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Everything posted by Lwoodbluz

  1. Just posted what I heard, it's your choice to believe it or not, The board is a place to post what you hear be it fact or rumor, it's everyone's choice to read or not read. I suggest if you don't like what I post, skip reading my notes. Noone makes you read them.
  2. What plants are on the rail lines?? This might have something to do with it. Were any of the ones closed on rail lines? If it's location to Detroit that they want, then CAP and TCAP will stay and both Kentucky Plants closed. Is KCAP working under an MOA or COA? How much do you think tax incentives will play in the closing of plants??
  3. This from Louisville News at Wave 3 The Buzz around Detroit is that the Van could go to KTP http://www.wave3.com/Global/story.asp?S=5402975
  4. The oldest two plants left I beleive are Chicago and Twin Cities. 1924 and 1925, Not sure how they decide who close, but it makes sense from an operating perspective to keep the bigger and newer plants with acreage open but who knows, Look at Ohio Assembly its a fairly new plant and large, is it being used to compacity??
  5. Rumor at KTP says Bill Ford will be in Louisville on Thursday or Friday, they are cleanning KTP up and spit shinning it up, so something must be going on. My questions is who is the mole for WHAS? My father heard on news last night, that LAP would be giving up the Explorer but would get the 150. Guess everybody has got to get the last minute rumors in before the announcement. Isn't life GREAT?
  6. There's no statistics on these two plants on the Ford Web site, who knows when were they built, and how big and how much acreage on these two.
  7. Which plants have been closed for sure? I've been looking at the age, size of plant ect to see if there is a method to the way they are closing plants, seems to me like it's the older and smaller plants that have been closed so far. It does make sense to keep the bigger plants and expand them and put 2 or 3 plants together under one roof. Offer buyouts then reduce number of plants and give the rest of the employees options of moving to the plants that are kept open. 1 larger plant would be cheaper to run than 3 smaller ones. Norfolk, built 1925, 102 acres and 2.6 million square foot under roof Atlanta built 1947, 128 acres and 2.8 million square foot under roof St. Louis built 1941, 161 acres and ? no listing on square foot under roof
  8. Aren't transfers only offered to plants with available spots, if that's so there may not be any because it sounds like the plants that are left will have shift reductions. ARe you saying that once the plants are closed and the buyouts done, that you will be able to bump someone less senior at any plant??
  9. This doesn't mean all people with less than 10 years will be without a jobs, This means they want at least 30,000 hourly workers gone, if they get 30,000 to take buyouts, they won't need to get rid of those with less than 10 years, they have about 30,000 people that will have 30 years or more in the next couple of years, I believe these are the ones they want gone, because they have a better chance of getting the 07 contract to pass with people with less than 10 years than with people with about 30 years, that is if they want to change the retirement health coverage, people with less than 10 aren't going to be as concerned about insurance coverage 20 years from now. I believe one of the things for the new contract will be you keep medical insurance once you are retired BUT when you reach 65 and medicare kicks in your insurance stops and you have to buy a Supplement policy to cover what medicare doesn't, this is what GE did a few years ago to save on theres, since alot of people don't retire til 65 this would save them a BUNCH of money
  10. Some of the plants that have 2 and 3 shifts will be reduced by shift, I believe that's what they are planning to do at KTP, we have 3 shifts down and I believe they will reduce to 2 shifts after buyouts, and hopefully enough people take the buyouts and there won't be any layoffs, Do they allow transfers to come to and plant bump a person who is already there?
  11. At KTP the whole plant is off the first week of October the 2nd week we are running 2 shifts instead of 3
  12. If you are talking about a Tesphe loan, it's the same as a 401K, I don't think they would take it from the buyout money unless you authorized it, it's money you borrowed against your own money, if you don't buy it back, you will get a 1099R for it at the end of the year, a lump sum distristribution from your retirement fund, you would be taxed on it and also a penalty if you aren't 59 1/2.
  13. You're right All Locals/Plants could say NO and strike or whatever you deem right, But at this point I don't think Ford Motor Company Cares, I believe they would hold out I don't think they would give in, At least this way we are most likely going to be offered buyouts and at least have a choice, places without Unions just close and you might get 2 weeks severance and maybe not, sometimes you don't even get your last check from a place that goes out of business. I know things aren't always right with the union but it could be alot worse, how would like to work some place for 15 years and find the doors locked and out of business, retirement gone, nothing for 15 years of work and dedication. Look at what's going on with the airlines, some are bankrupt and their retirements are going to be used to pay their debt if the airlines get their way, take a long look at what's happened because their Union is very similar to ours. Instead of complaining and hating the union why don't you do something to change things, if people are really sick of the Union the next election for union officials shouldn't be popularity contest, it should be about change and anyone could have chance.
  14. Was it the piece bashing Mike Abel, if so no wonder the union let them do it. I'm not saying I disagree with the paper but you can't bash a person and then expect them to keep you out of trouble. Think about it if someone was passing out info about you not being the best person, then turned around and asked you for a favor, I doubt you'd be very willing to help the guy out.
