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Investors should leave with Ford's workers ?


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Does this nut job not realize that people are not CHOOSING to leave Ford because they dont believe in it future success ? We are leaving because we NEED to leave while the getting is good. There is no longer a home in FOMOCO for the 38,000 that are leaving. We didnt choose this path on our own,Ford just gave it to us, whether we wanted it or not.


Ford is going smaller,and so is the market share. It can no longer sustain the vast numbers of employees it once had,nor the costs to retain us . No,we NEED to leave because if we "ride it out" to long, we are gonna be left behind with nothing but memories and sore body's. :stats:



Edited by NorfolkBuilt
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Does this nut job not realize that people are not CHOOSING to leave Ford because they dont believe in it future success ? We are leaving because we NEED to leave while the getting is good.


if you believed in it, wouldnt you stay? and not say im getting out while the getting is good?

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if you believed in it, wouldnt you stay? and not say im getting out while the getting is good?



Do you even work at Ford ? Or are you at a plant that is not closing ? I'm not trying to be a smartass ,but are you even aware of Ford's NEED to survive in this game ,and that times have changed ?


It doesn't matter if I believe in Ford or not ,there is going to come a point in time within this company where its the end of the road for me and thousands of other workers.Whether we want it or not ,Ford is downsizing. They have to in order to survive.


Do you think that Ford is downsizing and cost cutting so they can maintain their current level of employees ? No. Their vision of what FOMOCO is going to be years from now does not include the majority of us . Contracts are ending ,times are changing and the days of "improvements in the next contract" are over.


Will Ford ever rebound from the depth of loss that they are in now ? If history is an indicator,Im sure they will. But that is a long way down the road.In the meantime they are trimming the fat if you will . When the current contract expires,you will see concessions like never before ,and if your one of the people caught trying to "ride it out" ,then you may very well be on the chopping block against your will. And at that point it wont have mattered how much you believed in Ford.


Hell,even the people who are transferring from NAP in order to go to Dearborn know that their days may not last there either. Rouge will be around for a long time,but who knows what size that workforce will be in the future. This is a time where people need to do whats best for them , and not depend on one company to secure their personal future.

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