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  1. You may be confusing seniority employees on temporary assignments with LTS (Long-Term Supplemental) employees. DTP has about 204 LTS employees and all will be gone by March 31. The April dates posted for certain crews are wrong. All gone NO LATER THAN 3/31.
  2. $100,000? And you believe it wouldn't be fixed for that amount? That's chump change. The fix is in the 8-figures. TWOS is linked into systems in all areas of the company, not just pay. You can't believe everything Nick tells you.
  3. Good questions, but wrong answers. 1)Has any good come from the last two agreements? Really? You think nothing good came from them? IUAW fought to keep the Companmy running. VEBA has been HUGE in keeping the doors open to almost every plant. What is keeping Ford in buisiness & away from the bailout? These changes saved the Company BILLIONS. Just think about the billions lost & how much worse it would be without the acounting treatment the Company was able to take. It is hard to understand so most people don't really think about it, but all the Negotiators really came through with a landmark agreement that saved a lot for everyone. 2) Is Ford at a disadvantage to the competition? YES. GM & Chrysler don't have loans due to repay like Ford does. Government & bankruptcy erased all of theirs just like that. And don't forget, Ford helped pay for them to come out of bankruptcy. Think of all the mom & pops, workers comp cases & people all over the company that were screwed when GM & Chrysler bailed on all their obligations. These guys are the worst of integrity. Ford kept their promises to suppliers, banks, employees (including over a billion of investment in the US - don't forget). and still has a lot of $$ to pay., Maybe more than we are going to make off of our great products. 3) Is the Company unprofitable? YES. ?? Do you think otherwise? 4) Have managers taken concessions equal to the average UAW member? YES. Have you ever talked to a salaried employee? There were no buyouts. They were fired with no choice, no advance notice. The # of salaried employees was reduced the same amount as hourly, but much less costly & barely a parachute. You are giving the UAW NO credit for the safety they have negotiated for us to keep our safety net & reduce numbers in a humane way. Salaried has had no pay increases over the last few years, matching hourly. Benefits are reduced more severely than UAW workers. Pensions are gone for new hires years ago. Retiree healthcare? Dental? Vision? fuhgeddaboutit Let's get all the details before getting too worried. Remember the UAW has done well over the years negotiating tough in good times. We need to focus on this AFTER the company gets through the tough times and is making money -- which is not yet, but maybe 2011. Let's not shoot ourselves in the foot before then. ANd get all the details before making a decision
  4. Sounds like you're talking about a full-seniority employee who has been working on a bid job or on a classified job as a "temp" in that classification. Depends on your plant. Shouldn't be temp working on a job for that long though. If there is a need for that job, they should post it so someone can get the job legitimately.
  5. Guess Rawsonville thought they were going to have permanent trades openings in some of the trades that were headed off to DTP or AAI so they were held back. (Doesn't make sense to move to a temp production job for a couple weeks & then get recalled back to your home plant & in the meantime, DTP & AAI have to train you & then a replacement in a couple weeks). Anyway, I think it is all sorted out now and Rawsonville trades should be at DTP starting tomorrow.
  6. The scoop? 3 crew is not temporary. The rumors about 6 weeks on 3-crew came earlier this summer when there was the possibility of more sales due to cash for clunkers. Studies were flying around about running 5 shifts for about 6 weeks. The launch of 3crew now is because they are moving the truck crew to the SUV side at KCAP. This move is 'permanent' -- at least a hell of a lot more than 6 weeks. So to keep 4 shifts of F-150 production DTP needs to go to 3-crew. The cash for clunkers sales increase that Ford has seen means that DTP can run 3 crew for about a month while KCAP is still running 2 shifts (before their move)... That is 5-shifts worth of trucks between 9/21 and 10/19. After 10/19, KCAP goes 3-crew on SUV and one shift on trucks. DTP stays on 3-crew at least into 2010. I have heard the plan is AT LEAST through April and it will be reassessed around December
  7. Anyone coming to DTP will be getting their calls to come & start at DTP on Monday. Except some Rawsonville people who are being kept at Rawsonville due to 'plant needs'
  8. That's right! All the rest of layoff weeks will be cancelled after 3-crew starts back up. Get ready to go back to work
  9. This round of signups for skilled on ILO to go to production is only for AAI or Rouge (your choice). Rouge openings are all at DTP. These are temp openings to allow DTP & AAI to send people to Saline & Sheldon Road. You can be bumped by AAI/DTP regular employees coming home from their assignment at Saline/Sheldon. Which may be in 1-2 yrs, or you could be recalled to your trade if openings come up
  10. Hmmm Escape sales are up 94 percent (source: Ford Sales, And according to Edmunds.com, the Escape is the #1 selling vehicle in the US since Cash for Clunkers was launched -- with a bigger share of the market than even the F-150 usually has -- with 4 shifts of production on the F-150. My guess is that KC wants to crank out as many Escapes as possible to take advantage of the market conditions right now & make Ford gobs of $, by adding a 3rd shift. (Rough calculations -- 50,000 more Escapes with a 3rd crew, at $7,500 profit per Escape = $375 MILLION -- PROFIT :hyper: . The only easy way to do that QUICKLY is to move the truck crew over to the SUV plant. (That means DTP would pick up the slack from the F150.) Sorry some of you would be inconvenienced, but this is great news all around!
  11. Nick's seniority cutoffs are pretty close. People will go mid-August. DTP will need to post & get another 95 backfills over the next couple weeks before anyone will be able to go.
  12. Someone in the Labor Relations office at your new plant can tell you where to call. You can check with the NESC 800-248-4444 -- I think they verify employment if someone needs to check
  13. No one from DTP has gone back to AAI
  14. Gotta check your local 4x10 operating pattern agreement. Most are like DTP like big mentions above
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