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  1. It is not our hourly rate that is too high, it is health insurance costs that are too high. Our corrupt health care system and an open free market do not mix.
  2. No one outside of Detroit cares if Ford or GM survive. As long as transplants are assembling vehicles in this country, loan guarnatees would be a hard sell. Most Americans believe that as long as Toyota, Honda and other foreign companies are assembling cars in the U.S., that makes them part of the U.S. auto industry. So the rest of the country views the big three as irrrelevant because we have a U.S. auto indsutry in Toyota and Honda. Industry is not considered important the the united states anymore.
  3. You just want to make us watch Ellen dressed as a pregnant woman
  4. We are watching...Ellen, Martha and Tyra...no Ford announcement
  5. I have not seen a press release about this 10:00 AM announcement. Are they really making an announcement today?
  6. It is hard to see what you are typing with your head up your ass!
  7. What is going on with the Monroe ACH Plant? Are they still planning to close the place or keep it open with second tier employees?
  8. is there a list going up for lazy asses milking the company? i wasn't aware of that list. maybe the list should be for a career day for the people that have made up jobs like pipefitters that don't know a damn thing about the real trade. or welders that couldn't pass a welding test if their job depended on it.oh wait it does .what about the people that replace the air conditioners in the breakrooms. heating and cooling! yea right! have another beer at the final score and wish you could transfer. thank you for driving the company into the ground!
  9. I do not know what the budget is, but I would not count on staying in gen/jsp for long.
  10. These people were selling drugs.......that is illegal. This has nothing to do with Ford finding a way to get rid of more people, this is Ford not wanting drug dealers on their payroll.
  11. I was helping a buddy move today and when we were done we stopped at the local watering hole for a drink. I personally witnnesed 6 skilled trades, who were on the clock and should have been on the job, but they were sitting at the bar drinking. I was at this bar for about 2 hours and they were there drinking the whole time and they were still there when I left. Since this is a holiday, how much are those lazy fuckers making an hour to sit at a bar!! If you work for Ford, and are so delusional that you think Ford owes you a paycheck, then please take the buyout! This company cannot survive with leaches like you. Either earn your paycheck or get the fuck out!!! There are too many hard working people at Ford, like myself, that would have gladly WORKED today and actually would have done something to earn my pay.
  12. It is people like this who are a disgrace to this country. We should not belittle him, we should really pitty him for being so ignorant. It must be tough having to go through life with not even a basic understanding of how the industrial revolution made this country what it is today. And to not even understand the difference between a foreign company and an American company. No matter where the vehicles are assembled, there is still a big difference between Toyota and Ford. Toyota uses its profits to make Japan stronger, which intern helps to make the U.S. weaker. If we all supported American companies over the years, then the big three would not have to build cars in other counries just to compete with foreign companies. Just think, if we all supported American companies and our state had more money to invest in the public school system, we could stop churning out ignorant people like this.
  13. I would also like to know where they think their social securtiy check is coming from. People never stop to think about the fact that $14.00 an hour wage earners do not pay as much into social security or medicare as $28.00+ an hour wages earners do. It makes me furious to see so many senior citizens driving foreign cars and expecting their social security and medicare to always be there. (without any form of a tax increase of course.) They put they people who contribute the most to their SS income out of work. It also makes me furious to see so many people who work for our public school system driving foregin cars. Where in the hell do they think there paycheck comes from? Don't they ever stop to realize that their paycheck comes from the state. Talk about people who are biting the hand that feeds them. The ignorance in this country is astounding.
  14. As far as I am concerned, not only does our illustrious CEO want us to get out, so does most of Michigan and the rest of the country. They have made that loud and clear with their choice to support foreign auto companies instead of U.S. auto companies. They only reason people in Michigan have enjoyed such a high quality of life is because of the auto industry, but so many people in Michigan do not realize that.
  15. If you are at an ACH plant and you get a flowback and the plant you flowback to has layoffs, do they layoff by plant senority or company senority? If you choose to stay at an ACH what then, will these people ever get another chance at flowback?
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