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Grey Goose

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Everything posted by Grey Goose

  1. ANY and I do mean ANY person who works for The Big 3 hourly or salaried who votes Republican ever again should be taken outside and summarily beaten by their peers. :slap: If it isn't clear to you by now that Republicans want to take food off your table, eviscerate your childrens prospects for a better education, eliminate your healthcare and pension and put you out of a means to support your family, then it never will be and you should just continue mindlessly chewing your GOP cud like cattle in a field until they come to butcher you. All so they can give the left over offal to their corporate cronies and foreign contributors. Woe be unto the next asshole I hear in the plant wax philosophic about the "virtues" of voting Republican. I assure you he will remember that day for the rest of his shortened lifespan. Rest assured that history will judge the rise of the Republican party starting with that mentally deficient asshole Ronald Reagan as " The Dark Ages" of American history and will surely question how a country who spent the post WW2 boom years educating it's population could have ever fallen for their bullshit. Quoting that lifelong Democrat Forrest Gump..." And thats all I have to say about that"
  2. It won't because it's huge. But of course we could all help with that by getting the word out.
  3. I find it interesting that this local Chevy dealer who always shouts "Buy American" would have the stones to say something like this to a local TV station. Read the last paragraph. Frankly as a UAW member I am insulted and I thing Mr Bob Serpentini has a lot of explaining to do. I certainly plan to email him and call him and ask and would encourage other UAW members to do the same. Seems to me this should not be forgotten when Chevy workers shop for their next car. Here is the link tell me if I'm wrong. http://www.wkyc.com/news/local/news_articl...07&catid=45
  4. r Brother I could not agree more. Bush , Cheney and his cronies should ALL BE IN PRISON AS WAR CRIMINALS AND EXECUTED FOR THEIR WAR CRIMES PERIOD ! While we're at it let's take Senator's Corker, Shelby, and McConnell and Demint with them. ANY and I do mean ANY person who works for The Big 3 hourly or salaried who votes Republican ever again should be taken outside and summarily beaten by their peers. If it isn't clear to you by now that Republicans want to take food off your table, eviscerate your childrens prospects for a better education, eliminate your healthcare and pension and put you out of a means to support your family, then it never will be and you should just continue mindlessly chewing your GOP cud like cattle in a field until they come to butcher you. All so they can give the left over offal to their corporate cronies and foreign contributors. Woe be unto the next asshole I hear in the plant wax philosophic about the "virtues" of voting Republican. I assure you he will remember that day for the rest of his shortened lifespan. Rest assured that history will judge the rise of the Republican party starting with that mentally deficient asshole Ronald Reagan as " The Dark Ages" of American history and will surely question how a country who spent the post WW2 boom years educating it's population could have ever fallen for their bullshit. Quoting that lifelong Democrat Forrest Gump..." And thats all I have to say about that"
  5. I simply cannot believe my eyes as to whats been going on in this country regarding the Big 3 loans. From the press...the public, the asshole southern senators, the President....no one seems to hate my wages ON FUCKING TAX DAY do ya Senator Shelby you hypocritical inbred ass Anyway, here finally is a well informed supportive article. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28239206/
  6. Now THATS a damn great idea. In fact as a union we should INSIST on it !
  7. Pioneer it matters not a twit what I want . Hell I want a million bucks and a clipboard job forever ...the point is does it make financial sense. I am simply saying it does from Ford's standpoint current static on this thread notwithstanding.
