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Once just Once ?


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I went on a limb, (gave my support to the agreement) like so many other members. I was hopeful and ran right into the same puddle of who knows what, as others....


Could we get those that sat at the table on the same page? (why was there only 2 members at the press conference?) Then could we have the people that sat at the table get those at the Regional offices on the same line? And I mean please could we try real hard to bring the Local people that sell these things some where in the same paragraph??


Ok, I had limited information I know, but the hope level was high, the stress level was higher and my open mind said... Ok, if I keep this or that dosen`t change and I see the same money per hour, I can live with it.


Well, then the Highlights, the Q&A Regional information meetings, the White Papers, Red Books and our Local Rep`s stating how they thought the Regional Rep`s looked and acted unclear on a lot of issues and things or had multiple answers for the same questions (not all remotely the same). Then the comment "we`re not having a meeting, its their contract International can explain it". Now we have Local district Rep`s handing out fliers stating THERE IS NO CAP ON PROFIT SHARING..... when asked who is behind this handout well the response from our district Rep was, International Rep`s? Members asked why there was no letter head or union bug, once again the Rep`s stated " I don`t know I was told to hand it out and they made a mistake"?


Why can`t we get this right? One group tells the next group then that group tells the next that tells us... Really if they come up with an agreement and everybody listens and asks questions to come up to the same level of understanding why then, all this confusion? Really, how would you guys expect to sell anything?


I have an E-board member handing out a letter in some kind of support of the agreement and I have E-board members that still look like they are not sure what to do. (little or no engagement on the contract) Then one E-board member that is standing strong with his stance that he had before this contract thing came to ahead. But, everybody states that they are not sure about the facts, I mean Regional wasn`t sure, either.... they keep saying. Now the district rep`s being forced to hand out a letter and to tell the membership there was a mistake.


Once just Once, could we try this selling of this or any agreement a little bit better? Information about the product backed up by facts = SALE .....cha ching


Ok, I know one of you veteran poster`s is going to throw in something about my two references to high and higher. Come on lets all giggle together, hehehe...


Dam, I`d hate to be walking point with you guys. I`d take a quick look and you guys would be gone on every path possible... the saying "couldn`t sell ice to people in hell" keeps coming to mind.


A, no membership meeting, go look on line, its not in the White Pages, but, the Red Books look like the White pages with a red cover... very uninformed, Decker.


Please, I mean no offense to anyone. But, dam we could have used those members that work part time in retail to help sell this agreement.... want cheese on that???


just venting,


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