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Floyd Lawson

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Everything posted by Floyd Lawson

  1. I don't need to, I'm sure you've read his voting record and anything I'd point out you would just deny. I'm not sure what your motives are but by you supporting Ron Paul it would be easy for a person to assume (?) that you would be more closely aligned with the ideology of McCain than Obama. So I went back and looked at some of your older post and now realize that you are just a disgruntled Ron Paul supporter. You seem to be very immature and angry because Paul is not the nominee, so now you want to play to part of a spoiler and sling mud at the party that did not accept him. Get over it, after tonight McCain will represent the GOP and Paul can go home and whine, like you do on here. I see now why you support such a weak candidate.
  2. Mrs. Palin really has you libs worried. You should be. In a year when it was the Dems to lose, that's exactly what they are going to do.
  3. I bet you do, the dems have been in control for almost 2 years and have done nothing.
  4. Well you must be living right because nothing is exactly what you got. I'm surprised you have such low expectations for yourself.
  5. WE? So you were there? I knew where it was held, it stated the location in the article. I was being facetious.
  6. Here's your guy Ron Paul, held his own convention I think it was in a high school gym.
  7. Now provide us with a list of Ron Paul sponsored bills that have been written into law.
  8. Go look for yourself, not that it will matter to you anyway. Which night will Ron Paul be speaking at the RNC?
  9. It should be "to" not "too". Maybe you need to check your grammar.
  10. Let's try it like this, you want to compare the effectiveness of McCain to Paul. Simple; Ron Paul has never, that's never, introduced a bill that has been adopted. McCain has many (look them up), so in simple math if McCain has even had 1 of his bills adopted into law, that would make him 100% more effective than Paul.
  11. Something great? How about five and a half years of torture while serving his country? I'm sure that doesn't mean much to you.
  12. I know the list because I looked at Ron Paul early on, then I realized how ineffective he was and how he switched parties for political expediency. But you are always on here beating your chest and taking any and all Republicans to task, take a few minutes and tell everyone else how effective your guy is after all he's still in the race, right?
  13. You say that we were attacked in WWII, ok that was Japan. Refresh my memory, exactly what state did the Germans attack?
  14. If as you say that Iraq presents no threat, why does the Dem. controlled Congress contnue to provide funding?
  15. Let me see if I follow your logic on WMD's. You don't consider killing 5000 people at one time with nerve gas mass destruction? LINK
  16. Not even close, she has more qualifications than Obama, that's what has you Dems worried.
  17. Your concern for the Republicans is puzzling, any observer of this process would think that an Obama supporter such as yourself would see this as an advantage for him. But you seemed all of a sudden overly concerned about this being a poor choice for the ticket. I suspect that you are concerned, but not for the Republicans but that this choice will unite the base, get a good porition of the "Hillary Women" and ultimately be the undoing of the Dems again. You listed the positions that Mrs. Palin has held, how many has Obama held? She's the govenor of a state that is only about 100K smaller in population than Delaware, where Biden is just a Senator. Spin it any way you like, she's is more qualified right now to be VP than Obama is to be POTUS, plus she has none of the baggage of a Rev. Wright or a left-wing-bomb-thrower like Bill Ayers or a convicted felon like Tony Rezko. Her spouse is a blue collar regular guy who fishes for a living, not some elitist 300K a year who isn't proud of their country. As I see it McCain's move yesterday was very smart and went a long way to securing an Republican victory.
  18. I detect concern in your post, going on and on about her lack of experience, and worry you should. She's not an unknown in the Republican party, just the opposite. A fresh young face from outside the beltway. Right now she has more experience than Obama himself, having served in local government and now as Governor, neither of which Obama has done. She loves her country, has no ties with left-wing bomb throwers or hate-speech-anti-American pastors. That alone will help the Republicans to win.....AGAIN!
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