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Everything posted by Indy

  1. Nice........... I'm writing a letter to the mayor, and anyone else I can think of. This is disgusting. http://www.indystar.com/article/20081204/L...0434/-1/ARCHIVE I think I'm gonna be sick........
  2. GO KEITH!!!! Olberman ROCKS! Thanks for posting this, I usually watch his broadcasts, but I missed this one. Now we know exactly where this $70/hr crap started.. Thanks New York Times and Andrew Ross Sorkin.....
  3. Yeah, did you read the one from the guy who's neighbor worked for GM, got laid off and went into the job bank. Apparently, he was making $135,000 annually to sit at home according to the poster. I've never even come close to that number in a year. The one year I did crack $100K, I practically LIVED in the plant! These people have absolutely no friggin' idea what we do or how any of this stuff works or is funded. The problem is, the morons in Congress (who make $169,000+ annually, lifetime benefits and a pension--I looked it up) believe this crap. Why did no one try to explain how this works and where the funds come from when we were in front of Congress?!?!?!? That's what I want to know. When did it become a crime in America to chase the American Dream?????? Anyway, God Bless and Good Luck to all of the Brothers and Sisters in Monroe. Our thoughts and prayers are with you from Indianapolis this Thanksgiving.
  4. Thank you!! I have been saying this since this whole thing started. It's unbelievable how many people think this whole thing sprouted from "stupid" people who took out these loans knowing they couldn't pay for them and the Democrats "forcing" the banks (apparently at gunpoint) into giving them loans that they couldn't afford. Didn't the Democrats just give the Republicans what they wanted anyway? Less regulation to let the market self-regulate? That is what they preach continually about, that government is too big. Even Greenspan admitted that while he advocated less regulation, he didn't think of greed being the factor that it was. Great post! Agreed 100%!
  5. Not to be rude or anything, but have you been taking your talking points from Sarah Palin? That post makes absolutely no sense...... You started off on the topic, but where you went from there....... hmmmmm........ It appears that you are trying to stereotype some a--hole on COPS as joe everyday, like we all call a frikkin' ambulance because we're lazy?!?!!? WTF???
  6. My post was meant to poke fun at all of the ridiculous things, all of which have nothing to do with the issues facing us this election cycle, that have been said about Senator Obama in the past and are still being said..... I have thought, very much, about who I will cast my vote in favor of this November. And since you are into name dropping, how about: Texas BILLIONAIREHarold Simmons, a major backer of John McCain’s presidential campaign and Swift Boat Veterans for Truth four years ago, the sole donor to an advertisement attacking Obama over his relationship with your aforementioned Bill Ayers. ..think about it...... Why would a Texas BILLIONAIRE be interested in funding a campaign against Obama? What sort of interests could he be protecting???? Hmmmmm..... Bob Perry, another major Swift-Boat financier. This piece of work has been pumping money into campaigns against Obama and other Democrats this year. Currently $509,900 so far this year... $11,492,800 in '06 in case you are interested. ........What could yet another MILLIONAIRE be so interested in that it is worth MILLIONS to him to keep Democrats out of power??? Bruce Hawkins, the Executive Director of the National Campaign Fund... This piece of work is responsible for exposeobama.com and other trashy anti-democratic ads et. al. Has it been mentioned before that he was recently disbarred in Washington state for violating four rules of professional conduct, running a business that promised to reduce credit card debt (but did not), and lying about conflict of interest? The same year, Hawkins was "permanently enjoined" by the justice department "from promoting tax-fraud schemes" after setting up illegal offshore tax shelters. Great guy eh? .....hmmmmm, why would he want to keep Obama out of the White House??? Just two more words: Karl Rove. 'nuff said. That slimebag needs to be tried and imprisoned for libel, slander, and election fixing. If you would like to know how much folks are contributing and who they are, check out www.campaignmoney.com. The list truly does go on and on. If you care to do a little research, neither side is crystal clean. They are politicians after all, but please look at the issues and vote with your head. Decide for yourself whose views most closely match your own. And really, question ALL of the rumors. Otherwise folks like "Dubbya" get into office.
  7. ROFLOL!!!!!!! I don't care who you are........ that's funny!!! Throw in something about his preacher too....... ............Oh yeah, now if we can just come up with some photo where he didn't have his hand over his heart....... Hell YEAH! Those are reasons to base your vote on!!!!!!!
