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Everything posted by local400future

  1. From what I was told the DoL was already involved, but since no one from the local is telling anyone anything, I don't know if it's true or not. What part of that statement do you not understand? And I sure as hell am not going to take advice from you three. So Lenny was right, but where does that leave the local? A personal vendetta has been resolved, that's it. I'm glad the membership gets to pay for it.
  2. From what I was told the DoL was already involved, but since no one from the local is telling anyone anything, I don't know if it's true or not. And yes I was at November's E-Board meeting.
  3. Happy Veterans' day to all my fellow veterans on B.O.N.!
  4. Do you seriously expect anyone to believe that? That's the problem with anonymously posting: along with attacking someone, you can make false claims that can never be proven because you won't identify yourself. You're probably one of those people who runs around telling people, "I heard this from a reliable source". Get over yourself 400member. If any of what you said was true, you would be posting like I do without trying to hide behind an alias. I never claimed that I know the constitution through and through like you supposedly do, but the people with the experience are the ones that are using that information to manipulate the membership. This once your in, your in attitude is killing us. All the knowlegde and experience in the world doesn't mean crap if you don't use it for the benefit of the membership. In and elected representative posistion, motivations mean more than anything else. Yes, you do need a base knowledge of the constitution and various contracts in order to effectively represent, but the only way to get "experience" is to be brought up through a broken system. Basically you learn how to do things the wrong way. Man up or shut up. Stop coming on these boards like your some sort of union guru without providing your credentials. This post here already contradicted all your arguments in another thread.
  5. Oh, I'm sorry, you're the smartest man in the world. Nineteen years on the floor, raised by a union father and I don't have the history or background? Where do you get off formulating opinions like that? The problem with the UAW is the frigging history! We are lead by a bunch of people brought up through an obsolete system in which we are doomed to repeat our mistakes if we don't change. What good are the constitution, contract and bylaws of the union if they aren't representative of what the people want? Retirees holding office ring a bell? AND NO WE DON'T VOTE ON THE PRESIDENT. Indirect voting doesn't mean crap as proven by our government elected representatives and senators. Compete? You can spin your opinions any way you want, but it doesn't make you right.
  6. I wasn't incorrect on any level, we don't vote on the president. Give it a rest dude.
  7. John Stewart interviews Jim Cramer This was and awesome interview/beat-down of Jim Cramer.
  8. "4. By the time 2015 rolled around, and with it new contract negotiations, we might possibly have a majority of UAW autoworkers making $14.20 an hour. I am sure after working 6 years at the same jobs as us higher-wage workers, working the harder less-senioritied jobs and shifts, and making 1/2 of what we do, these $14.20 an hour employees would be angry (not at Ford, but at us: It always happens that way for some reason. Rather than thinking they should be making as much as we do, people always seem to think we should make less. Odd way of thinking in my opinion)." The major hole in that theory is that the negotiators would be master rate agreement employees, they're not going to negotiate their own wages down. The IUAW would also be opposed because of the potential loss of union dues. I think greed at the upper levels would actually benefit us for a change.
  9. None of the changes would've reaped Ford Motor Company any benefit before the 2011 contract. IF we were to start hiring between now and then, it is highly improbable that we would even achieve the 20% cap let alone exceed it. The changes in the work rules would take at least a year to be completely implemented. Lastly, the "no strike" clause would not have come into play UNTIL the 2011 negotiations. Oh, and one more thing, that $1000 bonus won't be paid because it's looking like we'll be getting profit sharing. Why do you think they weren't going to pay that 1k until next March? Therefore, I ask why couldn't Ford wait until contract negotiations? Right now things are getting better, but if the company has a problem with the debt load come contract negotiations we'll address it then. There is absolutely no reason to make any changes as it will provide no short term, as in the next 2 years, gains. We can address long term issues WHEN WE ARE LEGALLY BOUND TO DO SO in 2011. Personally, I am sick and tired of people on the outside saying we don't care about Ford. We are all just a bunch of selfish and lazy autoworkers. Since when did it become wrong for someone to insure a legally binding contract is adhered to?
  10. Basically what the article says is that we are wrong for making the company live up to the agreement that was signed in 07 and reopened in April. What's the point in a labor agreement if one side doesn't want to live up to it?
  11. Great, another circus monkey. Where the hell do you guys get your information? Oh wait, Klandrud. Now that explains a lot.
  12. Ya got me Sherlock: I have an obligation to Gajeski. Wow, can't get anything by you. Oh, and I forgot, your opinion represents the entire membership. How could I possibly know how the membership feels since I only talk to the guys on the floor every day. Nineteen years all at Romeo, working literally everywhere in the plant and I have no idea what the membership wants or how they feel. But you on the other hand, some anonymous coward who supports a guy that I have never in my nineteen years heard anything positive about knows everything. Seriously, do you know how people recognize the guy? They say, "Oh, that asshole with the camera?". I'm done on this thread here unless you identify yourself or until you say something intelligent. The first is a slim possibility but I doubt the second will ever happen. It was looking promising until I disagreed with you then it all went south. Apparently you have the same attitude as our illustrious leaders who think the rank and file should do whatever the officers tell them to do without question. You and your crew are no better and would be nothing but more of the same. So yeah, if you want to continue this discussion, drop the insults and inuendos and identify yourself. Are you afraid of me? Are you afraid of the supposed repercussions you could face from the local? Wow, you're a great representative of this union. Anonymous support doesn't do us any good.
  13. No, I won Romeo, as a matter of fact it was Lenny's sister who told me. Also, I said I came in second for active members while Lenny came in second overall.
  14. I missed one E-board meeting because of my daughter's school and three Joint Council because of work. All valid reasons. Know your facts before you speak. Wait, you're a supporter of Lenny, facts don't mean anything to you.
  15. Yeah, the three people. That's why I won Romeo and came in second on the active votes.
  16. We were guaranteed work after the 2005 givebacks, the COA ratification, the 2007 contract and the 2009 concessions. Has anyone seen any of that work, or are they going to keep dangling that carrot?
  17. Way to go Lima! Just keep giving and giving at the expense of your union brothers and sister so you'll be the only ones left working! For two dollars an hour! You ever hear of the term "solidarity"? I was told that the plants voting no will lose work. From what I have seen so far none of the plants in Michigan have voted yes. Does that mean if all the plants in Michigan vote no that Ford will shut them down? That'll go over real well with the state. Do fall prey to the scare tactics.
  18. I haven't and will not go to Black Lake and I have been offered an appointed position and turned it down. I'm not doing this for me, never have, never will.
  19. Act on the behalf of the membership? As I remember, Tony got overwhelming support from the membership in the last election. I think it's safe to say the membership wants him as president. Do not presume to think that your opinion represents a majority of the membership. The petition was heard and denied due to timeliness and lack of facts. Deal with it. What interests am I serving? I work midnights, so I don't get paid to go to E-board meetings along with the fact I have to get up two hours early to make it. Joint Council meetings I have to get up four hours early. So how the hell is that self serving? Plus I get to read comments from idiots like you, yeah, that's self serving. Hell, just the fact that I openly come on here is more than any other elected official is willing to do. If you think you can do better then run. It's not like you'll be putting your neck out, no one knows who you are coward.
  20. All this good news has got to be killing them in Dearborn. Couldn't the press have waited another week? Lol! I'm happy as hell Ford is doing well. Along with job security, it's exposing our union leadership for what it really is.
  21. My wife and kids have everything to do with the auto industry. My wife takes care of the house and kids so I don't have to worry about these things while on the job, and if it wasn't for my kids, I wouldn't need a job!
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