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Tax Cuts for who the top 1%


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The Roaring Twenties was a period of unprecedented prosperity, brought on by the booming auto industry. Everyone jumped on the bandwagon and bought stocks. They pushed it too far, and in 1929, the stock market crashed. There were no safety nets, so many people who had moved off the farm to work in factories were helpless. The Great Depression spawned many opportunists who took advantage of the situation. The socialist FDR was elected in 1932. The socialist, Hitler was elected in Germany, and the socialist, Stalin ruled the USSR. The socialist, Mussolini was in power in Italy. The socialist, Hiro Hito ruled Japan. The socialist, Chamberlain was Prime Minister of Britain. Socialism became the fad. Then Hitler started invading other countries, and Mussolini became his ally. Suddenly they were branded as rightwingers. Nothing could have been further from the truth. They were all cut from the same cloth. The west allied themselves with Stalin, the worst mass murderer of the 20th century. FDR gave the Americans the medicine of socialism. It was poison. Today millions live in poverty because they are third or fourth generation welfare recipients, thanks to FDR's "New Deal". They do not have a clue how to be self-sufficient. On the other hand, new immigrants from communist countries, who have spent their whole lives figuring out ways to beat the communist system, soon become rich here. Cut taxes and social programs, and force people to learn how to survive on their own. Otherwise, we will go the way of The Roman Empire. China is quickly overtaking us. Communism will beat Socialism. Capitalism beats Communism.

Edited by Trimdingman
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Warning, sarcasm ahead...


Saddam and Bin Laden were buddies. Now that we invaded & occupied a country that had NOTHING to do with 9/11, we are now safer because it is the "war on terror" and it's "better to fight them there then here". What the hell is a Shiite, Sunni or Kurd anyway? Aren't they all effin raghead Islamic something or others?


Sarcasm over...


What bullshit. Hopefully this crap will make people want to do a little more research before voting.


Saddam and Bin Laden were not buddies. They were enemies. Al Queda was formed to defend Saudi Arabia in case Iraq tried to invade them.


We had Iraq under our thumb. Bush's reasoning for invading Iraq was WMD. Remember that bullshit? Oh whoops, never found none of that. On to the backup plan. We are there to free an oppressed people. That'd be the shiite's and kurds? Unfortunately when we leave, the Shiites(who are allied with Iran) will oppress the Sunni's and kurds. All we did was waste a bunch of young american lives and money to fuck up the balance in the middle east and give Iran a new ally. Do you people read anything besides what Bush or Limbaugh or O'riley says? Ignorant fuckers.

[The above words are not mine. I am quoting chkchka.]


"WMD" is a red herring that the left is using to evade the issue. The war is, and always has been, against terror. Terrorists are in Iraq, are they not? They are blowing people up almost on a daily basis, so they must be. You cannot prove a negative; so the left cannot prove that there are no WMDs. It is a stupid term to keep harping on, anyway. The training bases were in Afghanistan. The product is in Iraq. Just open your eyes. We WANT to "fuck up the balance in the Middle East". We want to get rid of the dictators, and give them Democracy, so that there will be no more terrorists. Otherwise, in twenty years or so, they will defeat us, or at least give us a run for our money. Taking them out twenty years down the road would cost tens of millions of lives. It is best that we do it now. If we had taken out the Nazis in 1936, many millions of lives would have been saved, or are you on their side, too? Iran is.


You are afraid that the enemy will get mad at us, and get new allies? That is what we want. We need to take them all out, whoever they are. You must have a soft spot for these creatures. Naziism=Fascism=Communism=Muslim Tyrrany. Socialists envy them. Freedom to a socialist is like a cross to Dracula. They can't make it, so they need to be supported by those who can. They need to be ruled by a dictator who will take hard-working peoples' money and give a little of it to them. Losers like to stick it to winners, even if it costs them. Socialists make me sick.


OMFG get a god damn clue. The people who are from Iraq blowing people up are not terrorists. They are rebels. Yes the people from outside the country I would call terrorists but there are many reasons the Iraqi's are blowing people up(political, religious, or because of the occupation).

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They want to kill us. They always have. Either they, or we have to go. Before, they were a joke. Now they have potential, through oil wealth. We now have to take them seriously. Your surrenderist mentality is a product of socialism. You always expect someone else to take care of you, and you always look for good in your enemies. Everyone has some good in them. Enemies look real good to me when they are dead. If you love them so much, why don't you start up your own terrorist cell in your neighbourhood. Maybe there is already one there, and maybe they will let you join it.

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chkchka still hasn't answered what percentage in taxes are to much for him/her to stand.