  8. Agreed, though I'm not really surprised..... McCain did come in second to Bush in 2000. Apparently, second place is just fine with the Republicans this time around. Great follow up to putting a "C" student in the White House.
  9. Agreed, My '99 F250 did the same thing. It had the V10 in it, but the symptoms were the same. Turned out that one of the coils was bad. Replaced it and no more problems, other than it was the V10......... Went to a 7.3L diesel in the truck I have now. Waaaay better than gasoline (well, other than the price of fuel....) :shades:
  10. Oh this I've GOT to see. Please enlighten us about Obama's association with terrorists. ............And please spare us any B.S. about his name.
  11. Funny..... Too bad we've been hearing that play on Obama's name for how long now? How about this one:
  12. From the last paragraph in the story: "The former president said his views on immigration and free trade are more in line with McCain, the Republican nominee for president, than Democrat nominee Barack Obama." That's because McCain thinks the way things are going (NAFTA and the like) are great and we need more of the same. They're great for Mexico, questionable at BEST for the U.S.
  13. Well thank GAWD!!!! I feel better already. You've got to be kidding
  14. Sorry, that's not entirely true. That story comes from one photo taken by Time magazine that was jumped all over by the press. Do a Google image search and you'll see these: Personally, I think this one is INCREDIBLY funny!
  15. True, we are both allowed our opinions. Sure Clinton had an affair and lied about it. Have you seen any WMD's lately? That was the great mother of all lies. It also pisses me off that they had one of the few republicans that I respect selling it for them: Colin Powell. I KNEW this would be the response. No, I have not forgotten Bosnia. Last time I checked, Bosnia was not a WAR. We did not declare WAR. That was the question. If there was to be a war declared under Jr. Bush's watch, it should have been on Afghanistan for harboring Bin Laden, not Iraq.
  16. Ah! A non-venemous answer. Thank you for not being condescending, rude, vulgar, or stereotypical in your response. Unfortunately, I can meet your viewpoint only partially and that is OK. That's the beauty of the country that we live in. What I can't stand is people who get on here and spew out hatred and stereotype everyone who has ever needed help as a "lazy f--k" and someone who thinks they are entitled to something. That was the main thrust of my reply. Also, read some of the half-witted replies on this thread. There are people on here who think that healthcare should be done away with. As if prices on a heart transplant will suddenly become affordable to everyone if this happens. I would leave you with this, it's OK to read between the lines--to a point. I know that I do it too, and so does everyone else. Sometimes people get so wrapped up in the pundits and commentators spin tactics that they miss the point completely and we end up with some of the responses that are contained on this thread.
  17. I keep missing something here. Exactly which democrat ran on the "Taking the money I work for and giving it to some lazy f--k" platform? Do you personally know these folks out there who are screwing the system all the while living on the Gold Coast, eating caviar, driving nice cars and watching big screen T.V.'s? Seriously, do you KNOW these people? The cost of healthcare is out of control and if you don't think it's a problem, you haven't looked. I'll tell you what, lets do an experiment. Since you folks think that we need to do away with healthcare altogether and pay our own way so the prices will go down. Lets all renounce our insurance and see what happens........... You first.
  18. That is funny! The first thing I thought of was Karl Rove. The second was Dick Cheney. The third was Dubbya. You do bring up a good point though, I now know what some folks thought of when they saw Clinton because bush turns my stomach just as much..... Probably more so. BTW, how many wars did Clinton get us into? I'm forgetting.
