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Everything posted by hoardpm

  1. I agree. Infact I read in an article that the CEO's are getting a 30% reduction in pay and having all there bonuses suspended untill ford comes back to profitiablity. Im sure you have heard that. But, what they (the union/company) are not telling us it that their pay and bonuses are being set aside to be PAYED BACK RETROACTIVLY when Ford retains profitiablity. We aren't getting back a nickle.
  2. I work at KCAP and we have alot of the transfers from Tulsa. I'm not sure what you mean by "gut" you guys got a better offer than any Ford plant there is. You were offerd 140k and a 19 dollar an hour job with a reduction in insurance. I hope I havent misread your post....but you guys have nothing to complain about.
  3. My FPS corrdinator has a sign hanging above his repair station that reads "The beatings will continue untill moral improves!!!" I'd take a picture of it and post it on here but, sure as shit some company rat would get me fired for bringing a camera into the plant. Just thought the quote would amuse some of you :P
  4. With the option in the new agreement that allows a senior employee to bump someone from another plant in there zone that is working with less senority my mind is made up. I am on the lower end of the senority list. If I vote NO, i might loose my job down the road. If I vote YES, i will definantly loose my job right now. So if you were in my shoes.....how would you vote?
  5. Rock on.....Hope you like your stippers a little rotund :shades:
  6. Thanks....needed the laugh
  7. "The need for increased security would be offerd up by those wanting to later broden the scope of its meaning and sease power" A quote by John F. Kennedy during is inaguaral speach.
  8. I hear ya man. I have always been optamistic here at KCAP. But, that optamisim has dwendled to nothing. Im in the same boat your in. We are basicly in the same place on the senority list as when we started (for me 10 years ago). It makes me sick to think that I will get put to the curb before some jerkoff that plays games with the medical system or all but refusess to do any work on the line. But, I am in hopes that there becomes a high demand in the adult entertainment industry for half crippled X-autoworkes....that way I can live out my life long dream of becoming a stripper....lol
  9. Yeah, I guess your right. It is easier for someone with a wife and kids to pack up and move simply because they have less senority...... Jesus why didn't I think of that.
  10. Are you serious....Ford isnt going to pay us 73 or 60 dollars an hour. Or is that the inflated rate including our benifits.
  11. Im not saying the plant will close. I'm saying that with the other plants closing it will only be a matter of time before the senior employees from other plants start to use there right to bump people to the street. Not 100% sure which plants are in our "zone" but, like I said....if this happens Im sure I will be put to the curb. Do you think I can use there car voucher to buy a RV....since I will be loosing my house.
  12. Really....where is your statistics on that one.
  13. Well, with the modification package the future of a lot of employees at KCAP is not in good shape. We are one of the lower senoity plants. So....its only a matter of time before people in our plant are kicked to the street. I'm sure I will be one of them.
  14. I work at KCAP. I have hear nothing of down time in October. Where is this information coming from.
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