  15. I've never used the union for being late either, I have 7 years perfect attendance, all I'm saying is everyone that's bashing the union for what they aren't doing, what would you do different, I agree that the union does things to help the bottom of the barrel employees at every plant, but right now we need to concentrate on how to keep the plant open or we won't have to worry about the union protecting these people, the company wants concessions maybe some of you that feel the union only protects the slugs, start a compaign to give on the attendance policy, how about you only get raises each year if you have no AWOL's, now wouldn't that open a can of worms, or what if seniority was effected by being late for work or AWOL's or abusing medical, how about drinking on the job 3 strikes and you are out or if you are caught drinking on job you have to bring a note from AAA weekly to keep your job. The Union is going to have to give things to keep plants, so no matter what they give somebody will be mad, Life ain't Fair, and the only safe bet is depending on yourself, wether you have a union or not
  16. B Crew is working 9 hours maybe 10 hours tonight at the Truck Plant WHAS 11 is suppose to have a full report about the trip to Michigan at 5 pm News.
  17. B Crew is working 9 hours maybe 10 hours tonight. Just saw a newscast saying the Mayor and Govenor are in Michigan today meeting with Ford Executives about LAP, news sources in Louisville and Detroit say the Truck Plant is safe and has never been discussed for closure, however LAP is being discussed, THe city and state is offering incentives to Ford to re-tool LAP and get new products, WHAS 11 is suppose to have a full report at 5 pm News.
  18. Well if you don't concede to some things and Ford closes the door, what do you have then?? No one wants to give things up BUT even if you give up $3.00 and hour and have to pay $20.00 a week for insurance, you've still got a top paying job, more than most are going to go out and find if the plants are closed. I didn't say I had the answer, but I'm not bad mouthing the Union either, I just wondered what those of you that think the union is all wrong to concede anything what you think they should do.
  19. Everyone that thinks the Union is doing such a bad job, what would you do if you had the opportunity to run the Union, everyone seems to hate what they are doing, but I don't anyone suggesting ways to change it. Everyone is quick to say the Unions aren't what they where 25 years ago, well I don't know about you but I'm not what I was 25 years ago, The world changes you have to learn to adapt or you will grow to be very bitter thinking the whole world owes you something. I'm not saying I agree with all the Union does but I also can admit I don't know what they could do different, I believe Ford Motor Company is in such bad shape that they have nothing to loose if the Union won't concede they will move on to plant that will, if all were to refuse I believe they could care less at this point, because I believe if changes aren't made by ALL Ford Motor Company will be a thing of the past in a few years.
  20. Note from union floating around KTP will have 5 down weeks from October- Thanksgiving, Supposedly the order bank for 07 model is about 45,000 trucks. FACT: KTP has one shift laid off this week but B Crew (2nd shift) is working 9 hour shifts Rumors at the plant are they are laying everyone off for 5 weeks to install new equipment for a new product. according to some at KTP 75 acres has been bought by Ford Motor Company next to plant over towards Union Hall, they are already clearing the property,but no rumors on why they bought this? Another Rumor is FORD has a purchase pending for 600 acres in Shebly County, behind the Budd Company also Ford has property near Lebabon Junction Kentucky, in Hardin County KY near the Prather Highway Has anyone heard that LAP will close and be moved to KTP???? Also heard the order bank for the 08 Super Duty is nearing 100,000 Corrections and Additions welcome, I'm not saying any of this is true and don't want to start fights with other plants, just posting what I hear, the only thing I know is a fact is stated above.
  21. I saw something on another forum, have no idea if there's any truth just passing along the info, supposedly Ford Motor has a pending purchase on land next to KTP, 75 acres towards the Union Hall, also heard Ford has a purchase pending of 600-800 acres in Shebly County behind the Budd Company, Does anyone know if there's truth to any of this. Also heard that eventually KTP will be expanded and LAP will be closed and moved to KTP??
  22. According to Rumors at KTP, this will be a mid size truck(similar to the Chevy Coloroda) something between a Ranger and F150, supposedly they will be making some with a v6 Diesel engine, similar to the diesel in a Jeep Liberty and rumor has it the Diesels will be made at KTP, along with the F150 diesels.
  23. Just read on another thread that Michgan Truck heard from a truck driver who delivers parts to them, they will be adding a 3rd shift, because they will soon be getting the Explorer and Mountaineer. What are you guys hearing at LAP?
  24. Yes, the jobs are overloaded and the operator runs approx. 80 jobs per hour, no time in between trucks They are wanting to up the jobs per hour to 94 trucks we are constantly asked to make adjustments to help keep us off the chopping block, I don't think we will close but in reality we may lose a shift, which equals about 1800 workers.
  25. Is there anyone that knows anything about what's happening at the Louisville Assembly Plant or the Kentucky Truck Plant? There are lots of us with 7 years and less and we'd like to know if we are going to still have jobs in a year. Should we consider taking the buyouts if they are offered to everyone??? I hate to start over again at 43 years old, but it would be nice for our Union to give us a heads up and what to expect. Anyone from the union on this site can give us any heads up about what's happening???
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