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Everything posted by mtprubberrat

  1. Heard the same thing we will all be going next door and the low seniority is out. Who knows it's all rumors and no one really knows shit.!
  2. Can't we all just get along.! heck I'm not prejudice I've got a color TV.!
  3. As for the Iraq Issue it is never going to end so who cares.! Those people have been fighting since the begining of timeand aren't going to stop, who cares let them blow there own asses up let's quit wasting money and Get our people out of there.
  4. AMEN brother who gives a shit about this place OR WAP.!
  5. We aren't allowed to clean shit houses anymore they took all those jobs away, anyway this is the only company I have ever seen that you spend thirty years in to work your way up to cleaning shitters, so obviously seniority means shit here.!
  6. So when is this new big announcement taking place.?
  7. Heeeere she is we should be able to sell a million of these sweet rides..!
  8. I Heard that Thanksgiving were done.
  9. I heard the same info today from 2 sources mgmt and union, MTPer's are getting the shaft, going to finish out stock upon return to work then be farmed over to WAP for a C Crew and will be assigned "like" work until MTP is retooled, then ALL will be sent back to MTP with no recall rights on classifications it will be treatred as a new plant then WAP will be retooled.
  10. Still have not heard anything about the xtra down week but I did hear a rumor that Wayne assy's plant chairman is pissed that we are getting that new focus and he says that it should be their car and his people should build it and if they retool our plant they should be able to move right in to our plant and take over.
  11. If you had read the post before which I was replying to it was about going to Kentucky not the buyout. I not taking any buyout that would be stupid.
  12. Look at how long it took our trades to remodel medical over a year.! I'm sure it will be contracted out.
  13. Looks like we will be getting some serious downtime, and I guess we won't be getting that F100 and New Bronco so we'll have to ditch the Michigan Truck Plant Home of the Bronco name and go with Michigan TransPlant Home of the euroburner.
  14. I have 15 yrs and I know if they offer me to go I'm out of here.
  15. That's funny, did your parents have any children that lived.
  16. I Saw one at a dealer and what a stupid looking piece, I mean c'mon it was $44,000 sticker not that great on mileage and looks like afterbirth from a lesbo cluster f@#$ hope they don't plan on saving the company on this one.
  17. I was told that dearborn would be running an expy this week to see if they could run it so maybe you get that.
  18. I asked that question and the woman I spoke with told me that it was strictly voluntary.
  19. This must be the government model they are invesitng in. Wise decision..lmao
  20. The big announcement is we are going back to basics carriages and bicycles, here is our new water tite concept to be released at the naias detroit sure to be a hot seller.
  21. I think the Expy and Navi are great quality vehicles but their life cycle is done I don't think there will be a 2010 for them, look how fast they pulled the plug on the excursion and with 7 weeks off and on 2 off 2 when we get back kinda is the writing on the wall.
  22. 2 more weeks added July 28th and August 4th.
  23. You should be used to it by now, Trades haven't worked any OT in a while.
  24. Heard a new one today.! Next week is supposed to be our last week until July 28th.!
  25. Don't you think if they were going to put these vehicles in our plant they would be installing tooling already.?
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