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Everything posted by tatsuke

  1. Maybe it's you that needs to get some real job experience. If you're creating VALUE for your company, you'll get promoted. If not, leave.
  2. It was the company's problem when the story was produced. Now it's the taxpayer's problem. Since I found the story in a current article about the UAW, it's obviously circulating because it's more relevant now then when it was produced.
  3. Local 4's Kevin Dietz goes undercover to find auto companies union bosses allegedly abusing overtime.
  4. I think you can safely ignore (or laugh at) anyone who thinks that the much-ballyhooed "$70/hour" figure is the average UAW worker's wage. However, like your source says, that figure is: and thus still a relevant figure to compare across manufacturers.
  5. Raising taxes with the goal of stimulating the economy...is not a good idea.
  6. I don't think there's an economist on the planet that doesn't understand that the "auto industry" involves more than just the actual manufacturers. The problem is, you have to establish the "event horizon"; at what point are you willing to pull the plug on these businesses, regardless of the repercussions to the economy? That's the question on many people's minds, and it results in a ton of political posturing. Of course a $25BB, or $50BB or even $100BB loan is a ridiculously low cost to save the auto industry (at this point in history). But what if it can't? THEN do you let them fail?
  7. The economy will adjust and those people will get new jobs, probably in the auto industry.
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