  19. First off, read my above reply to Skittles. Second, kiss my a$$. I can't stand it when people lump everyone together who has ever needed help as lazy and dependent on the government. Not everyone sees this as an entitlement, and it should not be one. If you want to fix the problem, be a part of the solution--not part of the problem. If you like quotes, James Madison said "If tyranny and oppression come to this Land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." The current administration obviously didn't pay that one any heed. Here's another one that reminds me of our current administration: "Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it." ~Adolph Hitler
  20. Exactly how far do you suppose competition will drive down the cost of health care? Call me crazy (and you probably will), but the days of the family doctor working for barter are long over. Pandora's box has been opened and good frikkin' luck stuffing all that crap back in and closing it again. So, in your world we get rid of health care altogether. I agree with you, prices do, in fact, go down. OK, what if you get cancer? Better yet, what if your kid gets cancer. Can you afford the Chemo? How about radiation therapy? Do you think your local hospital will trade you your kid's radiation therapy for a chicken you raised in your backyard? Let's say your niece is diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 2. (Just my own personal experience, because I do have a niece with just such a condition). She would not be here with us today if not for some sort of insurance. Or are you saying that anyone who cannot pay deserves to die? Is that your America? Is that really what you believe? Are those the principals that someone is asking you to give up on? That just because someone is less fortunate that they should be denied existence? Oh yes, in your world it would be at the cost of higher taxes and long waits. How dare you have to wait in line. That's right, you have money. For now........ Earlier in your post you said something about life beginning at conception. And a person who would run on that platform is a stand up candidate, "in your book". Yet, apparently, once that person is born they are on their own. Screw them if they are just a baby and their family cannot afford to stay an extra day in the hospital if said child was born two months early and needs extra care much less stay in the hospital for months, if needed. "Wheel that poor kid out onto the sidewalk, we got a kid whose parents have money coming in." Is that your America? Where, exactly, do we draw the line? Before I was graced with the job that I have now, I worked two and three jobs to try and provide for my wife and I. Thankfully, we had no children at the time. I had no insurance, yet I went to work every day. And worked, and worked, and worked. Should I or my wife been sent packing had we needed medical care? Oh yeah, that's right, I could have taken the damn chicken I raised in the back yard to trade for the care I needed. I'll even let you in on my own big secret. Just before I got this job, my wife was pregnant with our child. We had to go on Medicaid as I still didn't have any sort of medical coverage. Remember now, I was working two actual jobs and usually had at least one side job going on at any given time. I wasn't lying on the couch all day waiting on the government to solve my problems, but I did need help. Every day from that one to this one I am thankful that we had that available to us as my wife needed a C-section to deliver our daughter. I did see the bill, I would still be paying on it today if not for some sort of social program. As a matter of fact, I am still paying for it. I pay my taxes back into that fund so that maybe one day, I can help a fellow American in need. I'll tell you something else, friend, I'll gladly pay into that fund until the day I die if that means that I can help just ONE fellow American in need. And I'll do it because that, my friend, is my America. No, I should not look to the government to solve my problems, but neither should we completely throw away the idea of social programs completely. Of course there are problems with the current system, but people will need help sometimes. Good people, hard working people. Face it, bad shit happens to good people all the time. Do they and their families deserve to die for it? Would you look upon your neighbor's kids and say "Sorry kid, I got mine, please try not to drop over in my yard when you kick." It's a fine thing to say that without medical coverage, prices will be driven down. It's another to live it. At least you won't have to wait in line..... Because there won't be a line. I'll take my Kool-aid any day of the week before I even take a whiff of yours.
  21. I am not the one reaching here. I'm just not impressed by what everyone is finding in this clip. Why is this even noteworthy? Correct, the quote that you are quoting is a quote, just not from the people in the clip like you said. Please look at your original post. You were the one who referred to them "finding humor in millions of displaced residents". The part in the quotes was cut and pasted directly from your first post. You are also correct that you didn't say New Orleans. Sorry, what other city are we talking about? Could it be Seattle, maybe Poughkeepsie? Come on, get real............. At the absolute very best, you can say is that this clip is of two guys, Democrats if you want to be partisan, that were filmed making a joke that is in poor taste.
  22. Nope, sorry. I still didn't get much from it. Still couldn't see the main person's face except for one time. The other guy is never seen in the clip. The only thing that you can really make out is the "the hurricane's going to hit about the time it starts" or something like that... Exactly what sort of far reaching conspiracy are we looking for in this? Do I need to play it backwards to find satanic messages? Please enlighten me. Is the other guy the smoking man from the X-Files? I didn't hear anyone laughing about "millions of displaced residents" in New Orleans. If anyone lets this clip influence how they will vote this November, then they deserve who they get.
  23. I didn't get much from the clip, what exactly was I listening for and who the hell was speaking? You couldn't even see their face for most of the clip. Still though, the URL "redstate.com" does imply that this is a unbiased and completely believeable source of actual news. And we all know, for a fact, that you can believe everything you see on the internet. To answer your question, look around. If a Democrat had been in power, the response would have been much more harsh, with many many more fabrications. Just go find a Swift Boat Vet and ask them. Karl (Marx) oops, I mean Rove has done us all proud.
  24. Well, color me surprised... They actually moved out three grinders from RV today. Apparently, they are being sent to Cincinnati (the company, not the city) for rework....... At least that's where I heard they are headed before going to TRW.
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