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Everything posted by ute

  1. Ok then lets change the speed of the Crown Vic to 1mph slower than the speed of light ...What would happen then to the bullet ??..Would it exceed the speed of light ????
  2. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh....but the question is If you have a Crown Vic Interceptor traveling the speed of light and the LEO leans out the window and fires his service revolver.....Will the bullet accelerate (which then will exceed the speed of light and in theory time travel )(Einstein-Rosenberg bridge theory) or will the bullet never leave the chamber (exploding the barrel) do you take the blue pill or the red pill and just see how far down the rabbit hole goes
  3. also 03 has rack and pinion steering as opposed to recirculating ball 03 way better model major underbody changes also roof bows with sunroof are there no structural difference police package had added bow the American sunroof is a great product the install by crown was very good ...had a tour of both facility's ( i was the only repairman trained to remove and install these units believe it or not they are designed to leak all water is caught in a trough around sunroof then drained thru a piller and c piller honestly our CV/gm are best dam cars on the road
  4. got one on my PT only had it on for 2 years ...no rust...seems to work got mine from CT on sale $199
  5. hey buddy all good ...x-cept had a crash on the Ducati ..... shoulder real bad ohhhhhhhh nooooooooooo PT gone ..whats next ??
  6. i got mine 4 weeks after May 1 ...Paul C. got his 3 weeks after May1 Deiter and Gabe still don't have thers either not sure what the idea is its not alphabetical .... call Benefits like was said above we don't need the moey to live on ...its just investment money
  7. hmmmmmmm all the new guys there don't know how maybe check with the A/C repairman Kelvin or water test guy Tony they are guys that have stayed on as well and know what there doing hope things work out with NY taxi thing ...you know i heard about the Hybrid Escapes ggoing there about a 1 1/2 years ago never thought much about it ...just thought it was like our CNG taxi's small market keep cool in this heat bud seeya
  8. hey hey hey hows it going topgun !!!! just got back from a 4 hour ride on the Ducati....retirement great !! keep the o/t going and have fun !!
  9. hey hey hey hows it going topgun !!!! just got back from a 4 hour ride on the Ducati....retirement great !! keep the o/t going and have fun !!
  10. I am so sorry about your Dad just found out a little while ago He was a good freind to me and a great guy to work with i will miss him ...you know he was cool ! please give my thoughts and prayers to your Mom and you i'm sorry i did not get to the funeral Keep the Familly name going in at STAP your old man would want it that way (take no shit !!) i'll come seeya when i',m in next
  11. Thanks ..it's time for you guys now ..we all made a life for ourselves there now its yours enjoy the OT..lol the moneys good ...keep coming to work and no f*ck ups and the plant will survive make the best damm cop car there is and the LEO's will never go any where else
  12. took the inverse till May 1 retirement .....he ha i.m done baby how bout you ?? Dennis said you said hi the other day sorry i missed you
  13. somehow i don't think the LEO's want a unibody ...we offer fire surpression /kevlar door inserts /kevlar trunk insert ...and turn key full option pack with lights and siren etc the impala and charger are a joke as far as the purchaseing dept is concerned best back for your buck Viki Interceptor
  14. thanks it was a blast !!! i gotta say kinda strange pulling out the parking lot the last time ! it was a pleasure working with you all cant belive its been 30 years...young guys keep the sh*t together make a pile of cash on the O/T seeya
  15. hey hey hey you said the magic words F100 i'm sure it will be coming as well ....flex frame baby ...........but it will depend on the US contract
  16. Jimmy Hoffer.......they found him buried there
  17. Ok the deal so far is this ........Green Shield will admin the voucher you will pay the dealer the full x-plan price plus tax's for vehicle submit bill of sale to Green Shield They will then issue a check to you for $21,000 you can then do what you want with the money some dealers may do the paper work and take the 21 off the price and take the check themselves Think of it like the dentist some do some don't the only sticking point as of now is your trade-in .....hope this helps
  18. you need a 14290 specphic for your options .....the letter code will be on the bottom of the fuse box ...eg E, F, G get the same from the wrecker a big job but easy if you look and take your time
  19. another loser product ...can you say EXP / LN7 if they did drive it from oakville i'm sure it would have a som kind of breakdown just remember they have Wayne "ship it " MaCarter there now ....No Concerns No Campains .......lol
  20. agreed ..update this baby ...look how many 300c there are around lots....why because of styling can you imagine if they did the Interceptor and a Marauder option makes you wonder about this company ...wheres the passion and the heart ...i know we need bean counters but when Iacoca did the mustang that was passion
  21. it's not that we can't get parts it the fact we can't ship them ...70% get shipped by rail
  22. were also working the next 2 fridays
  23. can anyone say F.P.S we all know where this is headed i would not want to be one after the one shifting CAW has already said yes to "punch in " cards so the 1 superintendent and his FPS can see what jobs are covered also how can 13 supervisors run all the plant ???? you know what the answer is FPS...... also ask the painter (trades) that is staying about the letter he got from the company ...eg leaveing early etc.. also don't forget we have 2 tier pay rate ...new hires 2 years to get to max pay
  24. TopGun ...thats a plan ..more time off the better
  25. 5 hrs still running ...seems we might have parts for 8 as for the last CN strike you are correct company tried the same scam also A shift is working friday as well
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