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Everything posted by Jasper

  1. Well the election is moving right along.Have seen two letters and some new Gallogly hats.Gonzalez shirts have been about for some time now. A lready can see who's supporting who.I'll hold my comments for now on the candidates until I see or hear some more but rest assured I will have something to say before it's all over.
  2. Spring,you and Furious are just wishful thinking if you think that any of those who are running for chairman will get into a debate with the exception of maybe Donovan.I have had conversations with all the known candidates for chairman and I encourage you and others to do the same. MY CONVERSATIONS WERE NOT NECESSARILY ABOUT THE ELECTION rather everyday things in general.However it does help you to form an opinion.You will see a lot of garbage( from the usual suspects)on this thread but hopefully we can sift through it all and get some honest information that will help us in our decision making.As for candidates running for chairman,here's what I have heard:Nick Gallogy, Jerry Donovan,Bob Gonzalez and possibly Ken Kruse.I also heard that Tim Rowe is running with Donovan for b/c.If I hear any more I will post it.
  3. To answer your question'we need something to enforce as it is clear that nothing is being enforced right now. The company does what ever it wants'THAT'S FACT.Coming from Lorain I made a determined effort to find out about as much as I could about O.H.A.P.and especially the union reps.The wheeling and dealing that went on and continues to go on is unreal.Yes there are some good reps here like there were in Lorain, but,there are some real lousy one's also.You seem very defensive.I have read some of your postings in the past ans frankly i'm not impressed by your writings.If anything you bias me AGAINST the administration and that is unfortunate as I would like to make a fair judgement.There is a lot for some union officials to fear,both elected and appointed, and that will be the judgement of the people.The c.o.a. that was negotiated was crap.Case in point, what's happening to the old administration cafateria?We were supposed to put money into upgrading it.What happened.Now I realize that this is just a small point,but if you can't deliver on small issues why should we expect you to deliver on large issues.Truth is NOTHING gets enforced AND THAT IS MY POINT.In later writings I will discuss things that I have found out for myself as I'm not afraid to go up to whoever and ask them to explain something regardless of who they are.Maybe everyone should start doing that.as for negativity,it's people like you crapkiller0 who get negativity a bad name.HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE.
  4. No sign of a local contract yet. Was told that they are not even meeting.Of course we are a b/c short,so maybe that's the reason.Or maybe Nick's waiting for Detroit to do it for him.Personally I don't expect much of anything.MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL.
  5. ghost, even Robert was sayting that a big % of his dinners were carry-out orders and that was why it did not appear that he did not have a big turnout.Maybe that's why he was showing you the receipts.Regardless,most people from Lorain will tell you that Robert is not smart enough nor does he know enough to be chairman.Coming from Lorain i'm telling you that.However I will wait and see what everyone has to say BEFORE I decide as to who I will vote for.My vote will be based on who I think will be able to do the most for the future of the plant and will NOT be based on which plant thet were at before the consolidation.
  6. Great steak fry. Heck of a turnout.I was at both the Gonzalez steak fry and the Donovan steak fry.Donovan's had at least three times the number of people at his as Gonzalez had.Gonzalez is not a bad person but it is easy to see that he is ia race for a position that is way,way over his head.Most people that I talk to seem to agree.I think the Donovan/Rowe combination will be tough to beat.The next 4months should be intresting.I for one hope that it is a clean election.Probably wistful thinking on my part.Anyone know who else is running .I know Nick will, but who else?
  7. According to President Gettelfinger it will be decided NATIONALLY.HE STATED THIS IN A BROADCAST INTERVIEW YESTERDAY.
  8. According to an interview which I heard on radio yesterday,President Gettelfinger said that ALL THREE NATIONAL DEPARTMENTS along with the President's office would form a committee to meet with the companies to determine what would be considered non core jobs.So this will be resolved nationally.
  9. Just checked with someone and he said that this is Gettelfinger's last term because of age limitations.It appears that re negotiation may not be the best thing.My friend said that once you leave the table that that's it in terms of money .You can move things around but you will get no more.He says that it becomes the union's job to sell the contract to its members'
  10. Can anyone tell me what changes they were able to get when they rejected the contract in 1982?
  11. Can anyone tell me what changes they were able to get when they rejected the contract in 1982?
  12. Heard that he was doing that [giving out hotdogs] and that Nick made the company stop him from doing it.As far as my experience of him as a union rep 'he was at best average.Some liked him some didn't. He is reaching above his ability in trying to run for chairman.Can you afford on the job training for this position I have to agree that he does't know a lot about contract Talk to others from Lorain you will find that most will say what I am saying that he's in above his head.
  13. furious will you go to the local meeting and STAND-UP and tell why you oppose the contract.If you are willing to do so I will go also to listen.
  14. Iagree.Even at its worst Lorain was never as bad as this.The people originally from O.H.A.P. also say that things were never as bad as this in the past.Mike Donovan has been in trim a few times even when they are in negotiations.Ihear that some of the committeemen are in their departments every day but that some others are seldom seen.All I can say is ROLL ON NEXT MAY?
