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Everything posted by longball

  1. Oh....it was a benefit for ONLY 4 contracts....that is ONLY half of my career at Ford...why would I expect a benefit that has been in place for 16 years to be there when I can benefit from it....Be kind to your junior workers.....they will be voting on contracts that will make changes to your retirement that you thought were untouchable....Retirees need to be able to vote on National contracts
  2. I retired in 2008 but have not turned 62 yet....hearing that under the latest contract we no longer get the payments...$18000.00 taken away from retirees turning 62....and we couldn't even have a vote.
  3. I read that GM kept their coverage for their 62 year olds....what is the UAW doing?
  4. This is the supplemental portion of your retirement that continues past your 62nd birthday for about 10 months or so...it is to make up for the increased age of full SS retirement age
  5. Is it true that our UAW gave away the social security creep payments in the last contract?
  6. This topic had to be moved because another liberal felt that the rules didn't apply to him.....typical sorry ...I had to say it
  7. Furious.... This is NOT personal....I don't know you ....all I know is I disagree with most of your opinions....that's not to say I'm right and your wrong....they are both just opinions....Believe me I wish I didn't use such strong language in our discussion, I'm sorry for that....
  8. I owe you an apology...I'm sorry for reacting as I did to your comment....I was out of line.
  9. From what I can tell....this is your first comment in this topic....why butt in now....looking for attention?
  10. Let me put this in language that you understand....BLOW ME.... I'm done with your narcissistic , holier than tho attitude....you don't know shit and will always be a bottom feeder....you belong out on the water.....now I feel better....nothing to see here....move on
  11. I've learned that what I thought was true is true....Listen I raised 3 sons and I've heard all the BS....I know you think you have it mostly all figured out....I ask my boys...."at what age do you start to get stupid?" I try tell them that with more experience comes more knowledge ....but, sometimes it takes a "life lesson" to get them to understand....I like your style Furious....as long as you respect those of us who have been there.....
  12. Apparently the young man needs educated in more than just politics....LOL...
  13. If I read you correctly, you believe we need to work for less per hour in Ohio, if we want more industry....is that what you really think my blue collar friend? I can follow your logic, but isn't that in opposition of all unions....should we all take $5.00 / hr jobs so we are all employed....or should the unions hold their ground and bring the others' wages up to a livable level.....you are probably too young to understand that the unions....UAW in particular are the reason your not working for $2.00 / hr....I don't want to enter the race to the bottom...we have a work ethic here that can not be equaled in the south....
  14. Furious....would you please stop posting as if you work for Ford....you don't....you quit remember....also I must say you are the most narcissistic poster I have ever read on this forum....nearly every post by you ends up talking about yourself....nobody cares....post all you want ....but don't try to give the impression that anything you say about the union or the shop is anything but second hand knowledge....you have not worked for Ford for years
  15. I don't dispute that you quit....and you are vested....I don't read the posting rules the same as you.....no big deal....enjoy
  16. I began my post with the statement that I don't care if you post...I do however have a problem with people who refuse to follow rules...you continue to do as you wish, without respect for the rules of this forum...This is just my opinion...you obviously feel otherwise...I wonder why you always bring up stuff about gays...a.bit off topic for you, but I understand you were born this way...it's not a choice... Merry Christmas and peace to all
  17. I think your Thomas Paine quotation is very appropriate for this discussion... Merry Christmas to all
  18. Furious....are you accepted with open arms at the retirement meetings? How did the loss of your Christmas bonus effect you? How about the changes in our retiree health insurance?
  19. I thought you were mature enough to actually try to support your position that you are retired from Ford....I guess I was wrong Merry Christmas
  20. You'll have to excuse me...but I don'know what that sideways face means...remember your dealing with a retiree here....not up on all these symbols you young people use.
  21. I do get a bit put off by you claiming to be a retiree....those of us who worked our entire lives in the shop may take offense at you implying you have put in your time. I believe you understand that taking a buyout is NOT the same as being a retiree. ....I know what the definition of retiree is....maybe you could tell me how you can fit your situation into the definition Merry Christmas
  22. I mean no disrespect..... but being eligible for a pension and being a retiree are not the same....and you know it....post all you want....who cares
  23. Why do you insist on telling us how good you have it now that you took the buyout? We autoworkers are thankful for what we earn....why don't you go post on the shipping industry web site? You are not an employee or a retiree....you took a buyout....your done here.....
  24. You guys crack me up with this 2 pension BS....If after retirement you work for another company that has a retirement program....shouldn't you be covered? Use some common sense.
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