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  1. Newspapers are Edited News Local or National on TV has Editedor's I was just watching the News, They said Obama (the BIG O ) got more contrributions from Freddie MAC & Fannie MAE than McCain did. 5 times as much. I put those post on there to let people read for themselves,I never said anything about them being TRUE!!!! Why would you say anything about wikipedia,then post something about it?
  2. So I take it your info. is TRUE! Where did you get it.? Or can it be edited also? Was you there when handed this to McCain?
  3. Google - Chris Dodd Wikipedia Google -Franklin Raines Wikipedia Google-Jim Johnson Wikipedia Check out this web site...www.slate.com--Fannie Maeand the vast Bipartisan Conspiracy
  4. Oh, and by the way - look and see who's signature is on NAFTA. Bill Clinton, Democrat Sure, when he was in office the REpublicans were in control of the house and senate but where was his veto pen if he was all for the workers?
  5. Reid and Pelose want to help out the AUTO INDUSTRY. With what low cost loans? To the company? They could help out the auto industry by letting us drill off-shore for oil to increase the world supply which would lower the demand which lowers the price. Simple economics. They're the ones that passed an energy bill which raised the fuel standards of all autos being made in the US. What's that do for your F-150's, SUV's, etc. If gas was still $2.00/gallon, everybody would still be working. But that's what they ran on in Nov. 2006 was to LOWER the gas prices. NOT! The way they're going, gas will be $7.00/gallon. And here's another thought, Nancy Pelosi and her husband own a lot of hotel and restaurant chains in California. Do you really think their employees are UNION? Probably at least making minimum wage. And Scarey Harry Reid - the only reason he's for union workers is beause he represents a union town, Las Vegas and he's from a little town outside of Vegas, Searchlight. Keep drinking your union Kool-Aid and keep paying your union dues so they can give it to the worthless democrats that preach that they're for workers but do everything to hurt workers. Open your eyes and read for yourself and quit listening to the cronies. If you work for Ford, Ford pays you, not the union, unless you would be a union rep. And I won't have to tell the wife and kids I don't have a job because I'm retired. I'm all for less government in my life. I prefer to make my own decisions and make my own way - I'd prefer not to have to depend on a union or the government for my next meal.
  6. The housing down turn is the cause of both Rep's and Dem's. Fannie May&Freddy Mac are Gov't run.They also donate alot of Money to the DEMACRAT'S The loss of manufacturing job's, Can we say NAFTA!!!! Bill Clinton signed that !!!!! President policy? Congress has to vote on any policy that he puts in front of.So blame congress for the failed policies. Think about it. The Dem's ran in 06 & took control of congress.They said they would lower gas price's.NOT gone up almost 2.00 a gallon since they took over.They said they would get us out of Iraq.They Didn't.This Congress has the LOWEST approval rating in History! Thanks to Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid
  7. When the Dem's ran in 2006,and got control of the Senate and House.They ran on the primis of LOWERING Gas price's.and getting us out of Iraq. Well the gas price's have gone up almost $2.00 a gallon since they took over. They don't want to lift the ban on offshore drilling.(How many jobs would that create?) They raised the minn.wage.A wage that makes a small bussiness owner pay to some that may not even be worth that amount.( most ecomomist would say this is bad for the economy).OH but union waged's are based on the minn.wage amount.If that amount goes up so does the prevailing wage paid to a union worker.So unemplyment goes up. They were going to get us out of that pointless WAR.All they had to do was vote to cut off the money to it. Did they NO! All they wanted was VOTES.They did this to us in Viet Nam.And we lost It's not if you agree with the war or not,we are there, don't leave till we WIN.These NUTS we are fighting want to KILL US.They don't care if you are a Demacrat,Repuilbican,Black or White,Union or not,ONLY that you are AMERICAN. Health Care!!! Gov.Health Care? Tell me something are Govt.runs efficient.LIST IT.It might work in other place's.(I don't know).But I do know here we.OUR Govt,can't even give our Vetran's the Health Care they NEED. I mean the one's returning from this war,or past war's. Forecloser's.That is Both the REP's and the DEM's fault.All you had to do to get a loanfrom Freddy Mac or Fannie May was show a utility bill or Bill's to get a loan.People were getting loans for house's they couldn't pay for. They Both were pandering to the Dumb Mass's. For what VOTE'S. And now we all are going to pay for Them. Make people be responable for their own action's. I for one could care LESS what the rest of the World think's of US. They don't like us who gives a S...! Every time they get into a bind who do they call or ask for Help!!!!? THE GOOD OLE! USA GOD BLESS AMERICA
  8. OH life will be SO GOOD when the BIG O,The CHOSEN ONE,Barack HUSSIEN Obama is elected.Free college,Free health care,FREE EVERYTHING.NOT! Who is going to pay for all this free stuff? You the blue collar worker is going to pay for it.Can we say HIGHER TAXES.The Big O wants to put windfall profit tax on Big Oil,Remenber Jimmy Carter,he did that and we all sat in line for 10 gals. of gas.Gas price's are simply supply and demand.I heard a politician say we need to build more refineries in this country,cause we haven't built one in 30yrs.by using abandoned military bases.Think of the jobs that would create. The only reason the Dem's are for union's is MONEY.Tell me how many of them are business owners? Congressmen, Senators? HOW MANY OF THEM HAVE UNIONS IN THEIR BUSINESSES? Everybody wants to be down on the rich. What's the definition of RICH? What's the dollar amount that makes you rich? I've never had a poor man give me a job. Isn't being rich the American dream, being successful? I'm sure that people that work at McDonald's view people who work at Ford as 'rich'. Everybody's down on the Japanese car makers, Toyota, etc. but how many of those cars are put together with UAW workers? As far as NASCAR goes, Toyota is the only car that is put together in the United States. All the others are put together in Canada, Mexico, or somewhere else. The Democrats always want to help the poor and disadvantaged as well as do unions. But we all work next to people that don't do their jobs. What's right about that when they get the protection of the union and you don't even get heard. I for one am grateful for the unions but they have become a big business just like the Big 3, all they want is your money. Can we say Las Vegas conventions every year? FOR WHAT? When was the last time you as a member got to vote for your international President? Climate change. BS. Think about Ford's best selling vehicle, the F150 truck. If the democrats get in, you'll be paying a tax on that truck, and it'll eventually go down the tubes. OWL Gore is a nut case and he's got people scared to death about something that's made up. In the end, I want less government in my life and the democrats and unions want more control of my life and money.
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