: *Well Larry you know I cannot give you a direct answer to that and be truthful but yea, I know what you are saying.*


This, the situation with the Big 3 Auto Makers, is one of the moments they were talking about.


The American people, damnably fat and lazy with all these creature comforts, and bamboozled with negative subliminal programming in the open air mind control arcade cannot now see or understand what is about to happen.


This is what is about to happen: If America loses the domestic ownership and operations of The Ford Motor Company, GM and Chrysler then the people can expect to return to draft animal status in short order.


It is that serious.


Here is how you will return to draft animal status: The new foreign owners will not use American suppliers for even one screw, nut, or bolt much less, paint, engines or transmissions. You will not be paid for Internet surfing and even the naked girls will have to go back on the streets to peddle their goodies.


The demonstrable fact that not one American politician holding high office comes forth and says the bankrupting of The Ford Motor Company cannot, shall not and will not happen is proof that they are in an organized conspiracy with the owners of the major news media to dehumanize the American People back into draft animals.


That most people, especially those in Congress, do not understand the basic economic driver for our economy is perhaps proof that the most Americans are already dehumanized draft animals. I hope notS


Think about it and know: Nothing can do as much damage to America, and the American People, as the bankruptcy of The Ford Motor Company. It will be worse for the country than nuclear obliteration. With The Ford Motor Company and other USA heavy industries the country could rebuild. Without them there is no possibility of any recovery from anything.


Without The Ford Motor Company you dear reader will be a real slave.


The indisputable signal that America is down for the final count, bullet in the head and rope around your neck will be if and when these three companies are acquired by foreign owners and all of their manufacturing operations removed to other markets.


Protest this with as much vociferation as you can, the life you love depends upon it.

ZZZZZZ.....Huh, what? Did he finally stop. So you are pro Ford and anti UAW?
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It would be a sad day if the " Arsenal of Democracy" got kicked to the curb.





Jim Bunning, U.S. Senator in Kentucky, yesterday voted against assistance for American Automakers to avoid bankruptcy.




Jim Bunning is an ex Detroit Tiger who made a good living off the devoted Detroit fans hard earned dollars over the years. His celebrity allowed him to move on after retiring from baseball to run for the Senate as a Republican.




Bunning voted against aid for the autoworkers that helped pay his wages as a Tiger for many years.




This highly paid member of Congress is going to come to Michigan this weekend and will be signing autographs at the Gibraltar Trade Center. The attached website gives the details.




Here’s the kicker – autographs will cost you between $7.00 and $55.00, depending on the item you have signed.


I say to hell with Jim Bunning!!! Boycott the signing or at least avoid Bunning like he is doing to us!!!




Pass this on for Support





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Jim Bunning, U.S. Senator in Kentucky, yesterday voted against assistance for American Automakers to avoid bankruptcy.




Jim Bunning is an ex Detroit Tiger who made a good living off the devoted Detroit fans hard earned dollars over the years. His celebrity allowed him to move on after retiring from baseball to run for the Senate as a Republican.




Bunning voted against aid for the autoworkers that helped pay his wages as a Tiger for many years.




This highly paid member of Congress is going to come to Michigan this weekend and will be signing autographs at the Gibraltar Trade Center. The attached website gives the details.




Here’s the kicker – autographs will cost you between $7.00 and $55.00, depending on the item you have signed.


I say to hell with Jim Bunning!!! Boycott the signing or at least avoid Bunning like he is doing to us!!!




Pass this on for Support





I would do more than boycott this! They would be escorting me out of the trade center.I might fly out just to scream in this douchebags face and have a free night in the Taylor county Hotel.

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