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Everything posted by WalterWeeps

  1. Fox News was reporting that we made $75/ hr during all of the turmoil in the Auto industry earlier in the year. Keith Oberman actually did an entire segment tearing apart this fallacy. And showed where they were deriving the $75/hr. By adding in legacy costs.
  2. TDBoette -The only thing I do at Walmart is F*ck your gap toothed mother in the Parking lot!!! I actually appreciate my job! But that's where you'll be working when my high seniority ass knocks you the f#ck outta your plant.
  3. The American public thinks that UAW factory workers, not Ford, are a bunch of lazy crybabies that make $75/hr, don't fool yourself.
  4. Let me ask all of you something that are in the 'Vote NO' camp. When/If we are the target come 2011, how much of a pay raise do you think the UAW will be able to negotiate knowing that the other 2 have binding arbitration on that very thing? Whether you want to believe it or not the fact is that any sizable pay/benefit increases will be limited by Chrysler or GM's capacity to afford it. Pattern Bargaining will assure that we don't strike on our wages or benefits anyway. It will be entirely up to the leadership to decide on what to go out on. Believe it or not it won't be for wages and benefits. So in reality, we're about to take a huge black eye in public opinion for something that doesn't even matter. If you're honest with yourself you have to realize that this agreement is nothing more than PR for Wall Street. To level the playing field. I agree with the original poster, if you thought that the US public hates us now, just wait till you see how they react when this vote goes down and they find out that we weren't even being asked to take a pay or benefit cut. We are absolutely at risk of reversing every market share gain we've made in the last 8 months and then some. But by all means, blindly vote NO so you can feel good about yourself. At least that is until you hear how the media talks about us when it's all done and possibly watch our volumes start to tank.
  5. No, just your plant. And move your work to all of the empty floor space in Indy. Somewhere the employees have their feet grounded to the reality of the current economic hardships this company and this country still face. But keep telling yourself pattern bargaining isn't important and hasn't gotten you $29/hr with excellent benefits. That the big 3 WANT to pay you that because you're worth it. Put OUR company at a negotiating disadvantage to our own detriment. Ford didn't create this economic environment, but is having to find a way to pull out of it. Yeah, we didn't file bankruptcy, but how long do you think it will be before they have to head in that direction? Then we'd be tickled to accept this modification agreement to keep it out of a bankruptcy judges hands. Instead we'll just push them to that brink cause it makes us feel good...like we've done something radical to say screw the man. The sense of entitlement is amazing on this site anymore. Unemployment is up to 10% and we're telling the company to go stuff $2 billion in new investment up their asses cause we want the right to strike on something we've NEVER stricken over in the history of Ford/UAW contracts. Health and Safety or Outsourcing yes...Wages and Benefits ..no. So sleep well tonight knowing you might have to look at your kids one night and explain to them why Santa won't be visiting this year. Cause Daddy was in denial and voted his job away.
  6. Was like 420 total voted. 260ish For and 160ish Against. With pretty equal percentages for trades and production. Sorry don't remember exact numbers.
  7. God, are you serious? This entire post is full of BS. Never a promise of a $4/hour pay raise. I was actually in the COA informational meetings and this was NEVER mentioned. That's an outright lie. All temps hired in with the understanding that they would be paid according to the Visteon Agreement's graduated scale. No More. There is only approx. 150 Temps in the plant...not 300. You only missed that one by 100% They're not allowed to vote because they are not Ford employees. The last time I checked the contract was between the UAW and Ford Motor Co. That is why they are only allowed to vote on local agreements that effect the local working conditions. Anymore made up BS you'd like to fling around to see if it will stick?
  8. Which plant are you actually from? Because it isn't Indy. Bob King NEVER had a meeting in this cafeteria. It was Frank Digeorgio, our old servicing Rep. 2 working cafeterias @ one time. One inplant-One referred to as salary cafe because it's up by the salary offices. Though there was a Salary dining room. Why not complain about Twin Cities? They're almost 95% Temps. Indy's temp jobs are scheduled to all be gone come March 2010. So who wants to uproot their family for a 4 month job?.......Any Takers?........ Didn't Think So.
  9. First of all, you're grossly misrepresenting the 'no strike' scenario. The only instances where we couldn't strike would be when we were seeking pay or benefit INCREASES in the 2011 negotiation. IF the company were to ask for pay or benefit DECREASES in '11 the Union would still have the right to strike. The fact of the matter is, the only concessions made in this agreement are those that would be made by any future Entry Level employees with a wage freeze for 2 years. No current Active employee, nor retiree for that matter, loses anything with this concessionary agreement. As a matter of fact, any trades that end up going back to production maintain their trades rate of pay while working on the line. The way I see it, this agreement is more about showing Wall Street that Ford and GM/Chrysler are on equal footing as far as Labor is concerned. Just my 2 cents.
  10. I think the numbers were like 600-280 Huddleston over Lewis.
  11. Huddleston WINS!!!!! By quite a large margin if I heard right. Also, maybe Captain can help me with this one... Doesn't the UAW have a rule against National Appointees campaigning for a certain candidate? How about if they did it on the clock?
  12. Looks like the Vice President Huddleston came out swinging. In a 3 way election for President/Chairman he came 9 votes from winning it outright with over 50% of the total vote. Now, there'll be a runoff 6-4 between him and Lewis(current chairman). He pulled almost double the votes that Lewis did. Looks like showing up to work really does matter. Glad to see that having a strong work ethic still carries some weight. Will be nice to have a Chairman that's actually accessible to the membership. I think the writings on the wall and Lewis is done. :happy feet:
  13. I don't know who told you that they were going to put it up in the next closest zone, but they were blowing smoke. You're either IN Zone or OUT of Zone. They post it IN Zone 1st and then to ALL Out of Zone at the same time. How do you imagine that an Out of Zone employee with 2002 seniority should be given the opportunity to work while an employee with 1984 seniority is out just because his zone is not as close? In Zone first THEN Out of Zone, ALL Out of Zone, Not just a select Out of zone. This is the way it's ALWAYS been handled. And as far as contract books not being out let me guess...this is your 1st contract? We NEVER have the books this early. Look after shutdown at the earliest.
  14. What's wrong with you? Do you think anything productive will come from your post? Other than showing everyone on this board that you're a 'Company-Ass Rat'! It's scumbags like you that have destroyed solidarity in our membership. Is sitting in a bar getting drunk on the company's dime right?...No. Is coming on a public forum cutting peoples asses based on assumptions worse. Hell YES! You need to do some soul searching and ask yourself if you're proud as a Union Member to come on here Hating on some guys that might be getting some OT you're not. Also, hope everyone in your plant that knows your screen name takes the opportunity to come by and tell you how much they appreciate the heat you've drawn onto your plant once the company reads this silly shit. Smooth Move Ex Lax.
  15. This is Absolutely Great News, IF, it is indeed true. :happy feet: We can only hope that it's not just another nasty rumor. I heard last week that the local VP sent an Email, to Mulally and Gettelfinger both, requesting consideration for the New Hires on this performance bonus. They work hard and attribute dramatically to the bottom line for our facility(Indy). They make up almost 50% of our crew. This was not a negotiated Master Agreement benefit so there is no excuse to not include them for this bonus. Again, This is Great News! This "Blue" employee is very happy for the "New Hires" It's nice to see a step in the direction of Solidarity......It's LONG overdue.
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