  15. I have yet to see any comment that you have made or opinion that yiu have expressed which has contributed any thing of value to any of these discussions.All you are succeding in doing is turning people against the present administration.Most of the people who are here from Lorain don't like this administration and alot of the reason is because of people like you.I suggest that if you have nothing sensible to say then just keep your mouth shut.There are some decent union officials here but you get rveryone from Ohio assembly a bad name.We will decide at election time who we believe can best represent us.In the meantime give us all a break and crawl back below your stone.
  16. I talked to some people who said that even the election committee had to read about the strike vote in the newspaper.Do'nt blame the committeemen they can only pass out what is given to them.Talking to a couple of committeemen they found out the same way we did in the newspaper.With the shifts running so close to-gether we get an opportunity to talk to the other shift .Seems like both shifts are pissed off at most of the union especially the leadership.Everybody say they want change.Wont be long to we see who all are running.I see Gonzalez campaigning on nites.
  17. It seems that lying comes to you easily.When we came over from Lorain I heard the same bull,I went and spoke to Donovn about the statement.His answer was to let me read the appeal for myself.NOT ONCE did he raise the issue of Lorain.His arguement was about whether the International had the right to OVERRULEthe membership of local 2000 as to having seperate elections for each unit[they had two units at this time]For the sake of accuracy the answer stated that they did NOT have the right to combine the elections.Iwould suggest that anyone intrested to ask Donovan or the other guys who were involved in the case to see a copy of it,then you can see for yourself how little credibility dumd and dummer has.Leave the politics to after we get a contract.We can judge the b/c's then.
  18. I heard that Nick hasn't even sat down with his b/c's to go over any proposals!I also heard that he wants to use Ed Baire instead of Paul TRIPLETT in the negotiations. If so, that is a load of crock. ALL baire wants is to have an excuse for not to be seen ,not that he ever is.People tell me that his nickname used to be RARE BAIRE because he was seen so seldom.
  19. What can anyone tell me about Pishone.I have heard this guy talk a few times and to be honest Iwalk away wondering if I'M FROM THE SAME PLANET.I also heard that he starts a lot of the rumor crap.
  20. I understand your frustation WRH.I thought that we had a screwed up union in Lorain,believe me it was nowhere like this one.Nick Gallogly seems to interpet the contract to suit himself.Listening to people from both shifts makes me believe that there will be big changes come the next election.Yes,there are a few on both shifts who are trying to do their jobs from what i'm hearing but it's only a few.As for Yates why isn't Gallogly making him do his job/I would just leave him there now and vote him out at the next election if need be1
  21. 30 tft's were brought into O.H.A.P to-day.I don't know why other plants are not being solicited.Maybe it's because our chairman had to get his daughter-in-law hired.He now has about 9/10 relatives working in the plant.They tell me that he i has had more kin folk hired into the plant than any other chairman ever had.Maybe this is the payoff for the C.O.A.that he negotiated!September will be intresting specially if he has anymore family members that need a job! I thought that Lorain was bad,it was nothing near like this.Now I know why people want this guy gone.
  22. I've heard that people have been in our plant{ohap]to look at the general stores,the docks and the clean-up jobs that are to be outsourced.Skilled trades will probably be cut if enough don't take the buy outs.My big worry is what's going to happen come September.I agree when people say that the c.o.a. is only a hold until September.Who the lead plant will be to negotiate will be intresting though I don't think that we will be pattern bargaining any more.
  23. I wasn't to clear what you were talking about when you wrote about the'appeal'.Having checked it out {actually got to read it]sorry but I disagree with your conclusion.Basically his appeal was against the International combining the two units for purposes of the election.[two O.H.A.P.UNITS]The appeal board said that when the membership voted to have seperate elections that the International had NO right under the constitution to combine the units.So in my book this makes him RIGHT!iT SEEMS TO ME THAT IF ANY BODY WHO WAS IN OFFICE AT THE TIME HAD CHALLANGED THE iNTERNATIONAL THAT THEY WOULD HAVE HAD TO RUN THE ELECTION THE WAY THE MEMBERSHIP WANTED IT RUN.This is just my opinion.Honestly it is to complicated to understand all the arguements for and against this issue.However Isure anyone intrested can do what I did and check it out.You may come to a different conclusion.Whatever it is water under the bridge.
  24. Iheard from one of the convention delegates that a number of the plants that approved the c.o.a.s are not implementing them.He said that the c.o.a.s are really useless to both the union and the company.He believes that the real changes will come at the next contract.
  25. When are we going to start going by the new c.o.a.?Seems like the politics are starting already.A guy who came from our plant{lorain]has put out shirts saying that he is running for chairman.I don't think that we should be starting so soon.I talked to some other workers and they actually think that it's a joke.This guy was a safety man in lorain.Like everything else some liked him some didn't.Personally I don't think that he has a strong enough background to run for chairman.Some think that he is trying to cut a deal for himself to get some type of appointed job.
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