You see, they won't quantify an answer, because if they do and attempt to back out when the threshold is reached, they lose all credibility.


They DESPISE a certain segment of the population so much, it is akin to racism or being an anti-semite. All you need do to draw their contempt is make a few bucks more than they do!!!!!!


Let me rephrase that--------------->you do NOT need to have more money than they did for them to despise you; even if you made less and invested it wisely creating wealth, they think you are dispicable anyway.


These type of people forget what this nation was founded on, and it certainly wasn't taking from the rich and giving it all to the poor either. If that were the case, we woulda plundered all the bank accounts left in Europe after we saved their rearends in WWII.


Maybe chkchka should think about begining to act like an American go getter, instead of acting like the fabled, "Robin(of the) Hood," as it is exactly opposite of what you propose.


You see, Robin (of the) Hood took money from the rich who got their money by taxing poor people, and gave it back to them. (yay team!!!!)


On the other hand, you propose to take money from people who earned it, and give it to yourself and politicians, CAUSE IT AIN'T FAIR.


If the mentality permeating this country was totally like yours; if I was supremely wealthy, I would take my money and factorys, and move them to a far less taxing authority too..............which is one of the main reasons MOST intelligent people have some money invested in foreign funds.


Do you?


If you do, you have no room to talk!!!


If you don't, we now have at least one clue why you think the rich stole all their money.....................cause you are to dizzy to figure out how they made what they did, leaving you in the dust to whine like a baby.

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chkchka still hasn't answered what percentage in taxes are to much for him/her to stand.


You see, they won't quantify an answer, because if they do and attempt to back out when the threshold is reached, they lose all credibility.


They DESPISE a certain segment of the population so much, it is akin to racism or being an anti-semite. All you need do to draw their contempt is make a few bucks more than they do!!!!!!


Let me rephrase that--------------->you do NOT need to have more money than they did for them to despise you; even if you made less and invested it wisely creating wealth, they think you are dispicable anyway.


These type of people forget what this nation was founded on, and it certainly wasn't taking from the rich and giving it all to the poor either. If that were the case, we woulda plundered all the bank accounts left in Europe after we saved their rearends in WWII.


Maybe chkchka should think about begining to act like an American go getter, instead of acting like the fabled, "Robin(of the) Hood," as it is exactly opposite of what you propose.


You see, Robin (of the) Hood took money from the rich who got their money by taxing poor people, and gave it back to them. (yay team!!!!)


On the other hand, you propose to take money from people who earned it, and give it to yourself and politicians, CAUSE IT AIN'T FAIR.


If the mentality permeating this country was totally like yours; if I was supremely wealthy, I would take my money and factorys, and move them to a far less taxing authority too..............which is one of the main reasons MOST intelligent people have some money invested in foreign funds.


Do you?


If you do, you have no room to talk!!!


If you don't, we now have at least one clue why you think the rich stole all their money.....................cause you are to dizzy to figure out how they made what they did, leaving you in the dust to whine like a baby.


I propose taking money from the rich, who own the corporations(like Wal-Mart) that exploit not only local economies but foreign "slave" labor and pay subsistent wages that have to be compensated by government programs that come out of the taxes that the middle class take the brunt of paying.


If I made a million dollars, and there was a 50% tax rate, I would still be making 500k which is more than 5x what I'm making now. If you don't come from money I'm thinking you would be grateful to be making that kind of dough and appreciating the system that allowed you to advance and get a job like that.


As far as the wealthy and corporations leaving, aren't they already doing that? If it becomes such an issue perhaps the lawmakers need to address that. Lowering taxes is not the answer.

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If I made a million dollars, and there was a 50% tax rate, I would still be making 500k which is more than 5x what I'm making now. If you don't come from money I'm thinking you would be grateful to be making that kind of dough and appreciating the system that allowed you to advance and get a job like that.


As far as the wealthy and corporations leaving, aren't they already doing that? If it becomes such an issue perhaps the lawmakers need to address that. Lowering taxes is not the answer.

So just throw away the other 500,000?


Why are they leaving? Are the taxes getting to much? Are there to many Government regulations? By taxes do they control how they do buisness? It's probably all of them.


Your Government has grown way to big.

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So just throw away the other 500,000?


Why are they leaving? Are the taxes getting to much? Are there to many Government regulations? By taxes do they control how they do buisness? It's probably all of them.


Your Government has grown way to big.


Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot...


Thanks for visiting our board though!

