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Everything posted by Savetheplanet

  1. good to see you posting again whosure, I missed your rants!
  2. Those damn pot smoking, granola head, tree huggers have infiltrated the US intelligence community! http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jan/31/pentagon-ranks-global-warming-destabilising-force Could they be right? They do have access to information that you and I don't. In addition to publicly available scientific evidence, they see confidential intelligence data also.
  3. Michael Crichton, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! How many peer reviewed articles on ACC by Mr. Crichton can you provide?
  4. Really? really? How can you even look at yourself in the mirror posting that crap?
  5. Ranger, thanks for keepiong the debate sane, I did get a bit unreasonable in my last post. I am very busy these days, so this will be short and I will bew back to debate this further. I agree with Methos that one research center that fudged the numbers, or suppressed data or opinions does not mean that the whole ACC thing is a hoax. As I have said before I used to cringe when I would hear left wingers accuse Dick Cheney of going to war solely for $$. Or when they would say that Bush was in the skull and crossbones club and blh blh blh. I totaly disagreed with Cheney and Bush but always believed that they were doing what they thought was right! It's the same with ACC, we really do believe in ACC and all the conspiracy theories about how Gore and the rest of us just want to make $$ or that we are purposely creating a hoax for whatever reason is just plain nonsense. So I was a bit upset that this one research center being caught suppressing opinion or whatever it is that they did and equating that with all the other research done by scientists well, it is hard to even want to take my valuble time to address it. Riddle me this, how purposely melting those glaciers to keep this hoax going? Seems to be a lot of animosity out there. I prefer to think that the level of animosity is a sign that the debate really is fundamentally over. This is the death throes of an outdated perspective from people who are incredibly uncomfortable with change.
  6. hahahahaha! reading your post's is like watching the Colbert report! Why do you guys even need this thread, was there not thread called --Proved: there is no climate crisis, if it has already been proven then why did this hacker even need to do this? Sounds like you guys are trying to convince yourselves again. But yeah I am sure that the Academy of sciences, NOAA, NASA, the royal society, etc. will all delete and burn all their research now that some hacker has posted up on the Internet. Who needs peer reviewed articles when you have a hacker posting on the net. You guys are way to sharp, can't get anything past you, I guess we will have to disband our Communist socialist feminist tree hugging skull and crossbones secret mason enviro nazi ponzi scheme. I will contact our leader Al Gore and maybe we can figure out some other way to scam $$ from you guys. Al will most likely take this news hard, as he has been twisting his mustache and hatching his Machiavellian plan since the early 70's.
  7. Does it bother you that Al Gore gives almost all of his profits to non profit organizations? Kind of shoots a hole in your theory huh? Can't you guys juist admit that he and many others like him really do believe in ACC? When I used to hear extreme left wing liberals rail on Bush and Cheney about how they were in the skull and cross bones club, or that the only reason they went into Iraq was because they wanted oil and wanted to make money off of it, I thought they were a little crazy. Even though I was against going into Iraq, I felt that Bush and Cheney were doing what they thought was right, even though they lied about WMD I still felt that they really cared about what they were trying to do in the middle east, protecting America and bringing liberty to the middle east. Goingbroke you remind me of those left wing nuts that had all those conspiracy theories. Can't you just admit that Al Gore has a difference in opinion on ACC? Do you really think that he is doing it solely for the $$? You don't think he could easily make $$ on wall street or some other way with all his connections? Gore has been an environmental and ACC activist for 30 years, do you think that he hatched some Machiavellian plot to make $ from ACC policy 30 years ago? And how do you explain him giving most of his profits including the profits from his new book to charity and non profit groups all of Gores earnings from his investments in green technologies have gone to the Alliance for Climate Protection. Does it bother you that he was awarded an academy award, a Grammy, Nobel peace prize, a prime time Emmy award, a webby award, and that time magazine named him runner up for person of the year in 2007, did I mention that he was Vice president and that he had the election stole from him by Jeb Bush, Katerine hHarris, and the Supreme court?
  8. Here are a few examples of Obam's commitment to the environment. Steven Chu Secretary of energy Lisa Jackson head of EPA Carol Browner director of white house office on energy and climate change p[olicy Obama passed the American recovery and reinvestment act .Obama included some important environmental legislation in his recovery act, including $11 billion for an electric smart grid, 6.3 billion for state and local governments to invest in energy efficiency, $6 billion for renewable energy, and more. Created the presidents counsel of advisers on science and technology Obama is bringing science back to the White House with the creation of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, an advisory group of the nation's leading scientists and engineers. unlike Bush and Regan (who cut renewable energy research by 90%) and most republicans who don't believe in science but pray to the inviable sky god. Passed the omnibus public lands management act of 2009 Obama signed on to this act, which protects two million acres of wilderness in nine states as well as a thousand miles of rivers, which represents a 50% increase in the wild and scenic river system. Appointed Tom Villsack secretary of agriculture Vilsack is promoting farmers markets and locally grown food in school Halted drilling in Utah Obama denounced the Bush administration for turning national park land into drilling sites just before leaving office. The Department of the Interior froze oil and gas drilling on 60 of the 77 sites that the Bush administration allowed in its 11th hour. The EPA will eventually regulate C02 as a pollutant, we won't have to wait until 2012 That's just a small list of pro environmental things Obama (yes we can) has done. Maybe later I will list some of the things my friends and I have done to protect the environment, guess how many coal fired plants we have sroped from being built in the last 2 years? Power to the people!!
