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Everything posted by KdF

  1. ONLY 8 years? Gosh it takes a long time for ford to get it's head out of you-know-where. I do hope Kzinti is doing well and still fighting the good fight. Thanks where-ever you are Kzinti !
  2. Ah yes, the heady days of anticipation and longing for ANY info as to where your ordered Pony was. Kzinti was the only voice of hope in a sea of utter black. The Dealers had no clue, and really didn't want one as they had their sale, and you be damned until it arrived. We do still appreciate the great customer service from a Man who went above and beyond for the customers, even tho it was not his job in any way, shape or form. I for one will allways remember Kzinti and appreciate all that he did for us.
  3. Lemme see if IRC , Now when Shrub killed the National Healthcare bill , him and his Croney`s excuse was it would cost the U.S. 16 Billion Dollars. Then Bushey-boy turned right around and GAVE Iraq 16 BILLION dollars. Does something smell here??? And why isn`t our Celebrity Eaten Media all over this like flies on Cow-Pies????
  4. Maybe S.M.U. <That`s Southern Methodist University> in Texas , should sue the pants off of Ford. Iococca took the name of "Their" team and used it after winning a big ballgame way back , and I`m sure there is some precidence of "Intellectual Property" with S.M.U.`s mascot. And I believe that they have been using that reason to try and "Own" a name. It`s a freaking word! Maybe every person with the name of FORD should sue to get their royalties , heck , they were BORN owning the name. ..........Or will they go after them too..............?
  5. DING! DING! DING! We have a winner. "Your Honor...the Prosecution rests....."
  6. Let me see if I understand what this thread means after reading it all. 1.) Dr. K is a Electrician at FMC Kansas City Plant. 2.) Dr.K has ruffled a few feathers in his time. 3.) Dr K found he had the means to help customers after their purchase of a FMC Vehicle , using tools of FMC at his disposal. 4.) Someone took offense to Dr. K doing this on company time , using company tools at his disposal. 5.) this or those someone<s> most likley complained to either the Union or Management. 6.) The union or Management did not or does not have time to placate everyone. 7.) Dr. K was probubly told to cease and desist , or face extreem consequences. And to say nothing as to what was said. 8.) The upper management at FMC hasn`t a clue as to what was happeneing with the vehicle locator thread , or what it meant to those customers , nor do they care. I have been in a Union for over 28 years , I do know how it works. So do most of you reading this. Some-one got their collective panties in a wad and ratted the situation out. Wonderful. Hope they or them are extreemly pleased with themselves. Hope they sleep real good at night. I`m sure their world is now all rosey. They or them knew Management were going to look the other way until someone screamed. Then they had to act , in the best intrests of "THEIR" jobs. The only way to quell the problem is a tactical nuke. Squash the problem before them , no more problem. Management happy , criers happy , Customers screwed again. Not FMC`s problem anymore. All is well and back to normal. Just let ME say I appreciated "K`s" time , effort and info. I loved it. I think it should be a perminant service. I do hope Dr. K is in no trouble. I do hope he gets a award for origonal thinking , or even a commendation for the service or idea , But as I said , I know how it works. Good job Dr. K. Good luck and best wishes from everyone you helped!!!!!
  7. Someone get me a Mechanic. Someone grab the Engineer. Someone tell me PLEASE why I would want to put 5W 20 motor oil on a 4.6 mustang GT. Especially living in Austin , Texas where it gets below freezing maybe twice a year. The average summer temps are allways in the upper 90`s and we have had strings of 10 to 20 over 100 degrees F days each and every year. I can see using this weight for the first 500 miles , but having been a Mechanic type most all of my life , I would exprct to be putting in 10W-30 at the least. Am I wrong? Has something Changed? Will I watch my new engine burn up driving home in August? :shrug:
  8. Strange thread to reply to , but I`ll tell my story. I too got on the list as soon as Ford unleashed the GT 500 to the masses last year. Sold all of my VW stuff , sold the restored bug , saved up for the down payment <$10,000> and kept hoping whilst being realistic. One of the first , no deposit , no guarrentee. I have perused the many forums for Mustang since , every day. Pretty soon , about around October , things started getting strange. I watched a car that was first advertized in the high 30`s becomming un-attainable. I kept watching , writing e-mails to my dealer <making sure that they knew I was still interested> because they told me that they never sell mustangs over MSRP. This went on thru christmas, watchung and reading the rumors and lies , keeping up with the trends. Around the first of February , I went down to the said dealer and cornered the Sales Manager in a hallway and told him flat out " Tell me , don`t keep me on a line , reel me in or let me go. Will I be able to get a GT 500 at MSRP? Or Even be Able to get one?" I knew of the offers from the crazies for 30K OVER MSRP already. and I`m not that stoopid , because I`m a working man , and nothing has ever dropped in my lap. The Manager hemmed and hawed for a few moments , and quietly shook his head no. I mentioned that some people were offering 30K over MSRP and he said that he has already had a few "Offers". Made up my mind right then and ordered a Mustang GT at MSRP. The way I wanted it. She came in last Friday , and I have been tickled pink since. I shake like a leaf when I start it. I`m the guy who used to drive a 68 Charger and Kawasaki Z1`s. I would really hate to think if I had gotten my hands on a GT 500. I prolly would have never taken ot out of the garage. Holy jeeses , The GT is strong. One of the Sales people mentioned that they found out they would be getting ONE GT 500 , and they have NO say in color or options. Maybe what I`m trying to say is that "I" don`t blame FORD , I don`t blame the Dealer`s , I blame the fact that there are just too many of us "Baby-Boomers" from the Muscle car era NOT to set off a feeding Frenzy with this car. Some of us <Baby-boomers> are stinking rich. And it has gotten Insane. I`m sure NO-ONE thought it would be this nuts. And I`m sure the Dealer had no idea what this Car would do. Maybe I`m trying to say that life goe`s on. That make sense?
  9. http://www.blueovalforums.com/forums/index...topic=4&st=1180
  10. I thought that as well in the beginning. Hit the Mustang tab , page<new window> starts to open, green loading line ALLMOST finishes, hangs forever. I have actually gotten in there twice , same settings. This is definatly a page problem, not a browser setting. IE6 AND Opera. Same-o Same-o. Even from different links.
  11. Almost 6 months ago I contacted FMC about their Website not functioning. You CAN get on the opening page, but if you try to go to ...say Mustangs build...it sits there dead. I recieved a reply 3 weeks later telling me the website was just fine , and no problems were found. Yeah right! A real top concern for the IT gang. Just tried again yesterday, guess what...... Sits there dead as hell again. On all 3 of my home computers and the one at work. Even at 4:30am it`s toast. Just think of the loss of sales that are occuring, and the thoughts of the customer as to if a BIG 3 auto maker can`t even keep a website working , why the hades would they want a car from them?? Maybe someone upstairs should bring a baseball bat into the IT/Web-build department and have a little "Batting Practice".
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