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Wal-Mart provides jobs for people in third world countries, who otherwise would be begging in the streets, or prostituting. Maybe we are now paying some of these countries less in foreign aid because of Wal-Mart. Paying lower prices for goods is the same as getting a tax cut. Why would anyone go into a store and want the prices to be higher? I hope that all retailers copy Wal-Mart. They are going to have to if they want to survive. If we are losing so many jobs, how come the unemployment rate is at a near record low? If the wages are so low, who is buying all these half million dollar and up houses? Cutting taxes is good for the economy. Giving people money for doing nothing stifles initiative, and is bad for the economy. The money belongs to the person who earned it, not the government. That is Communism. Communism was a big failure. In the end, everyone becomes poor, except those high up in the party. The people revolt, and the government kills them by the millions. Read some history.

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Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot...


Thanks for visiting our board though!


Who said Rush?


Thanks for answering any questions!


Can you give a simple answer?



Here's my prediction: The Fair Tax will never become law. The two most powerful congressional committees are the House Ways and Means and the Senate Finance committees. These committees write tax law, and as such they are able to confer tax privileges on some Americans at the expense of other Americans. The Fair Tax would reduce or eliminate this form of congressional privilege-granting power and, subsequently, campaign contributions from the beneficiaries would dwindle.


If you take a look this is all they care about!



Wal-Mart provides jobs for people in third world countries, who otherwise would be begging in the streets, or prostituting. Maybe we are now paying some of these countries less in foreign aid because of Wal-Mart. Paying lower prices for goods is the same as getting a tax cut. Why would anyone go into a store and want the prices to be higher? I hope that all retailers copy Wal-Mart. They are going to have to if they want to survive. If we are losing so many jobs, how come the unemployment rate is at a near record low? If the wages are so low, who is buying all these half million dollar and up houses? Cutting taxes is good for the economy. Giving people money for doing nothing stifles initiative, and is bad for the economy. The money belongs to the person who earned it, not the government. That is Communism. Communism was a big failure. In the end, everyone becomes poor, except those high up in the party. The people revolt, and the government kills them by the millions. Read some history.

A different view on job losses.


How about the claim that our manufacturing jobs are going to China? The fact of business is, since 2000, China has lost 4.5 million manufacturing jobs, compared with the loss of 3.1 million in the U.S.


Job loss is the trend among the top 10 manufacturing countries who produce 75 percent of the world's manufacturing output (the U.S., Japan, Germany, China, Britain, France, Italy, Korea, Canada and Mexico). Only Italy has managed not to lose factory jobs since 2000.


Economist Joseph Schumpeter referred to this process witnessed in market economies as "creative destruction," where technology and innovation destroy some jobs while creating others. While the process works hardships on some, any attempt to impede the process will make all of us worse off.

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If I made a million dollars, and there was a 50% tax rate, I would still be making 500k which is more than 5x what I'm making now. If you don't come from money I'm thinking you would be grateful to be making that kind of dough and appreciating the system that allowed you to advance and get a job like that.



That may be true, but that is not the point!!!!!


You see, MOST of the rich people believe it or not, are small business owners. Not the extremely wealthy mind you, but those worth between 1 and 10 mil usually own a small business.


Now then, as autoworkers, we pay for our fuel in cars, our workclothes, (maybe) shoes, and wake up in the morning, and off to work we go.


The small business owner, lolololol. He/she invested their OWN money to build the business, taking a chance with their OWN money it would fail. Then, when they made maybe 200,000 a year, they again took a chance and expanded putting much of the money they made at risk again.


After doing that mutiple times, they now have a large net worth cause they took the chance and succeeded. Not to mention, their income is very high cause it was THEIR cash and hardwork that created the wealth.


These people employ many, many, many more than Ford does overall; not to mention most of the large companys we here about every day. When times get tough in the economy, they usually have to inject their own, PERSONAL cash into their business to keep it afloat, until the good economic times return.


These are the people you wish to hammer??????????? Those that are creating jobs for people!!!! And for what reason is that? So that the political partys can keep the spigot open to buy votes and lead this country in the direction the partys leaders want to?


You have stated that lowering taxes is not the way to go.


OK, how about this one----------------->how about you agree to 2/3 of the equation as a compromise.............we freeze taxes, and then tell them to cut spending to balance the budget? Unless it is time of DECLARED war, they can't spend one more nickel than they take in!!!!!!!


Again I ask you------------>what percentage do YOU believe is to much to pay in TOTAL taxes? I have already stated under 40% as of this point in time should be acceptable...........since anything lower would be a pipe dream at this juncture of our government largess.


We vote these people in on the presumption they will do the right thing, and make the difficult vote in congress. Instead, they play to their political bases, and tell them the other side sucks, and lets get them.


