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Everything posted by Fordemployee189

  1. Anyone have any info on the new jobs they want to add to Logistics (AAI) I hear they are sub assembly jobs and they will be posting openings soon for team leaders. Work will be for the Mazda. And why would they be putting more jobs over there if they are bringing our axle jobs back? If they bring those jobs back what happens to our newly hired UAW members that took/take those jobs?
  2. yes you do have a point there about keeping the good workers there to do quality work, but still, Ford is still paying for those people, it is still adding money to the cost of producing the vehicle. Especially frustrating when it is a time we should be pinching every penny and I see people out of a job that would give their right arm to have a good job like ours.
  3. yes i know they can be sued for not doing their job as a union representative, but does that mean they have to twist things all out of shape and bend over backwards to keep these non working, lazy individuals there sucking up space?? Then in the same breath tell me I can't leave early because one of these individuals has an FMLA and gets to go first (when they arrived at 9:00 a.m) what's up with that?????
  4. I understand that is their job and they can be sued if they don't represent, but it is annoying to say the least when I go to work everyday, and have to watch people that constantly abuse the system and get coddled by my union reps. Ok, enough of that I hear that they are going to be putting more sub assembly jobs across the street there are going to be job bids posted soon for team leader positions? Anyone know what kind of jobs they will be?
  5. no i think you have that wrong, my union reps are too busy defending the people that come in late with 8 UA's and endless FMLA to pay attention to the people that come to work on time every day for the last 21 years.
  6. Logistics contract, they are part of our local
  7. what is going on with the union brother that fled the plant last Friday night and got hit on I-75? Why didn't anyone stop him? Why do they let the party continue on B-shift, HELLO!!!!!!!
  8. it hasn't, rumor is they are waiting until their contract is up
  9. I think Mr. Spears will get my vote for president Mr. D hasn't done anything for me yet. Time to get some new blood in there
  10. I would love to see our dues paying union brothers and sisters working for Logistics become entry level Ford employees.
  11. don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out
  12. Oh, don't you worry, I will. I think that their main target will be our pensions and health care. We will see in about four more weeks.
  13. WRONG!!!! I get OT after 8 don't know where you get your info
  14. so it looks like AAI will only be down a week then?
  15. any guess as to how long you will be down? what other plants are shut down as well?
  16. 48 years old, production at AAI and not really sure how much seniority I have, I have been working under the Ford Agreement for just under ten years, but some of my (not all) union tells me I have 20, so maybe you all could tell me how much time I have. There are a lot of us original AAI workers that have questions that no body can answer. From what I am hearing around the plant not too many people at AAI are taking the buyouts (because we are building the Mustang and potential for OT is greater). Somewhere around 175 so far and we are 600 over roll as it is. So if we don't get at least 400 or so to take buyouts they will probably lay off the rest and bring in tmps to fill in, in the summer.
  17. I just spoke to two of the district reps and one of the bargaining comittee and asked all three of them if there was going to be any posting regarding buyouts and they had no clue. What is going on in our plant? Doesn't anyone communicate with each other? Why does my Chairman state that he is going to post a sheet letting us know about the buyouts and his reps don't know anything about it more than two weeks later? I also asked them why they aren't out there talking to the people that do come to work to answer questions regarding the attendance policy. We need to answer questions and get the people that come to work and have good attendance to vote and vote YES!!!!! It is a good policy. Something has to be done about the attendance. Especially if we are going to be losing so many to buyouts. If we are left with these losers that don't come to work we will really be screwed. So far all the people that I have talked to that are taking the buyout are older workers that have superior attendance. Think about it. Why would these people that abuse the system want out. They aren't there anyway!!!! Obviously they don't need the money or they would be at WORK!!!!!!
  18. exactly what rights would we be giving up by voting yes on the new attendance policy? The right to miss as much work as you can without being fired? If this policy passes you will still have plenty of options if you should get sick or have any other problem. Of course if you have abused the system in the past your screwed. That is the whole idea to get people to come to work like they were hired to do. I am with you! Vote YES on the new attendance policy. Nothing will change for the people that don't have 8 T days and UA's combined and are not in the system. It only affects the chronic absenteeism. Plus, we only have to live with it until next September. WHAT exactly are we being asked to give up with this attendance policy. Everyone spouts off but not one person has offered any other suggestion as far as what to do about the attendance problem. This attendance policy addresses the issue at hand and does not affect the people with good attendance. Period.
  19. I work at AAI also and haven't heard or seen any new hires, people from other plants maybe but no new hires and I go to work every day I might add
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