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Everything posted by Captain723

  1. Dude, look at the economy, when things pick up the UAW will get our shit back! Things are different and wi;ll be different for a long time, but believe this the UAW will get our shit back!
  2. Temps do not make 70% wage, they make their hourly rate..... Entry level make 70%.
  3. No you will not. The only way you could go back to your trade was if you got laid off and then you could bump into the plant if you had seniority in your original trade!
  4. FYI, Ford has been planning for 2 years to get glass from someone else. So Nashville and Tulsa will not be going back under Ford LLC. They have a Chineese company they have been talking with.
  5. didn't realize king was that old. I heard General didn't want it and Jimmy wanted Ford! Very surprised a woman is not backfilling Elizabeth Bunn. They have always had a woman on the executive board!
  6. That would be great because there are probably less than 40% that are worth a shit. I also agree, they should get their shit back when we get ours!
  7. obviously do not know who I am....and Jimmy will be in charge of Ford soon.
  8. Look monopolycash, I am not selling anything. Those that stayed because they wanted the work and opportunity to go with a new company good for them, unfortunately Ford is not will to give these temp employees anything. The UAW negotiated what they have. Since you are so fking bright, how hard do you think it is to negotiate with a company for workers that aren't even theirs. Think about that for a minute Mr. brilliance. The UAW negotiated with Ford to give temp employees, employees that are not even theirs health care coverage, holidays, shift preference, bumping rights, bidding rights. Just think about that for a minute the next time you decide to open your fking mouth. They are getting perscription drug coverage, and 40 hrs of vacation in return for 4 minutes a day, easter monday and OT after 40 hrs. Makes no difference to me, take it or leave it and get no personal time or perscription drugs and hope something else is negotiated in 2011. This is a step in the right direction. I heard Indy and Milan passed it.
  9. Tulsa and Nashville were Visteon/ACH plants.....Ford plan is to sell or close all locations. ACH became a holding company because Visteon could not afford it. So Ford took it back as a holding company to sell. If you think Tulsa and Nashville would have still been there you are nuts. This was the first buyer for ACH....the UAW forced the company's hand to keep it with a company interested in keeping operations unionized and at the current facilities. Indy and Monroe would have liked that same option, but they either have or are going to close soon. The plan is also to sell or close the others. They would have been sold if the financial system in world would not have tanked. They still plan to close these facilities if they can not find buyers. So if you think you would have remained a ACH facility, you are mistaken. By the way. I have never said I was an international guy, not sure where you have been...I am an east sider....not sure you know what that means down in Tulsa, but up here... it is Region 1!
  10. The company can not force you to use EAA days during the shut down vacation, only vacation time is forced during this time. These are your personal days to properly schedule however you want!
  11. You were hired as a temp. worker aquiring no seniority...show me in the visteon agreement where a temp gets all of that??
  12. You guys have done a great job at keeping the plant going, not going to argue that! You were still hired as a temp worker and Ford wanted to rotate you guys every 89 days and lay you off for 89 days and then work you again....something they did in the late 80's and through the 90's. The UAW stood strong and told them no....we broke the contract and allowed Ford to work these guys/gals more than just 2 days a week. Maybe that was a mistake for some, but for the majority it turned out to be pretty good. Even though there are some that feel this is a shitty job with no benefits/security/shitty pay...guess what, if they could have found better jobs they would have been gone. There were many that left and found better jobs. Right now everyone was hired as temps aquiring no seniority, but again the UAW forced the company to allow you to work more than 89 days and more than 2 days a week. The hope is that another company buys these plants and you will be employed by the new buyer, if not the plant will be closed and you will be stuck waiting for an entry level job to open up at a Ford facility. Good luck and if you do not want perscription drugs and some personal time then so be it. I do know that the claim of $4 prescription is a total lie, Ford members pay $15 and $30 for scripts and if they could get them cheaper their would be a line around the corner for $4 scripts and every pharmacy in town would be out of business!! The situation sux and if you are in fear then maybe you should be searching for different employment with a little more job security or peace of mind. Good luck either way!