We have been programed by THEM to fight over the money, instead of THINKING and demanding they quit taking so much of it...........either party.........for any reason.........besides DECLARED WAR!!!!!


P.S. And if it is declared war, no pussy footing around, just destroy the enemy with EVERY means available. No prolonged bullshit as an excuse to pick your pocket!!!!!!!!!!

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If I made a million dollars, and there was a 50% tax rate, I would still be making 500k which is more than 5x what I'm making now. If you don't come from money I'm thinking you would be grateful to be making that kind of dough and appreciating the system that allowed you to advance and get a job like that.


As far as the wealthy and corporations leaving, aren't they already doing that? If it becomes such an issue perhaps the lawmakers need to address that. Lowering taxes is not the answer.

Now out of that 500,000. Do you think they should spend it how they want or you? Cut it in half. Now you have 250,000 more to spend or invest. Imagine that across the country. Don't you think it would create more jobs and more tax reciepts for the Gov? More people might consider getting a job instead of taking Government handouts from me and you.


The lawmakers are not supposed to be there to rape us or the wealthy. Maybe if they would start doing there job and stop spending our money things would change.


We are supposed to be the land of opportunity. Go out and make something of yourself, or whatever to make you happy. This country is becoming an opportunity to sit on your ass and collect handouts to no end. Real incentive to make something of yourself!!!!


Do yourself a favor - INVEST!

An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.

Benjamin Franklin

US author, diplomat, inventor, physicist, politician, & printer (1706 - 1790)

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This thread is about tax cuts for the top 1%. I realistically doubt any of you fall anywhere close to this category, yet you speak as if you sympathise with these "elitest".


I pay about 1/3 of my income to the sum of all taxes. I have never complained once about the amount I pay. The alternative to big government is NOT refusing to pay taxes.


To the idiot who claims unemployment is at record lows, here's some statistics that were in todays paper.


Income growth between 1990 and 2004:


Among the bottom 90%(that'd be us): 2%

Top 1%: 57%

Top .1 %: 85%

Top .01 %: 112%


The top 1% are in such need of a tax break. I don't know how 90% of us sleep at night worrying about how they will survive everyday.


Get a clue people. We are being exploited. A flat tax rate is a TAX CUT FOR THE RICH. A tax cut for the top 1% is a TAX CUT FOR THE RICH. Why in holy fucking hell would you support that? You people probably don't even know anyone who fits in this category and if you did they probably expect you to bow down to their holiness. We are all working so the elite can make more money. I'm not a socialist but I am for sharing the wealth a bit.

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Now out of that 500,000. Do you think they should spend it how they want or you? Cut it in half. Now you have 250,000 more to spend or invest. Imagine that across the country. Don't you think it would create more jobs and more tax reciepts for the Gov? More people might consider getting a job instead of taking Government handouts from me and you.


The lawmakers are not supposed to be there to rape us or the wealthy. Maybe if they would start doing there job and stop spending our money things would change.


We are supposed to be the land of opportunity. Go out and make something of yourself, or whatever to make you happy. This country is becoming an opportunity to sit on your ass and collect handouts to no end. Real incentive to make something of yourself!!!!


Do yourself a favor - INVEST!


In many ways, I agree with you; however, this is not quite the land of opportunity it once was. There was an interesting comparison between the differences of the U.S. and Europe and it is decidedly easier for the poor in Europe to succeed vs. the poor in this country. Later today, I will look for that paper and if I find it, post it.


As far as the dinner table analogy on taxes, it is misleading. It suggests the poor are getting a free ride i.e., free dinners. Not true. The fact of the matter is, the poor have nothing to give. Their everyday concerns are survival, and there is nothing left over for taxes.


We have already been through this repeatedly - feudalism. As of the last century is when wealth truly began to be distributed through a more progressive government. I fail to understand, especially those that have benefited from the policy as to why they are against it, go figure?


Look at the ones behind a flat tax, they are usually rich - Rockefeller comes to mind.


Does anyone really think autoworkers truly deserve all the money they make when others do the same work for a mere fraction? Are the countries that tolerate poor working conditions wrong for their unfair social practices, I think so? But instead of bringing them up to our level, we are sinking to theirs.

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This thread is about tax cuts for the top 1%. I realistically doubt any of you fall anywhere close to this category, yet you speak as if you sympathise with these "elitest".


I pay about 1/3 of my income to the sum of all taxes. I have never complained once about the amount I pay. The alternative to big government is NOT refusing to pay taxes.


To the idiot who claims unemployment is at record lows, here's some statistics that were in todays paper.


