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UAW members interested in POLITICAL solution, read this


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This is true Davdog, so very true.


Personally, I believe that Ford and GM will go that way in this contract, except for those with the very highest seniority.


And let me tell ya all under 40 something, TAKE IT!!!!!!




Because if the UAW would've allowed Ford to go this route 20 years ago, you would not be a trapped rat wondering what to do.......buyout, or stay. You see, a 401k is YOUR money, not Fords, and they can never take it away from you like they can retirement.


Why did the UAW insist upon standard retirement instead of a 401k with some sort of match?


Well, I was not there, but I can give an OPINION as to why. You decide if it sounds right, a little right, or waaaaaay off base, lolol.


REMEMBER< THIS IS OPINION----------------->Years ago(not that many years mind you) when the choice came up, I believe that the UAW could see that GM, Chrysler, or Ford could have some sort of problem with each other, or the transplants.


When the 401k came up, it was also around the time that the rule was made that for every 2 that leave, only one had to be replaced in the ranks. I propose that the UAW did NOT want to allow the ability to have a "retirement in a suitcase," since if they did and were laid off, they may never return. Also, the people who had accrued money with more seniority could leave at any time. The only thing to hold them was the health benefits, and at that time they were still reasonably affordable.


In other words, in my OPINION, it was the best way to keep the members indentured servants that pay dues. Leave, and by the time you got to collect S.S. your partial retirement woulda been eaten up by inflation, so you stayed. Even if you had other opportunitys, you stayed or basically lost it all to inflation.


Understand, a 401k would more than likely continued to grow!


And finally, to those bassackwards people who do not wish the government, the company, or yourselves to invest anything except into a bank account that actually loses money after inflation------------->look what has happened to the airline retirees, and what might happen to the auto retirees. Not to mention, if the stockmarket for some reason collapses, most all these companys will go in to the tank with it, meaning retirement is gone anyway.


From my way of thinking, a 401K is MY MONEY. If I screw the pooch through indifference, then I deserve to be poor. But what have YOU done to deserve Fords retirement to be in jeapordy? NOTHING, thats what!!!


Take the 401k with as much match as you can get, and if you even remotely believe the scenario that I laid out as to why we have regular retirement as opposed to 401Ks, tell the unions in this instance-------->to go F*** themselves.


Understand------------>Standard retirement..........company/union decideds when you can leave, if you can leave, and by changing contracts around, how much money you may or may not get.


401K-------------->Hell with em, you know what you do, or do not have, and if the market roars when you are 30 making you a millionaire.........ADIOS AMIGOS, lololololol!!!!!!!!!!!

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And let me tell ya all under 40 something, TAKE IT!!!!!!




Because if the UAW would've allowed Ford to go this route 20 years ago, you would not be a trapped rat wondering what to do.......buyout, or stay. You see, a 401k is YOUR money, not Fords, and they can never take it away from you like they can retirement.


Why did the UAW insist upon standard retirement instead of a 401k with some sort of match?


Well, I was not there, but I can give an OPINION as to why. You decide if it sounds right, a little right, or waaaaaay off base, lolol.


REMEMBER< THIS IS OPINION----------------->Years ago(not that many years mind you) when the choice came up, I believe that the UAW could see that GM, Chrysler, or Ford could have some sort of problem with each other, or the transplants.


When the 401k came up, it was also around the time that the rule was made that for every 2 that leave, only one had to be replaced in the ranks. I propose that the UAW did NOT want to allow the ability to have a "retirement in a suitcase," since if they did and were laid off, they may never return. Also, the people who had accrued money with more seniority could leave at any time. The only thing to hold them was the health benefits, and at that time they were still reasonably affordable.


In other words, in my OPINION, it was the best way to keep the members indentured servants that pay dues. Leave, and by the time you got to collect S.S. your partial retirement woulda been eaten up by inflation, so you stayed. Even if you had other opportunitys, you stayed or basically lost it all to inflation.


Understand, a 401k would more than likely continued to grow!


And finally, to those bassackwards people who do not wish the government, the company, or yourselves to invest anything except into a bank account that actually loses money after inflation------------->look what has happened to the airline retirees, and what might happen to the auto retirees. Not to mention, if the stockmarket for some reason collapses, most all these companys will go in to the tank with it, meaning retirement is gone anyway.


From my way of thinking, a 401K is MY MONEY. If I screw the pooch through indifference, then I deserve to be poor. But what have YOU done to deserve Fords retirement to be in jeapordy? NOTHING, thats what!!!


Take the 401k with as much match as you can get, and if you even remotely believe the scenario that I laid out as to why we have regular retirement as opposed to 401Ks, tell the unions in this instance-------->to go F*** themselves.


Understand------------>Standard retirement..........company/union decideds when you can leave, if you can leave, and by changing contracts around, how much money you may or may not get.


