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Everything posted by Aces

  1. Why do you never have anything to say on any topic? Just childish oneupmanship and attacks on the posters. Why post when you have nothing to add to the discussion?
  2. The Economist (print edition) has a good article on managed care.....which the states are increasingly turning to to save money. The outcome is still unknown but more and more states are going this way http://www.economist.com/node/21531491 " Medicaid beneficiaries are vulnerable, in worse health than Americans as a whole. Companies may struggle to cut costs and provide good care as well. If states do not draft their contracts properly, or fail to be vigilant in monitoring patients’ health, their experiment in managed care could be a disaster. On the other hand, if states are careful they could provide an answer to the question that has vexed America for years: how to provide good, cheap health care."
  3. It seems that the leading Republican hopeful...Romney... wants to bring back all of the G.W. Bush foreign policy advisers that lied, and urged the president to lie to the American people in his State of the Union address, leading up to the invasion of Iraq. These neo-cons from the New American Century group were the leading force in duping America into this war. I wonder if they will pay for the next war they cause with tax cuts like the last two? http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/mitt-romney-taps-foreign-policy-national-security-advisers/2011/10/06/gIQAnDHzPL_story.html I guess Mitt hopes that the American people will vote for him to bring back the foreign policy successes of the George W. Bush administration. Maybe he can get Dick Chaney as Secretary of State?
  4. A repost ...on topic...away from the deflecting personal attacks.
  5. All I see is that you don't want to see an alternative point of view as yours is the "right" one. You want to stifle debate by keeping a closed mind. You don't believe that you might learn from facts presented. You don't wish to discuss ...only attack my posts. I stand by what I posted as being on topic, and rebutting another s opinion. That is debate. All of your posts are whines about my having posted, or attack on my integrity ,or YOUR definition of what should be posted. Perhaps it is you that needs to become a moderator on your own website or forum since you seem to like to order people around and push others thoughts to one side by using "the rules" (as made by you). Your continual whining to the moderator about me leaves you in a poor position to be continually attacking me. Why do you post when you have nothing to add to the topic?
  6. Why is this poster allowed to attack other posters? Why is this poster allowed to dictate what I may or not post?
  7. More on Tax pledges...from a Republican. "Virginia Rep. Frank Wolf ® slams Grover Norquist for 'paralyzing Congress' with his no-tax pledge" More here http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2011/10/04/335648/wolf-slams-norquist-tax-pledge/ This tax pledge stuff has brought down America's debt rating and harmed America's image as THE economic power of the world. The signs that some Republicans may be getting past the pledge phase are encouraging. If the adults take over the GOP again we will all have a better future.
  8. Since all you want to do is attack me...... I guess you can debate yourself.
  9. That's funny! I kinda like the knee jerk reactions.....shows the mentality of some posters....childish. Maybe you should give them a -10 button...it would make some very happy. Or it could go up to -11 (like Spinal Tap)
  10. There are a few loons on the Left but they did not sign these cult like pledges. And of course I am not alone in saying that the Republicans show cult like tendencies. http://www.truth-out.org/goodbye-all-reflections-gop-operative-who-left-cult/1314907779 "But both parties are not rotten in quite the same way. The Democrats have their share of machine politicians, careerists, corporate bagmen, egomaniacs and kooks. Nothing, however, quite matches the modern GOP. To those millions of Americans who have finally begun paying attention to politics and watched with exasperation the tragicomedy of the debt ceiling extension, it may have come as a shock that the Republican Party is so full of lunatics. To be sure, the party, like any political party on earth, has always had its share of crackpots, like Robert K. Dornan or William E. Dannemeyer. But the crackpot outliers of two decades ago have become the vital center today: Steve King, Michele Bachman (now a leading presidential candidate as well), Paul Broun, Patrick McHenry, Virginia Foxx, Louie Gohmert, Allen West. The Congressional directory now reads like a casebook of lunacy." Perhaps some of the sane Republicans...and there are lots...need to kick these extremists out of the party. This wont happen though because they (the sane Republicans) are afraid of Limbaugh ...and afraid of being "primaried " by the Koch war chest and the tea party's paid activists. More here http://www.phillyburbs.com/blogs/politically_astute/the-gop-a-political-cult/article_3dd02122-ea05-11e0-88fb-001a4bcf6878.html http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/a-grand-old-cult/2011/07/02/gHQAOnlByH_story.html "Someone ought to study the Republican Party. I am not referring to yet another political scientist but to a mental health professional, preferably a specialist in the power of fixations, obsessions and the like. The GOP needs an intervention. It has become a cult."