  13. I can't believe the UAW fought to keep the company from just bringing in 89 day people like they used to do at AAI and a lot of other plants. Kills me!! Good luck guys, you have worked your asses off and the UAW has tried to get you something better and you say you don't want it? Again, I am sure the company is fine with that! Good luck!
  14. Dude, where does it state that a temporary worker with no seniority gets the insurance that you are getting ready to get if voted in? You can not get $4 scrit's from walmart or everyone would go to walmart. Are you buying over the counter stuff? Hey, it is not sweat off of me if you do not want to vote in an agreement that gives you paid time off and prescription drugs! Good luck with that!
  15. Just curious why you say that? Are you still with Ford or working with Zel?
  16. They did not have the information yesterday....the UAW and ACH were still trying to get perscription drug coverage to be effective in Jan. The company wanted it to be in April. That was not agreed too until late last night I was told. Also the arguement over those that were laid off and called back to work. Does their time start over or does time already served count. These details were not worked out until yesterday. There was a big to do with the company jumping the gun and putting the personal time on their checks. So that threw everyone for a bit of a tail spin, until they got a handle on it. When that happened it put urgency on getting it done ASAP! I don't know who told you that you would be transitioning to entry level, but that was not true. All were hired as temporary employment not aquiring seniority. Are you saying no one told you this? You signed a document stating this. This OT language is the same language Ford workers are using. If the company changes the schedule the hours over 8 get converted to premium. Why do you say the plant will not sell or close by 2012?? I hope it sells so that you may stay with the new company, but if you think a new company will have any different agreement than you have today, you better do some studying on Independant parts Supplier contracts. I hope it sells and not closes that way all will have jobs with some sort of security. Good luck!
  17. You are being forced to work 7 days? Who said anything about taking time off. Time to take off is Sunday and every other Sat.
  18. I am guessing voting starting at 6am is a local thing that they probably have always done. Because each local does not want to hold up getting your paid time before the holidays they have done everything they can to get a vote this week in order for them personal days to take affect.40 hrs you will be recieving is personal time and the company can not force you to take personal time during vacation shut down. I am pretty sure everyone was hired as temp visteon workers aquiring no seniority and this was explained to them when they were hired. I feel for all of those working, but there were many that left because they found better jobs and some who just couldn't take the work, either way it was a good opportunity and thankfully the UAW has gotten some things for you guys. Now you have the right to vote on this agreement to get benefits and some personal time. You have a concern over the OT after 40 hrs, this will only affect those not coming to work. Those that come to work will be getting the same amount of hours that they would have if the language was never changed. If you are worried about the company sending you home, this language is the same language Ford has today. If they send you home on Friday through no fault of your own because of part shortage or schedule change, they are going to pay you the OT hrs up to what you were going to work. If you are on a 5 days schedule then you are supposed to get at least 8 hrs per day, if they send you home after working 10 hrs Mon-Thur, then they are going to pay you 8 hrs of premium time. OT after 40 hrs is common in other union shops and if someone would have bought your plant that would have been the case there also (just guessing). Hang in there, hopefully the plant gets sold or when it closes and things pick up there will be openings at Ford. We will welcome you with open arms!!
  19. Hey dumb fk...know what you are talking about before opening your trap! I take it you are not one of the visteon members who have suffered through this temp assignment that has kept them working 3 yrs without. They deserve everything the UAW can get them. I am not trying to persuade anyone to do anything. How was what I said trying to persuade anyone to vote either way! They are going to get perscription drugs/56 hrs of personal time in 2010 and 40 hrs personal in 2011/ and for that they are giving up Easter Monday, 2 minutes of each break, and overtime after 40 hrs. Everything that we gave up!! So how about you shut the fk up and go fk yourself. I bet you got your supervisor a Christmas present this year, didn't you..... closet suck ass!
  20. cross training?? Do you mean retraining? If so then No one has started anything yet. On hold!
  21. Those that are still on rolls would be able to vote!!
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