  8. For the life of me I don't understand this math regarding the people who lost time and service. God I hope Joe Hinrichs reads this and please .....please explain to me where I am wrong. It is soooo obvious I can't believe we all don't see whats going on here. Using my situation as an example. Stay with me here.....ok? :reading: I hired in originally in August of 1978 and was layed off a year later in '79. I was rehired in August of 1994 in Cleveland. Ford gives me credit pension wise for the year in 78 but not for seniority purposes on my site but thats another argument. Ok thats 15 years total . Now if I were to take one of Ford's previous packages I would get some 1600 or so bucks a month before taxes. Ok, now thats what they have already offered. Stay with me.....GIVE me that time back big Joe Hinrichs, give me that extra $1600 a month .Why you ask? Because you'll then replace me with some young kid who you'll pay $14 per hour. Times 40 hours a week ....altogether now class thats $560 a week times 4 is $2240 a month. My pension with restored credits is roughly $3100 or so a month which leaves a difference of $860 per month which Joe ole' buddy, we both know you'll more than recoup because ... A) As a retired employee I'll be off your healthcare costs and into the VEBA ( which is the real issue here ) B ) You'll not be paying those newhires a defined benefit pension but something FAR less expensive C) You'll also be paying those newhires greatly reduced insurance benefits as well So Joe ole' pal, as we can see restoring our lost time is virtually SELF FINANCING with an IMMEDIATE 30 to 40 % cash savings on labor costs in your pocket which of course you'll then give to Mullaly and Fields as a bonus I'm sure...... :happy feet: It seems to me that the entity with the vested interest in NOT seeing this happen is the union..... :shades: with reduced dues from newhires and smaller VEBA obligations as well being the issue. I mean am I wrong on this or what?
  9. Tell me about it brother. Now THAT we do have at Cleveland. Like I said, I'm a jobsetter on the cam line , and all day every day we run machines, check parts,calibrate and clean gages, troubleshoot and perform maintenance, mop floors and haul away garbage, deliver our own rough stock via stacker, deliver machined parts to the assembly line, haul away dunnage, perform continuing quality checks throughout the day, haul away scrap, (supervisors not included ) record it all on useless paper on the hour, make coffee that we never have time to drink, AND A FUCKING PARTRIDGE IN A FUCKING PEAR TREE AND STILL IT'S NOT ENOUGH FOR FORD ! Ya know ....like John Belushi used to say on SNL......" WELL EXCUSE MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" And mind you....somehow..........somehow.....this job was supposed to be a stepup from the assembly line ! So if that's an IMT or a MWT or an FUCKIN' or whatever the acronym 'O the day is that Ford likes to surround us with, then brother.....I'm drowning in it and you're quite correct. It sucks. :shades: But then again ....that is just this hillbillies opinion
  10. Lep...for like the twentieth time brother...Cleveland Engine Plant 2 does NOT have an IMT period, despite what they're telling you at your meetings. That is if IMT means that skilled trades run machines and perform their trade at the same time. I am a jobsetter on the cam line in Plant 2...and nowhere in the plant do skilled trades run machines. Not now....not soon....not ....well not until Ford squeezes our balls while hanging new work in front of us as bait. Because as I also said before....we have no new work period and we in Cleveland accepted a pretty Company friendly contract very early on....and we've nothing to show for it. Ya hear that Mark Fields? We have nothing to show for it. :slap:
  11. All I can say Lep is The Company pressed for it BIG TIME in local negotiations, and in the end the local wouldn't bite. Sadly though , these contracts aren't really worth the paper they're printed on. There are so many loopholes, exclusions and mirrors to have any trust in them as I see it. If a roadblock is reached, the union either renegotiates it, or it's simply ignored in the end. All we can all hope for is the best. But anway, way back where this all started....yes Cleveland has a signed local contract, ratified by the membership, signed sealed delivered and in the end we have nothing to show for it. Take it for what it's worth brother. Then again, that's just this hillbillies opinion...... :shades:
  12. I'm afraid its already been voted on and passed at the same time as the national contract. That ship has sailed brother
  13. Ok update for you Lep my friend. It turns out the flyer was a fake....a good one to be sure but a fake nonetheless. I spoke personally to the building chairman of CEP2 this afternoon, and face to face he told me the IMT was dead. That the flyer was a fake and he'll be putting out his own flyer soon which I'll post for you when its available. Now thats CEP2 mind you, I really have no idea if CEP1 has it or not. I've heard their contract is pretty severe and EVERYONE is furious about it, but its a done deal. As I understand it, 2 classifications in production, Team Coordinator and everyone else. Maybe someone who works over there can fill us in because I work in CEP2. http://www.uawlocal1250.org/ep1.htm I can though post the above link from the last CEP1 Chairmans letter...if that might help.