Income growth between 1990 and 2004:


Among the bottom 90%(that'd be us): 2%

Top 1%: 57%

Top .1 %: 85%

Top .01 %: 112%


The top 1% are in such need of a tax break. I don't know how 90% of us sleep at night worrying about how they will survive everyday.


Get a clue people. We are being exploited. A flat tax rate is a TAX CUT FOR THE RICH. A tax cut for the top 1% is a TAX CUT FOR THE RICH. Why in holy fucking hell would you support that? You people probably don't even know anyone who fits in this category and if you did they probably expect you to bow down to their holiness. We are all working so the elite can make more money. I'm not a socialist but I am for sharing the wealth a bit.


You ARE a socialist! You called me an idiot. How would you like me to make you look like one on a public forum? I will take pity on you. I will just say that you are slightly mis-guided. Money is like water. When it flows through the hands of those who know how to use it, it does good things, like irrigating the land, and growing crops. When it flows through the hands of government, it becomes polluted, and poisons the land. Free enterprise creates jobs, and spreads wealth. Government control stifles growth, and kills the economy. How's that for a metaphoric analogy, just off the top of my head? I am obviously older and wiser than you. Why don't you go out there and earn some money, yourself, and stop worrying because some people are better at it than you are. The money that the rich have was CREATED. They did not take it from someone else. Before they CREATED it, it did not EXIST. Get it?


From the statistics that you quoted, if they are accurate, (I don't automaticly believe anything that I read), it looks to me like a lot of people need to get off the government teat, and start learning to fend for themselves. Anyway, what does income growth rate have to do with the unemployment rate? What does the 2% mean. Is it adjusted for inflation? Does it mean that they got 2% of the bigger pie?

Us? Who is us? I am me. I look after myself. I don't worry if someone is more sucessful than I am. That would show weakness of character. I admire the pioneers who had nothing, but carved an existance out of the wilderness, more than I admire someone like Donald Trump (and I am sure that "The Donald" does too). People of that calibre to-day are few and far between, and the socialists, like you, are trying to get rid of them all because they are better than you.


What is your ancestry? Mine is pioneer. Many people immigrated to America, Canada included, after the pioneers made America a better place for them than where they came from. They didn't have the guts to make it there, so they fled here. They are not made of the stuff that made America great. They feed off America. I suspect that chkchka is one of those, or at least a sympathizer. He works, and wants to pay more taxes. He caters to the weak. I want to make the weak strong. He wants to make the strong weak. I believe that he has a subconscious Freudian desire to destroy America, because America is better than his, or his recent ancestors' motherland, and American people are better than his people.


Mr. chkchka, don't run away. I am interested in reading your rebuttal. Are you smarter than an "idiot"? Bury my ass if you can. Merry Christmas, or Happy PC Holidays. I hope that your Arab friends do not blow you up.

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As far as the dinner table analogy on taxes, it is misleading. It suggests the poor are getting a free ride i.e., free dinners. Not true. The fact of the matter is, the poor have nothing to give. Their everyday concerns are survival, and there is nothing left over for taxes.

If there not getting a free ride what do you call it?

The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.

Benjamin Franklin

I think they are happy surviving on our handouts. Why take the time to catch it if it can be given to you. Think about if we all went to there level, have nothing to give, we would have nothing.


Like I said think of it on the giant scale of how big our country is. The so called tax cuts we recieved amounted to a few dollars a check, but were said to give the economy a boost. Give me half of MY money back and see what happens. Now everybody has a wheelbarrow of money to spend, which creates jobs. Now more people have money to spend with there new jobs, which creates more jobs. Everyone would be happy (unless you were content with the handouts). You could spend your money however you wanted, not have someone take it and spend it how they want.


Could someone show me in US history where all this socialist big government stuff is. The only thing I found was from the one bad apple, Hamilton. This is not what our country was founded on, it is what they feared it would become.


Hey Ima, thought you would like this:

Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

Benjamin Franklin

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Look at the ones behind a flat tax, they are usually rich - Rockefeller comes to mind.


I did'nt see anyone like that behind this.


The alternative to big government is NOT refusing to pay taxes.

I'm not a socialist but I am for sharing the wealth a bit.

What is the alternative?

Why share the wealth? Did you, I, or any of the poor do anything to deserve it? What gives the lower people the right to share the wealth of the rich? Get out and work for it your damn self. Everybody has the same opportunity, the difference is what you choose. This is where we are not equal, to each his own.