  9. You guys are yelling into the wind, most of the ACC debate took place over the last few years with scientists overwhelmingly agreeing with ACC. So now WE (192 countries) are going to do something about it. Not only will we create a new treaty on ACC in Copenhagen to start when Kyoto ends, but we will also pass cap and trade along with many other energy solutions here in America to stop the continues destruction of the environment by over consumers like you guys. After all, Obama and the Dem's have a mandate.
  10. I really don't like Rush Limbaugh, even though I retained his firm to get me out of a possession of Marijuana charge when I lived in Missouri. (true story) The few statements Rush made that have been verified are really not that horrible (to me anyway) I mean those few quotes are the worst (on being prejudice) in 20+ years of being on the radio 3 hours a day? Please! Why don't we all reflect back and think about some of the things we have said that we wish we had not over the last 20 years.
  11. Where is your proof that Rachel Maddow made up some quotes?
  12. I have yet to read or hear a legit racist comment by Rush Limbaugh. With that said, he is very controversial, is it any wonder the group that he was with dropped him? The NFL wasn't to keen on him either. The owners being the capitalist's that they are sure weren't going to risk their huge profit margins. I do find irony in that conservatives rejected him. The NFL is a private business entity and can hire whomever it sees fit to represent or endorse its product. Good business sense says that Rush Limbaugh as an owner is no better a decision than Rev. Al Sharpton. The reasons are the same and race is only a piece of a much larger discussion. As an owner Rush would have voted on a number of things that affect the low paid working people that work the concessions at all the stadiums across the US. Pretty sue they would not want him as a voting owner. The NFL is a conservative, rich, white boy country club that will let in the owners they want to, and they don't want this particular rich white boy. Each and every single day, Rush manages to offend someone in a very deep way, and that anger would then be tied to the St. Louis Rams and to the NFL All the hatemail and calls for boycott of advertisers supporting Rush would also then become the NFL's problem. Most of the players in the NFL are african american and a lot of the fans are also, I can see why ESPN dropped him after his Mcnabb comment, not that I thought it was racist, it's that Rush Limbaugh's baggage became ESPN's baggage.
  13. I have read quite a bit on the subject, and yes I do need to read more. The subject has been debated extensively here on BON http://www.blueovalforums.com/forums/index...showtopic=25582 The thing is that you guys think that we are in it for the money, you might want to mark this down, our existence does not revolve around money like yours does. We don't think like you do, it's not about making money! Where was your concern about the billions being spent when the war in Iraq was continuously going over budget? Where were the tea parties and the protesters when GW was running up the deficit?
  14. It's painfully obvious that you are stuck in a paradigm of filthy Capitalism, It's sad that conservatives are willing to go way over budget on a war to kill people over WMD that were never there, yet they baulk at the thought of spending a fraction of the money spent on Iraq to give people health care or to try to improve our environment. There are Soooo many humanitarian here at BON and you sir are one of them. We don't inherit the planet from our ancestor's, we borrow it from our grandchildren.
  15. Dried elk meat and Wampum are the currency of the future
  16. Ha, the debate over ACC has been over for quite awhile, Obama WILL sign the climate treaty in Copenhagen (HOPEnhagen) in December. Open up that wallet bronco!
  17. http://www.lizardpoint.com/fun/geoquiz/ I found naming the African countries to be a bit hard
  18. I find it funny that your user name is "No Fear" and then you post this lightweight fear mongering shit!!
  19. hmmm.. I wonder why the Europeans won't give the Nobel to any of those peace loving Republicans?
  20. Good point, although you missed the point made earlier that not all the Hispanic's that are here in America are from Mexico, they come from El Salvador, Guatamala etc. and you won't see them voting in vast numbers for the Republicans any time soon.
  21. As long as the Republican party keeps railing on the Hispanic people's, the Democrats will continue to enjoy a majority in our Gov. I wonder how many votes Joe Willson cost his party? When will the southern Republicans learn that they are out of touch with the bi-coastal parts of the country? they are on a hill waiting for the second coming while the rest of us study science, art, literature etc..
  22. Right now I could do without all those things, just don't take my canoe as it's been snowing and raining up here in the Sierra's for the last 20+ hours!
  23. Wow this tread is still alive!! I have not been around in quite awhile, had no time this summer as I was working 6 days a week. A lot has happened in that time. The 1ooth new coal plant was stoped in July, Duke Energy and Alstom Power washed their hands of the clean coal lobby. The Kerry-Boxer bill on cap and trade will be supported by Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/11/opinion/...;pagewanted=all And six other Republicans are likely to support it also, at least four GOP votes in the Senate — Graham, McCain, and Maine’s Snowe and Collins. other gettable “Rs,” like Lugar of Indiana and Voinovich of Ohio and maybe even Lisa “the fiddler” Murkowski (R-AK), if she understands, as Graham and Kerry do, that the best way to avoid the problems inherent in EPA regulation is to pass this bill: Then there is the UN climate summit. On December 7, leaders from 192 countries will gather in Copenhagen (hopenhagen) to determine the future of our planet. They're all part of the UN Climate Summit, which aims to create a global climate treaty to replace the Kyoto protocol. Obama will be there and you can bet he won't back out of the treaty like G.W. did in 2001. Of course you guys will most likely want to talk about the the guy who berated Al Gore and would not answer Gore's question the other day on polar bears, STP
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