401K-------------->Hell with em, you know what you do, or do not have, and if the market roars when you are 30 making you a millionaire.........ADIOS AMIGOS, lololololol!!!!!!!!!!!



So very TRUE!!


Present situation they control you.


As we are all finding out and blaming this one or that one. Give me a 401K and let me control my own destiny, which ever way it leads at least I can't be held down by anybody.

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Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.

John F. Kennedy



Just a quote I found that everyone should understand. You hear some say no because he's a Dem. What have the Repubs come up with? Who cares, we need to get beyond all this and find an answer.

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Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.

John F. Kennedy

Just a quote I found that everyone should understand. You hear some say no because he's a Dem. What have the Repubs come up with? Who cares, we need to get beyond all this and find an answer.


So true Mr Cap, so true.


Ya gotta wonder where politicians who mean what they say, then do it, have gone.

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On the party issue, it seems like a game they play with us.




The US-backed special tribunal in Baghdad signalled Monday that it will likely delay a verdict in the first trial of Saddam Hussein to November 5. Why hasn't the mainstream media connected the dots between the Saddam's judgment day and the midterm elections?


"For sure. That November 5 date is designed to show some progress in Iraq. This is the last full news-cycle day in the US before the elections. It'll be Monday. And the American public will see Saddam condemned to death and see it as a positive thing.


"When you look at polling figures," Horton said," there have been three significant spike points. One was the date on which Saddam was captured. The second was the purple fingers election. The third was Zarqawi being killed. Based on those three, it's easy to project that they will get a mild bump out of this.


"After all, almost every newspaper reserves space for Iraq reporting every day. This just assures that they will have a positive news story to feature. I find it amazing not that journalists don't editorialize on this, but that they report the story without even noting that this is right before the midterm elections. That's pretty amazing to me!


"This is not coincidence," he continued. "Nothing in Iraq that's set up this far in advance is coincidental. Look at Michael Gordon's book Cobra II. One of the points he drives home is how everything in the battle for Baghdad was scripted for US media consumption.


"In fact, in my experience, everything that comes out of Baghdad is very carefully prepared for American domestic consumption.

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Wonder why we don't have a national energy policy or a serious push toward alternatives? Follow the money that oil and gas companies send to Congress.



Amazed that Washington loves to talk about energy research with promise 15 years down the road, but won't put significant money into alternative technologies that could reduce energy consumption now?


Money and politics go hand in hand

No matter how the elections turn out this year, of course, the connection between money and politicians will survive. Incumbents of both parties know that taking the money out of politics -- I mean, really taking it out -- would destroy one of most effective tools they have for assuring their own re-election. Taking the money out of campaigns is less likely than the Easter Bunny passing out eggs in January.


So vote your convictions. Throw this year's bums out. They certainly deserve it. Then watch to see which newly elected politicians start quickly to work to become next year's bums.


And always remember the great American humorist Finley Peter Dunne's advice: "Trust everybody, but cut the cards."

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Last evening on the early network news with Katie Couric, Barouk Obama (did I spell that correctly) put forth an intriguing solution to the domestic automakers woes.


It went something like this------------->We need to decrease our dependance on foreign oil as it is costing OUR manufacturers jobs. In the interest of national security, we should offer our auto builders a deal. If they sign on to raise CAFE across the board, we should help finance it by offering to PAY THEIR RETIREES HEALTHCARE COSTS!!!!!!


Brothers and sisters, it is highly unlikely Mr. Obama was just shooting from the hip on this one. No my friends, it is MORE likely that his party had something to do with his delivering of this idea.


From our perspective, let us look at what that idea actually would do------------>level the playing field extensively, and without discrimination to our foreign competitors on our shores. I mean, just as it is not THEIR fault they have no retirees so we are screwed, it is not OUR fault that they do not, therefore get no government help with them for signing on to increase CAFE standards.


Excellent circumvention of cutting out automakers NOT in trouble, and helping those who actually need it!!!!


I personally would like to meet the man or woman who managed to think "out of the box" enough to figure a way to do this!!!!!


Anyway, the point is..........we should investigate this idea, who is for or against it, and regardless of party affiliation, INSURE WE CAST OUR VOTE FOR THEM!!!!!!


You see, they have actually devised a way to help..........without looking as if they are helping..........while giving credence to lowering our need for foreign oil.


May I suggest that even if it might be distasteful to some to vote repub or dem, whomever sees this as a stellar idea has actually decided to TRY and save SOME of our manufacturing base, and anyone who sees that as bad as far as I am concerned, is elitist.


Not to mention---------->anyone who has the political moxie to devise such a thing and still look golden, is not STUPID!!!!! We have enough STUPID politicians wrangling, time to get some smart ones.


Check with your politicians, and any info you get, please keep all of us informed!


I am not 100% sold on the idea, but you must give credit for somebody finally thinking outside of the box.

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