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Everything posted by Vulcan

  1. The Maximo system if used properly is the best thing since sliced white bread was invented. It has saved me by having documentation on everything I do which can be good or bad but it is recorded. The problem is that people are afraid of being time studied or other reasons and do not want to keep records. Write something for followup on the next shift on the board and it can be wiped off or smeared but Maximo is a record of work done on a machine for many years and can tell you where you are putting band aides on a problem that needs stitches.
  2. And you came by this revelation by voices in your head???
  3. I think Trimdingman has hit it on the head. Jesus would have not wanted anything to do with either party. He was here to do the work of his Father. The Bible has much to say on this subject and it would not hurt any of us to learn from the words within it.
  4. Congratulations to Terry Kohler on his new position. He is a man of character and has always as long as I have known him been a hard working individual no matter what job he took on...
  5. The best suggestion I have heard here looking at the track record of who they supported in the past. Drop the PC green save the planet party line bull and get back to the business of building cars and negotiating for those who actually build them. Throwing Obama out of office is a good start! I have been to Black Lake and short of the stupid Zodiak walk or what ever it is the campground and facilities are a great place to take your kids for a weekend.
  6. That is good news to hear...
  7. This is the engine I am interested in. I love the Raptor but at 60 years old I doubt I will be driving to Baha other than to pull my trailer and go camping. From what I hear it will be limited production. Looking to hear more on this engine myself as my F-150 4.6 is going on eleven years old with 150,000 towing miles on it.
  8. What kind of a man are you??? You went overboard on this statement and I suggest either you apologize for your cowardly statement or change your handle and crawl back under your rock and hide. You sir are a coward of the lowest form. Like the man or not you have crossed the line here!
  9. I hope it is true also duanesz. Glad to have had you all visit us. These milwrights that came to Romeo are some great guys. Hate to see them go and hope you all get to settle down at a plant somewhere close to home soon. Which ever plant you all wind up that plant would do well to accept any of you guys and you all have my best wishes for your futures. Hang in there
  10. Well thanks to the tip on the American made clothes. I was looking everywhere for a new pair of shoes that where comfortable and bought a pair of Rockport 811's. Says MADE IN USA right on the front of the tonque and I was so happy to find these shoes after looking at several stores. The Red Wing shoe store is where I bought them and I am one happy camper. Now I will be looking at this site http://www.allamericanclothing.com/ that was mentioned for an upgrade of my faded pants shirts I have not replaced in years of wearing them. I will be sending that website out also to my friends on my email list also. Thanks again and glad for all the years I have been employed at Ford!
  11. I'll vote no! We have a contract good or bad we live by it.
  12. The story I heard on Friday is that 200 are getting laid off permantly in August. About 40 skilled trades. Putting it at 99 seniority and we will be going down to one shift. I hope I am wrong and this doesn't happen but thats just wishful thinking on my part.
  13. I wish Randy well in his new position at REP but I think the membership made a big mistake voting out Johnny Verellin from office and a bigger mistake removing Terry Kohler. Nothing against the guys that have been elected but the reason Johnny was removed was because he was percieved as too arrogant??? The afternoon shift did not see him as much as they like and spoke through the vote the way I understand what happened here. Johnny was out negotiating a contract and Terry was always there in the years I have been at Romeo. I remember Terry would always get involved when I went to him and managed to get things done even if it was not his job to do so. I will miss seeing Terry in office as he is the hardest working union official I have ever seen anywhere. It was a surprise to me that he was voted out with such a track record of service to all of us at REP? Through out the years we have remained working and issues got taken care of for the most part. I think the new guys will do as good a job as possible and am looking to see how our new skilled trades committeeman will work in his new position as he sounds very knowledgeable and eager to do a good job but still inexperienced. The very guys that voted these two out of office are the very ones who are about to lose their jobs as REP will be losing a shift in the near future now that our work is destined for Essex I hear has happened. I just hope they get what they are looking for with the new group with the drastic change they have asked for. Change for the sake of change is not always the best way especially in times like we are facing today.
  14. Worked for me also. Same id I use at work. I stay at a Marriot in Kalamazoo every year so I will register through this site to see if I save much this year.
  15. I work at Romeo also and what I can tell you is that they have got rid of the electrical and mechanical coordinators by elimating those jobs. They are now Zone Maint. Coordinators and Area Maint coordinators. Moral is low there. The company decided not to honor inverse seniority during the TLO and they can choose who gets to go or who stays. Senoirity rights for the most part are non existent anymore. The good part is that we are still surviving and if they can figure how to get moral up and people motivated the Way Forward system may work but not until they show the hourly workers that they really are empowered as they claim.
  16. If your looking for a good refesher course or going for a State Licence check out www.neccode.com for lots of information for EL's. I've had my state licence for twenty years and almost dropped it while at Ford when it went up through the years from $8.00 to $20.00 and getting nothing for it. Good thing I kept it up. Also I forgot to add this is the Mike Holt code coures also which are pretty good way to study.
  17. Retiring in less than five years at 62. I have 18 years at Ford and started out as an electrician at Vulcan Forge. I have no complaints or debts.
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