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Why share the wealth? Did you, I, or any of the poor do anything to deserve it? What gives the lower people the right to share the wealth of the rich? Get out and work for it your damn self. Everybody has the same opportunity, the difference is what you choose. This is where we are not equal, to each his own.


On this, anyone but a socialist must agree!!!!!!!


Sharing is giving of your own free will, not being forced to give to an organization that someone chooses for you, such as the richest poor in the world.


Here is how we have screwed ourselves; or rather, have not payed attention to the PC bullshit, and now we are in a corner-------------->suppose you are a parent of 4 children on welfare or are being subsidized by the state. On welfare, you receive free health insurance, food stamps for the 5 of ya, and either free or subsidized rent. You probably are also receiving some help from a charitable organization along the way. It is not a very good existance to us, but you must be surviving as NONE OF us are reading about scores of poor people falling over dead from starvation.


Now you share the wealth people TELL ALL OF US-------------->what does that single parent have to earn per hour to REPLACE everything they now receive, BEFORE they make a single dollar for their effort in the workplace on a 40hr work week????????? Would they have to make MORE than some of you???????? Does that give ya a clue why many are content to stay right where they are!!!


That is why SHARING the wealth does NOT work if it is forced, and not shared by those who personally hold the purse strings under their own guidance.


How many of you have a relative, or know a person from long ago that you wouldn't give a nickel to, yet the government is!!!! And even if the government is not, then you are suggesting someone else pick up their FAIRSHARE in taxes............someone you don't even know just cause they have enough to do it.


It is just crazy that people do NOT understand that the ones screwing it up are users of the system.........just like at Ford. And just like at Ford, nobody wants to address the issue, instead they want to pass blame to people who have nothing to do with the problem. In other words-------------->you want the solution coming from an area where there is no problem and screw them, and let the problem continue where it is. THAT IS STUPID!! And of course, politicians realizing this reality, play BOTH sides like a fiddle.


It is highly unlikely that either political partys supporters will ever get their way for more than 6yrs. Why? Cause the politicians DO have a point about how the other party constantly is screwing up; the only thing is, they tell you this NOT to get themselves in and fix it, but rather to get themselves in and funnel the non-existent cash in the direction they want to. The people in the middle get tired of the same shit-different party, and vote the other party back in.


The only reason politicians can get away with this is------->we in the middle who ARE paying attention can not get enough political muscle until some of you from both sides wizen up, and join us. The best we can do is go back, and forth, letting all of you see that it is going to take a great statesman, and not any particular political party, to fix it for ourselves, and our children, before it is unfixable.

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I always find it funny when certain people try to bait others into a class war by calling tax cuts "cuts for the righ" or any of the other terms we hear today. Here are some statistics about the percentage of taxes paid by various levels of wage earners.




the top 50% pay nearly all the taxes with the top 1% paying over a third. so who is paying their "fair share" and who isnt?


I like the idea of replacing the income tax with a consumption tax (exempting basic necessities like food, water eetc.). That way the people who spend a lot, pay a lot (boats, houses etc...the "rich"). The people who save a lot, dont pay much. It kills two birds with one stone..promotes savings which, on the whole, this country is bad at, and is about as progressive as you get.


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I always find it funny when certain people try to bait others into a class war by calling tax cuts "cuts for the righ" or any of the other terms we hear today. Here are some statistics about the percentage of taxes paid by various levels of wage earners.




the top 50% pay nearly all the taxes with the top 1% paying over a third. so who is paying their "fair share" and who isnt?


I like the idea of replacing the income tax with a consumption tax (exempting basic necessities like food, water eetc.). That way the people who spend a lot, pay a lot (boats, houses etc...the "rich"). The people who save a lot, dont pay much. It kills two birds with one stone..promotes savings which, on the whole, this country is bad at, and is about as progressive as you get.



Your own stats show the rich are only getting richer. It doesn't look like they are suffering. It is not just the Bush tax cuts, it has been occuring since Nixon. The top 50% pay almost all the taxes, while it seems remarkable, it is only due to the large number of poor in this country.


Moreover, I find it sad or ignorant that people continually post these stats while leaving out other such vital information such as that the top 1% own more than the bottom 90% combined. There is a good reason that the top pay so much - because they have so much!

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Your own stats show the rich are only getting richer. It doesn't look like they are suffering. It is not just the Bush tax cuts, it has been occuring since Nixon. The top 50% pay almost all the taxes, while it seems remarkable, it is only due to the large number of poor in this country.


Moreover, I find it sad or ignorant that people continually post these stats while leaving out other such vital information such as that the top 1% own more than the bottom 90% combined. There is a good reason that the top pay so much - because they have so much!