  11. Of course I read the story. (why are you attacking the poster?) The effect of the pledge is to stifle debate on tax reform. To have an unelected person such as Norquist influencing the elected representative by his interpretation of their action and whether it suits his opinion of what they pledged is undemocratic and just blocks any progress toward any meaningful reforms The fact that some are starting to turn their back on the Norquist cult is a hopeful development. I stand by my statement above: "It has made any agreement on closing some of the ridiculous tax loopholes impossible." It is correct.... as has been proven by the actions of the far right cult members in the house.
  12. There are some good laughs here....at some of the posts and at some of the posters. Perhaps it is of interest because most of the political threads have been closed? Perhaps the Left wingers like to poke fun at the right wings gullible support of this non-candidate? I personally think that anyone showing support for her shows more about their own lack of understanding of the world than anything else....and that is amusing.
  13. So are some Republicans escaping from the cult? http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/07/us/politics/anti-tax-pledges-lose-their-sheen-as-eyes-turn-to-reform.html?_r=1&ref=politics The Tax pledge craziness of Grover Norquist has harmed America. It led to the downgrade of the nations credit rating as a result of the obduracy of the pledgers over the debt ceiling fiasco. It has made any agreement on closing some of the ridiculous tax loopholes impossible. It has led to huge and ever increasing deficits. If Republicans want to show they are for America and not just their party they must turn their back on this destructive pledge and it's cult like followers.
  14. here is a nice short link bomb on this topic......kinda sums it up. http://www.economist.com/blogs/democracyinamerica/2011/10/sarah-palin Caution...may require reading.
  15. I believe you are wrong and need to read this thread from the start to understand. I did not refer to a link. I was having a real discussion...something rare here where sniping is the norm...... and was expressing my thought on entitlement reform. There are many entitlements we wont look at ...for political reasons. In subsequent posts I backed up these opinions with some links. Real discussion should not be stifled because of slander and intimidation. It seems to me that you have taken the easy course of agreeing with the slanderers and joined in piling on. They do it because they have no counter arguments to the truths they don't like. Why do you join in?
  16. You won't see this on Fox News.....of course these protests are not being paid for by the Koch brothers.
  17. I see Fox News got caught lying again. I have a link to back this up but it seems i'm not allowed to post links.
  18. No.... it seems that you can do whatever you want as long as you don't express a left wing idea.
  19. What crap. I see that you and the right wingers don't want to have to think or get some knowledge on an issue. Just like talk radio...he who talks loudest wins. Time this forum was renamed as "the Republican Times" I am told how to post I am told what words to use I am told not to link Where is the guidance for the Right wingers that slander? Where is the guidance for the Right wingers that link? Where is the guidance for the Right wingers that use blanket term? Oh sorry ...too many question marks. Why not just ban me and be done?
  20. This is why these threads should be in the employees section.
  21. I see you left out most of my post ...how convenient. How about these lines? We need to look at entitlements...but not just individual ones. Why do we subsidize certain things? Both through direct subsidies and "tax expenditures"? Do we need to subsidize big oil, big agriculture, rich peoples mortgage interest etc? If subsidies were targeted to increase the tax base (job creation) and were short term they might be worthwhile. Why is mortgage interest deductible? Why does ethanol get subsidized and lower our MPG? Why do highly profitable oil companies need a tax break and a depletion allowance? Why do huge agriculture corporations need a subsidy since the Reagan days? Why do corporate jet owners need a subsidy? I'm sure I missed many more. Obviously you see what you want. Many posters here post links The Obama's failure thread is full of links...some really dumb ones too....but that is OK? Why did you leave that thread with all of the insults to the President?
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