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Salaried Employee Pension Survivor benefit?

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I called Ford for information for pension for salaried employees to see if there is a survivor benefit after an employees death. He was retired in the 90’s and just passed away. Trying to find out some info because the person I talked to couldn’t tell me anything , I’d have to wait 60-90 days. Seems unreasonable. I just want to know if there’s a benefit or not.  He would not have been in UAW. 

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Survivor Benefit is set up at time of retirement. I retired in 2017 and the "standard" was 2/3 benefit. 50%, 100% and 0% were options. To select anything other than 2/3 required spousal approval. This assumes the spouse was on the employees record, were married at the time of retirement. Believe when I retired also included same sex domestic partners when declared. Information was needed as the benefit amount change based on the age of the spouse or SSDP.

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