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  1. Not to mention there is a pretty high amount of the Mustang lovers who hate the new Mustang and I see sales dropping off on it also .
  2. We are adding some skilled trades at KTP but they posted at other plants first didnt hear about LAP.We are adding ITr ,Millwrights.pipefitters.electricians.and tool makers i believe.
  3. We need 2 itrs at KTP havent heard anything yet people are being forced all over but not here yet
  4. So far every date and payout is TBD as well as everything in the contract.We have a skilled trade asked about retiring when we had our informational meetings.They told him when the contract passes you could go the next day he ordered his package and got everything ready for Nov.1 all the benefits reps and company said yep you can go the 1st.He took all his vacation so he could come in the 1st to retire they called him yesterday and they said oh sorry you can't go yet that is TBD yet for $100000 you have to come to work the 2nd.Another skilled opted to return to production and take the $50000 because there were postions up for bid to move from our Ach that is sold or closing and oh guess what can't go yet TBD.This whole contract was supposed to be retroactive to the 15th of Sept no dates on any of the packages or buyouts because we want these people out but we now want to keep everything till after the 1st of the year or maybe we will change it then too.Amazing how they told you all the good things but you don't know when you will get them rightttttttt.Checks in the mail you know the rest.
  5. I heard 40 that would put production around 180 or 190.There are 135 or so skilled and a few of us will leave to go to LAP if given the chance.Yes the ACHers outnumber us now and they added another 30 today.
  6. Most places they have tried to outsource hasn't worked that well not too many places come at midnight to get dead hilos out of the aisle .But The company will sure try to get rid of any trades they don't think are needed.Thats why I am willing to go back to production or cross train.Which doesn't seem to have happend like it was supposed to either but afterall it is time for a new contract to change everything again.I called Michael Cooper at Ford Labor relations.He said they don't think they will get the numbers they want .Step 6 will probably be coming as well as some trades but he is not aware of which ones yet he said hang in there.
  7. I am an Industrial Truck Repair chances our we won't get asked we seem to be a dyeing trade everywhere.As you know from others on here no one even people layed off in trades was asked to cross train to save job.Since I am still working I am sure we won't get asked till till it is too late.So to help my family is why I am considering dropping trade.With 13 more yrs. to go and being in an Ach I figure I need to get to a plant that will last at least that long.My daughter is young and my wife is an RN so she is able to work most anywhere.But was told today by HR that there will be a seperate posting after this if they don't get numbers.
  8. Can a Skilled Trade sign the LAP bid if they were production before and wish to give up their trade and they are at an ACH plant.
  9. Postings come down 7/11 I believe, am I right HDW1
  10. Sandusky is handing out ours this week.
  11. Amen to that and to all my Marine Corps brothers Semper Fi.Thanks to all service members both past and present for your service and to those who paid the ultimate price for freedom may god bless you.
  12. So much for Ford for life.If by some small miracle you make it back to a Ford plant you might be Ford for life.Otherwiswe sorry for your luck.
  13. They have posted nationwide,would have thought they would have had a better response since they needed only 18.Never thought they would have to go to the street.Hope they post for some other trades soon.
  14. Same here Walter can't wait to go to a productive plant with Ford Employees that care about their product.
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