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Everything posted by MTP_UAW

  1. ..... or you can go to http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1216738738...p_us_whats_news and read "At its Michigan Truck Plant in Wayne, where the auto maker currently assembles the Ford Expedition and Lincoln Navigator, the facility would be retooled to produce the new European line of small cars, according to people familiar with the company strategy." ..... Looks like the media are as bad as us; jumping at every little tid-bit an LL6 and below throws out. I'm sure there's some truth out there somewhere, but us regular folk just have to wait and see.
  2. As an aside, MTP let go a few of the "good" ones go as well. Looks like a sure way to keep your job if you are salarid is to practice the art of total incompetance. We had a very fine ME in paint that was let go. He is to be replaced by pretty much the opposite. Cronyism and nepotism is still alive and well. I really feel for you salaried folk, especially the few who still care about this great Company.
  3. LoL! I just bought quite a bit of F today, and last week when it was about a buck higher as well. Guess I'll buy next week too .... that is, if it goes down anymore.
  4. Michigan Truck was on 10 hours, with the return of tag relief on the horizon, right up until our acting chairman got in. Now it's 8 hours with down weeks, line speed reduction soon, and still mass relief. Circumstantial is what I hope, but there is always that little bit of doubt.
  5. You guys are also getting another one of our "old school" bullies from Michigan Truck. Look for a bald-headed guy named Larry that's always smoking. Hourly or Salaried he'll screw you both.
  6. Ya Ford, go ahead with the $15.00 or so max that GM is going to pay their line workers. Between training/orientation and workman's comp. suits from newbies that would rather sue than get shit wages for what is truely hard work, the big 2.5 are in for a rude awakening. Can you guys believe Solitude house is going to Chrysler locals and pressuring them to vote in this joke of an agreement. Christ, at least make it a 3 year. Yokich was smart enough to negotiate 4 year deals under good times. This soon-to-take-a-buyout-when-it-is-offered group can't bullshit anyone who's I.Q. is in the double digits.
  7. IIRC he was "promoted" out of Michigan Truck a few years ago. He looked to me like a spoiled silver-spoon kinda guy. He's obviously somebody's boy.
  8. One thing that the flex plant concept does it that it makes it easier for a plant to take the tooling out and put it in another plant. Does anyone know if any of Norfolk's, St. Louis', Atlanta's or Wixom's stuff got shipped off to Mexico or elsewhere?
  9. I'm in the market for a small AMERICAN made Ford pick-up. Are you boys still cranking 'em out? I know the geniuses at hq closed down Edison, but I've heard that TCAP is on the block now.
  10. Is he part of the dying sell-out breed that was once called the "green slate"? These guys have no conscience. The wants of the few are worth more than the needs of the many. Shame.
  11. Do any of our locals have what is called "super senority"? "Super senority" meaning that appointed or elected union officials, without the senority to hold their classifications under layoff conditions, remain on the job holding their respective union positions.
  12. You hit the nail square on the head.
  13. I think the cmm room, or whatever it's called, has AC. Also, most of the offices have AC. Those salaried people can work up a sweat sometime
  14. No matter what they do to that "truck" it's still a toyota. Driving anything that says "toyota" is like hanging a sign on your back saying "I'm gay!"
  15. The best tradesmen that I've dealt with (electricians, welders, and toolmakers) came from the outside. Seems like the app's from the line think the trades are their ticket to a free ride. Just my perspective at MTP. So, with the logic of Ford, we'll all go with Ford senority, after decades of the way things are today. We are running out of nails for this coffin.
  16. "Keep it the way it is now." 20 year electrician gets canned while a 1 year electrian with 20 in at Ford stays as an electrician? Give me a break. Under "Keep it the way it is now." at least they both continue to work for Ford. Who stays up at night making this stupid shit up?
  17. says: " MICHIGAN TRUCK PLANT BULLETIN PRODUCTION SCHEDULE Please be advised the Plant production schedule for the months of March, April and May are anticipated to be as follows. March 2 shifts, 8 hours, 5 days production for entire month April 2 shifts, 10 hours, 5 days production for entire month - START TIME for the #3 shift on the 10 hour schedule will be 5:30 P.M., beginning April 2, 2007 - PRODUCTION SATURDAY, scheduled for April 14, 2007, 2 shifts, 8 hours each - ONE SHIFT operating pattern begins Monday April 30 May 1 shift, 8 hours, 5 days production for entire month We are projecting three months of the Plant schedule in order to assist you with planning your personal schedule. This schedule reflects current business conditions. Breakdowns, parts shortages or other issues could result in changes to the schedule including additional overtime. Schedules for maintenance, skilled trades and plant services personnel may differ from those listed above. In those cases, the Supervisor will communicate the schedule to the affected employees. Thank you for your continued cooperation and support. John Savona Plant Manager"
  18. Didn't certain department in the Rouge work 6 weeks dayshift, 6 weeks afternoons, etc..?
  19. Better yet: Do you actually think our neutered union would actuallystrike? What the heck do they do with that unspent $900 some-odd million "strike fund" money? Someone gets the grease while we get the shaft.
  20. If you mean Ron the Finger surviving the election you gotta be kidding. A big gripe I got about our union is that we can't even vote for the damn president. Solitude House is stacked with rubber-stamping-yes-men and our so called delegates go with the flow so they can get in the good graces of the appointers. If Rono is someone else, then please accept my apologies.
  21. I though you were only allowed to bump at certain times of the year, not just any ol' time.
  22. Most of the workers that I talked to that said they were voting yes are going to bump into Wayne Assembly when/if we go to 1 shift. It'd be interesting to see how they say they're going to vote if this "give-and-no-get" crap comes to a vote next door.
  23. Did Maumee vote in a C.O.A.? I heard that they are on the closing list.
  24. Yes, I'm watching his funeral as I type this. He was a Good man. May he rest in peace.
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