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Everything posted by stephenhawkings

  1. Chnage is the only constant, but your underating mans abilities, maybe you can't have any influence, but don't count the rest of us out!
  2. boy I am glad your so smart to point out how dumb every one else is, must be all that clean well water! TRIMDINGMAN could probably learn a few things from you!
  3. I am not bringing GOd into this, nor have I ever, but you can measure the CO2 levels, and see that they have risen. I am not going to say that the ice caps will melt and flood all the coasts, but CO@ levels have risen. It might not mean warmer temps for everyone, but CO2 levels have risen. Man might not kill or completely destroy the earth, but we have had an impact, any one seen Hoover dam? or the great wall of China? Man does effect his surroundings, Love Canal anyone? man does leave behind traces of his existence that aren't always desirable, how abotu those pesky 20,000+ objects in the sky NASA tracks? I wouldn't recommend it, but for those who don't believe, put your lips on the tail pipe of the family car, and have the wife start the engine up and take a deep breath, still not getting it? well maybe after Yucca mountain is set up we can have a field trip and then we can figure out how man hasn't changed a single thing. until then Pray on to TRIMS Christianity and every thing will be OK!
  4. Sorry my thin caucasion skin some times gets burned on sunny days like today, satire noted. Junk science? do tell? As last time I turned FOX news on a few sundays ago the commentators mostly agreed in man made global climate change. As for science I may not know every thing, but I am verse well above average in said matters. What grand piece of knowledge do you have that backs your claims up? feel free to cite websites, but please make sure they aren't editorial pieces.
  5. much like compassionate conservatism, something blind masses follow around leaders claiming to be looking out for everyone's best interests. Drill baby Drill! my favorite oxymoron of the moment!
  6. did I mention CO2 or taxes? or the bible? well I guess I did in my quotes
  7. ok So can i put words in your mouth too? grbeck says" I love Sarah Palin, and bein dumb, im not gay but if i was glan beck would be my lover, and i really dont know nuttin abotu climate change cept for what faux news tells me, and i love chewin bacy, trucks, my first cousin, and anything that doens't require thought" ok I stooped to your level. can we now drop the playground antics and use more than two brainscells, ooh wait this article that this whole thread is based on is only based on two brain cells, my bad, my humblest apologies.
  8. Like I said Before the only numbers that come close to this article, is 30 pieces of silver. This one guy may have lost his info, or misplaced it or it may have been faulty I'll give you. It does not change the fact that man has an impact on his environment, be it small and unmeasurable like say the margin of error on a temperature reading, or large and measurable like the gigawatts of power Al Gore uses every day. It might not effect us to day or tomorrow , or our grand kids, or who knows perhaps it might make nor'easters common place and say dump two feet of snow some where every week.
  9. and the fraud of WMD has finally left the public mindlessness, and tax cuts, and death panels, and...
  10. so like I said there is no proof either way in this article. when presented without any sort of scientific method being applied, this 'about face' is only face value.
  11. Maybe the GOV should offer child care while our troops are away 'defending' our freedoms.
  12. yeah if your going to fly give up all your rights, what do you think this is a free country? FREEDOM ISNT FREE!!!!!!!!
  13. Uncle Sam shouldn't force any one to compromise their childrearing, but I don' thave kids so take it for what its worth.
  14. so is that where Allan Mullay gets all his info from too?
  15. i dont think Bob King, or any union employee of Ford decides where the transit connect goes, but I could be wrong. One salary person, of the launch variety told me its going to Avon lake, as the Eseries wont meet the 2016 fuel standards.
  16. its funny how all the sheep can be hearded into thinking in a one dimensional world, when they live in a three dimensional one!
  17. I guess the redneck, beef eating, diesel driving, and tobacco chewing crowd will have to step up!
  18. Ted Nuggent? we could name drop all day fact is bi partisan is bipolarizing and a distraction, like Ben said 'death and taxes'!
  19. ok so one rich, or formerly rich guy who is democratic, the whole world has gone liberal, except for those who shelled out $500 to goto the tea bagger party w/Sara Painlin.
  20. who do you think Bernie madoff voted for? or any of the carlyse group members?, or buffett? most wall st bankers?
  21. I'm glad to see all these people are thankful for the wonderful job Obama is doing, the bipartisian bickering of the Bush years was really childish.
  22. I live in the burbs how about you? as for the rest of your tirade I can't imgaine where to start, liberals, middleclass, urban sprawl, single parents, and I am guessing your favorite Obama. I'll address the one dear to me, urban sprawl. I have no problem with you buying any car you want, maybe if you could identify these 'liberal elite' for us, as most people who live elite lifestyles are usually conservative, or rich, or privileged via appointment or something of the like. I think working class and middle class have been interchanged as universal in your rant, as most middle classers don't drive pick up trucks.
  23. median income doesn't equate to middle class, nor does high income equate to high class, there may be some correlation, but not all inclusive.
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