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You would be much better off if you exhausted your unemployment prior to using your TAP benefit, since TAP is only 50% of your gross weekly income which is also offset by your unemployment, so your TAP benefit after unemployment would be next to nothing. However the agreement states that if you opt out of your TAP benefit you would be given a lump sum payment of $10,000 plus your maximum TAP benefit you would be eligible for, However if you chose this option you would forfeit all recall rights. Not much of a choice. hopefully this information was helpful. But make sure you talk to a Union rep before making any decisions.

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We have some folks in our Local now getting TAP. They are in week 2. I dont know what state you are in, but in Ohio, unemployment runs a week behind SUB, so the last week you file unemployment, that will kick in your TAP.


You can receive TAP 3 ways.


1) File your unemployment as normal. The unemployment office then sends an electronic message to Ford letting them know you filed. TAP is figured your base wage ($28.50 X 50% X 40) or ($28.59 X 20 ((this is a little easier))). Then TAP subtracts what you are getting from unemployment. Lets use round numbers. If you get $600 from TAP and you get $400 from unemployment, then TAP subtracts the unemployment.

$600 TAP - $400 unemployment = $200 from TAP. Giving you a total of $600.00 for the week. $200 from TAP + $400 from unemployment.


2) You go out and find a job that pays more than your unemployment benefit. Using the numbers from example #1, you gross $401 dollars or more from your other job, take that pay stub to labor relations, fill out a SUB-type card, they process it, and you will get the full $600 from TAP. Giving you a total of (whatever your tax rate is) dollars from your new job + a taxed TAP benefit at your normal tax rate. You can do well with this method.


3) You go get a job, you only gross (using the same numbers as example #1) $200 from the new job. You then have to file unemployment because unemployment usually pays you $400, so unemployment then pays you $200. Your TAP is then $600 - $200 (unemployment) = $400.00 + what ever you get at your new job. TAP will NOT pay you the full benefit unless you exceed the full amount allowed from unemployment, in example #1 it is $400.


#3 is a bit confusing at first. If you are rejected from unemployment, you WILL NOT get a TAP benefit.


TAP only subtracts unemployment benefits NOTHNG ELSE! (other than regular taxes)!



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But make sure you talk to a Union rep before making any decisions.



You can say that again, I would not even consider giving up my recall rites, unless I had other marketable skills that would replace my job at Ford. Unfortunately even having an education and credentials doesn't guarantee you a job anymore!

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