  14. I have no earthly idea Lep. The Building Chairman of CEP2 told me to my face in a meeting not 2 weeks ago that the IMT is dead period. Then this flyer which may or may not be real our usual committeman who is pretty good has been off so no one knows if this flyer was real but it said that you at Lima and Dearborn where already deeply involved and that for us to remain competitive we're instituting it right away. No details, only that we wouldn't like it. By the way, take note, even though Cleveland has a signed local contract, so far all we've got for it is the elimination of afternoon shift in CEP 2, the impending closure of Cleveland Casting, and the postponement of CEP1 opening up from 8/08 until at least 1/09, all of which means some 150 people hitting the streets and no new work on the horizon with the company not offering inverse layoffs . Some return on our good will investment huh?
  15. Cleveland has a signed contract though God knows what is in it. We seem to find out on the hour. First the IMT is dead....now according to a Union letter out today it is not though there is some question as to whether or not the flyer was legitimate. How's that for a situation huh? A flyer from the local is out and people have no idea if it's for real or not. But bottom line though Lep, yes Cleveland has a signed local contract.
  16. Well Jan or no Jan, Ford is getting ready to stick a big one up Lima's ass and it couldn't happen to a better plant. Just like Brookpark when we said "NO" in the 80's Ford will take all its work to another plant this time from Lima to Brookpark since Brookpark gave up the store and accepted a "Limaesque" contract full of concessions while you guys hold firm. Frankly Lima is about to get what it deserves after years of leading the proverbial "race to the bottom" with your cowardly union concessions and we'll do anything you say attitude, destroying the bargaining power of the other plants, now hang on for the ride my Lima brothers and sisters. You've earned the ticket on this train for sure. :happy feet: Since I've been at Ford its always been " Lima gave up this and Lima gave up that," with an "us against them" mentality towards all the other plants, now to hell with Lima.....enjoy the unemployment line friends. Don't believe me you say? Well....Ford has two more engine plants other than Lima, Brookpark 1 and 2 that gave up the store in the local contracts to keep up with you guys, that can produce the same engine and greater volumes and quality with a contract favorable to the company after years of hearing about everything you guys gave up, and then they have Lima, in the middle of bumfuck, who's all of a sudden growing some balls and saying no. Who would you bet on getting future work? In my opinion it couldn't happen to a better bunch of union busting scabs than to Lima. Touche' brothers and sisters touche'. You've all earned it with your smug union busting attitudes out there. But then thats just this hillbillies opinion now....
  17. Yes Lima seems to have a lot of work, but according to Lep they don't have a local contract as of yet
  18. Funny but I don't see yours.....I thought I was talking tongue in cheek when I said Cleveland doesn't have any new work.
  19. For the record here...Ford wanted that at Cleveland and the local said no....so we don't have it here. But then again....we don't have any new work either...... Bottom line ...we could all work for free....HELL we could PAY Ford for the privilige of building their cars and it STILL wouldn't be enough for these assholes. :happy feet: They would still want MORE MORE MORE. Fuck 'em.
  20. Flash news update Lep ole buddy. I was in a small team meeting today with our CEP2 Building Chairman and I asked him specifically straight up what was going on with the IMT program or what was about to go on with it. I also told him about what you said you were being told in Lima and the other powertrain plants as well. His exact words were " The IMT is dead" Not going to happen. It's dead" So take it for what its worth...as usual Ford is telling you in Lima if you don't eat their shit then Cleveland and all the other powertrain plants will and you'll close...at the same time they tell us if we don't take a bigger bite of the turd than Lima does we'll close. The way Ford is going, I expect them to hand me an engine block as I walk in the front gate, and then expect me to have it completely machined and assembled by the time I get to the other end of the plant all by myself telling me the entire way that Lima is HAPPY to do it that way. Fuck these lying assholes.....but then thats just this hourly hillbillies opinion
  21. Well all I can say is I'm a machine operator on the cam line in Cleveland Plant 2 and as far as I know there is no IMT program about to be implemented in here. As for Plant 1 I have no idea but the local gave up quite a bit in the local contract so could be who knows? Around here it always happens the same way...the shit hits the fan and the union say's "You voted for it " as if any of us actually were able to find any of the details before we voted. We were told however today that Plant 2's afternoon shift was being eliminated earlier then expected but again so far we have no details only that it will be sometime before April or May maybe sooner. Who the hell knows whats going on. Did you guys at Lima ever pass your local we heard here at Cleveland that you turned it down.
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