Yes Methos, but the question remains---------->did they get it legally, or was it crooked!!!!!


You also fail to mention that wealth is not static but grows. What this means is that we do NOT have to transfer wealth from the rich to become wealthier, but we can grow our own and let them have theirs to keep.


We have seen Enron screw everyone, but what does that show????????------------->It shows me that people who are EMPLOYEES instead of owners have nothing to lose, since it is not their company at risk. Look at who really lost their rearends in that debacle; why the working stockholders of course........and should we really be surprised!!!!!!


To think many of us bemoan these STOCKHOLDERS terrible situation today; but if Enrons books were for real, you would proclaim many of them, THE EVIL RICH!!!!


RISK and REWARD!!!!!!!! One more time, RISK and REWARD.


How many so called RICH people in this, The United States of America, is old money????? (discounting the Kennedys and a few others of course..........and no offense to Kennedy supporters, cause I lived through JFK and wish he was still with us) These people MADE money by risk. They have employees cause they took risk. Some of you wanna clean their clock!!!!!


Why?????? Cause they are rich?


Why do you demand money to pay for people who live in squalor for a consistent long term? Are you suggesting that you are smarter than the people who are in squalor? Or, is it that to escape squalor, they must make more than you cause of the children they must support!!!! Or maybe it is just because you feel badly, and it is Christmas time, who knows.


If this is NOT their fault and the rest of societys fault, then shouldn't we pay more too since we are just as much to blame? Are we not equal citizens.......one vote........and we voted for it too!!!!


Having to much is perspective! The people on welfare would LOVE to live where I live; and LOVE to have what I have. They didn't earn it for 30yrs, I did! I would subcontract part of my job to help them, but it is not enough for them..............and why should it be, when they have an audience of people, willing to take from others who have earned it, and give it to them cause they bitch?


If you work for Ford and have a spouse that also works, you are in the top 50% easily............especially after you take into account your bennies of healthcare etc. LOOK IT UP!!!!!


Do you feel that rich? Are you/we rich? Now you know why you are making fools of yourselves, and since you aren't RICH enough to have lawyers and security systems to protect you, we will be some of the first to PAY OUR FAIR SHARE.


Congrats, guess what the general population says is correct when they say---------------->we are paid to much, we didn't earn it, and now they will prove it by giving it away to everyone else since it was free for them in the first place.


Remember that when THEY get up in time to watch Oprah, while you are shooting a screw and sweating, or freezing, or fighting with supervision to make a quality product!!!!!! It is YOUR lot in life to be middle class poverty pimps, and continue the viscious circle that supports those who will take from anyone, as opposed to trying to earn a living themselves!!!! It is just now, today, in this decade, it is the rich who the masses will force to pay. Next time, it will be you................and with the shortage of government cash, it won't be long.

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This thread is about tax cuts for the top 1%. I realistically doubt any of you fall anywhere close to this category, yet you speak as if you sympathise with these "elitest".


I pay about 1/3 of my income to the sum of all taxes. I have never complained once about the amount I pay. The alternative to big government is NOT refusing to pay taxes.


To the idiot who claims unemployment is at record lows, here's some statistics that were in todays paper.


Income growth between 1990 and 2004:


Among the bottom 90%(that'd be us): 2%

Top 1%: 57%

Top .1 %: 85%

Top .01 %: 112%


The top 1% are in such need of a tax break. I don't know how 90% of us sleep at night worrying about how they will survive everyday.


Get a clue people. We are being exploited. A flat tax rate is a TAX CUT FOR THE RICH. A tax cut for the top 1% is a TAX CUT FOR THE RICH. Why in holy fucking hell would you support that? You people probably don't even know anyone who fits in this category and if you did they probably expect you to bow down to their holiness. We are all working so the elite can make more money. I'm not a socialist but I am for sharing the wealth a bit.


Just to let you know, the latest stats on the millionaires in this country is, 92% of them are 1st generation

millionaires. Let me splain it fur ya. That means they earned it themselves.

I see you read the papers,do believe everything you read in them. I'm sure you do seeing how they are libral, pinko comie fags just like you. Just to let you know I can bring myself down to your level , but you'll never make it up here with the rest of us who like to prospur. Bite on that one big boy!

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Just to let you know, the latest stats on the millionaires in this country is, 92% of them are 1st generation

millionaires. Let me splain it fur ya. That means they earned it themselves.

I see you read the papers,do believe everything you read in them. I'm sure you do seeing how they are libral, pinko comie fags just like you. Just to let you know I can bring myself down to your level , but you'll never make it up here with the rest of us who like to prospur. Bite on that one big boy!



Hey, get in line. I am before you in the gauntlet. I believe that he skinned out.

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Yes Methos, but the question remains---------->did they get it legally, or was it crooked!!!!!


You also fail to mention that wealth is not static but grows. What this means is that we do NOT have to transfer wealth from the rich to become wealthier, but we can grow our own and let them have theirs to keep.


We have seen Enron screw everyone, but what does that show????????------------->It shows me that people who are EMPLOYEES instead of owners have nothing to lose, since it is not their company at risk. Look at who really lost their rearends in that debacle; why the working stockholders of course........and should we really be surprised!!!!!!


To think many of us bemoan these STOCKHOLDERS terrible situation today; but if Enrons books were for real, you would proclaim many of them, THE EVIL RICH!!!!


RISK and REWARD!!!!!!!! One more time, RISK and REWARD.


How many so called RICH people in this, The United States of America, is old money????? (discounting the Kennedys and a few others of course..........and no offense to Kennedy supporters, cause I lived through JFK and wish he was still with us) These people MADE money by risk. They have employees cause they took risk. Some of you wanna clean their clock!!!!!


Why?????? Cause they are rich?


Why do you demand money to pay for people who live in squalor for a consistent long term? Are you suggesting that you are smarter than the people who are in squalor? Or, is it that to escape squalor, they must make more than you cause of the children they must support!!!! Or maybe it is just because you feel badly, and it is Christmas time, who knows.


If this is NOT their fault and the rest of societys fault, then shouldn't we pay more too since we are just as much to blame? Are we not equal citizens.......one vote........and we voted for it too!!!!


Having to much is perspective! The people on welfare would LOVE to live where I live; and LOVE to have what I have. They didn't earn it for 30yrs, I did! I would subcontract part of my job to help them, but it is not enough for them..............and why should it be, when they have an audience of people, willing to take from others who have earned it, and give it to them cause they bitch?


If you work for Ford and have a spouse that also works, you are in the top 50% easily............especially after you take into account your bennies of healthcare etc. LOOK IT UP!!!!!


Do you feel that rich? Are you/we rich? Now you know why you are making fools of yourselves, and since you aren't RICH enough to have lawyers and security systems to protect you, we will be some of the first to PAY OUR FAIR SHARE.


Congrats, guess what the general population says is correct when they say---------------->we are paid to much, we didn't earn it, and now they will prove it by giving it away to everyone else since it was free for them in the first place.


Remember that when THEY get up in time to watch Oprah, while you are shooting a screw and sweating, or freezing, or fighting with supervision to make a quality product!!!!!! It is YOUR lot in life to be middle class poverty pimps, and continue the viscious circle that supports those who will take from anyone, as opposed to trying to earn a living themselves!!!! It is just now, today, in this decade, it is the rich who the masses will force to pay. Next time, it will be you................and with the shortage of government cash, it won't be long.


First, it takes money to make money; therefore the reasoning behind taxing the rich more and the poorer less. Distributing the wealth in hopes of creating a more modest class. It is not a perfect world, but as I said, most millionaires are getting richer, so it is not too bad for them.


Secondly, very little is spent on the poor. Welfare is almost non-existent. Poor people are not getting free rides. They may pay less, but they have less, and for the government to try to get more would be like squeezing water out of a rock; it might be there, but it is just not worth the effort.


Finally, while kcp is not a Ford Employee, you are. You enjoy the benefits of progressivism, and the distribution of taxation is just another extension of that philosophy. It has worked well for both of us. Sure, it is not perfect, but as individuals and as a country, we have all prospered under that culture.

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Your own stats show the rich are only getting richer. It doesn't look like they are suffering. It is not just the Bush tax cuts, it has been occuring since Nixon. The top 50% pay almost all the taxes, while it seems remarkable, it is only due to the large number of poor in this country.


Moreover, I find it sad or ignorant that people continually post these stats while leaving out other such vital information such as that the top 1% own more than the bottom 90% combined. There is a good reason that the top pay so much - because they have so much!



Of course. The rich will always get richer, unless they go bust. That doesen't take anything away from the poor. The poor can either go and work for the rich, or the government can tax the rich, and GIVE the money to the poor; after, of course, they pocket at least 90%. The poor remain poor, but those of low self esteem due to socialist upbringing, at least get the satisfaction of sticking it to better people than themselves. The image of the old hag knitting at the guillotine, gleefully watching the best brains in the country drop into a basket comes to mind. (A Tale of Two Cities). People living on the streets are better than these losers.

Edited by Trimdingman
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