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Everything posted by CourtJester

  1. Whoa there! First off, the UAW leadership can't be lumped together. There are some good leaders and some crappy ones, just like you will find in any organization. While I think that we need to streamline the UAW, I don't think we need to see the current people all 'fired'.
  2. NAFTA opened the door and the rich guys in suits found a way to make even more money by outsourcing to 3rd world countries.
  3. YESS!!!! A VOICE OF REASON!! I am not against helping Darfur, however, let's take care of our own families first. Then, we can help whoever. Boycott China as best we can. Seriously. I look at the label before I buy anything. I feel 'obligated' to buy Barbies for my nieces and they are made in China. I cuss everytime I do it. When I buy a basketball evy month because my kid can't seem to keep track of his, I look at the box. We actually make basketballs in America, who'd have thought? And Walmart is on my craplist. I try not to go there, but sometimes I do. It's an import shop.
  4. http://www.ipetition.com/ There's a place to start a petition online.
  5. http://books.google.com/books?id=clStFG50u...esult#PPA104,M1 2 Sides to every story. Here's mine. This book shows how several American legislators, including Al Gore (Not the recent presidential candidate, but his father) fought HARD to keep American jobs in America. He had grave concerns over the blow this would have to the American economy. The average American could not send their goods or services across the border at this time duty-free, while Canadians could. This is an excellent book to read on the subject and explains my opinion. Even Lee Iacocca was opposed to the Canada US Auto Pact and he was Chief of the Ford Division at that time. He discussed this with Henry Ford, II who only wanted to see the bottom dollar- which lined his pockets. I don't think that John F Kennedy as president would have signed this act. However, as soon as Lyndon B Johnson got into office- The Big 3 started shifting American jobs to Canada. Noted that this is not a treaty, but a pact. American law makers would never have passed a treaty to let our jobs fly out of this country- rather, they made an agreement. It sounded nicer, but had the same effect. It hurt America. Now, this was the precursor of NAFTA. NAFTA continues to destroy American jobs. Flame away.
  6. When it comes down to it, you protect your jobs and I will protect mine. I am Ant- Nafta and learned about the sell-out 1965 agreement with Canada and Ford years ago, when my grandfather was a founding member of the UAW. NAFTA and SUPERNAFTA have hurt American jobs. Not trying to be offensive, but I am into protectionism and American jobs. Our manufacturing base has eroded into a mass of retail outlets.
  7. I'm the minority who thinks that Black Lake needs to be rented out, sold or whatever so that the Union can take that money and invest it into fighting for us. We have lost a lot of membership and in order to recoup those funds, we need to make changes. It is very expensive to lobby and although I haven't been there, my husband has and the pics are gorgeous. It's just time to streamline the UAW so they have money to fight. I respect the people who voted yes on the last contract, it's what they felt they had to do. That's cool, I voted no and want to see the UAW fight like hell to get our COLA, vacation payout, etc back that we just lost.
  8. Crap the bed, I had no clue. It doesn't change my opinion but it explains why these people want to keep American jobs in Canada.
  9. Uh, WTF? You all WANT Canada to keep our products? Move them back to the USA where they belong. WTF is wrong with you and the other freak, Hosh? You are for other countries taking Ford products?
  10. Ford is in much better shape than GM or Chrysler. The problem with the buyout is this- what happens afterwards? It is very easy to sit and judge people for being unhappy with the company and to tell them to get a new job or take the buyout. I voted no on the contract. I'm not unhappy, just waiting for the economy to pick up so we can move forward.
  11. I feel sorry for YOU. You can't discuss shit, you just attack. Hubby and I discuss this all of the time. He's the bomb. How much do you think it cost for the UAW to lobby for us? It's not free and you really need to shut the f@ck up because you have no idea what you are talking about.
  12. They just don't know any better. People judge all of us because of one bad apple, like you said, all we can do is educate them.
  13. I'm all about the USA - AMERICAN jobs. I hope the Caravan moves to St. Louis. The Mexican factories worked out so well. Keep American products in the UNITED STATES, not the North American geographical area. Canada has government insurance- along with other programs that we don't have here. They will be just fine.
  14. Put a boot up your ass, you have no idea what you are talking about. If you had a Master's Degree, you'd see how hard it is to get a new job. My experience is at Ford, employers pick people right now who have experience. Chassis Group Leader - Team concept is in your username. Great job, see how many more jobs you can conslidate and fork up for us all. Group leader my ass- Team Concept Leader is more like it. The ONLY thing in your post that made any sense is the fact that economic downturns motivate people to change- only because they have to. People start new business's, etc.
  15. My friend lives next to a union rep at my plant. He has a bad perception of unions because he sees the rep come home everyday at noon. The thing is, the general public sees stuff like that and thinks all of us suck. I've talked to the union rep about it and he laughs. It's not funny- that's the shit we don't need. Fox News (FAUX news) hates unions, CNN is pro-union. The local stations in KC are split. you are right, the spin the media puts on the UAW and Ford employees can really put a boot up our ass.
  16. I'm female. And, instead of fighting, why not discuss options? I am union, I'm for the union. I want changes. Do you realize that if the UAW would cut back they could AFFORD to fight harder for us? Do you know how expensive it is to fight? Lobbying isn't cheap, it's expensive. Black Lake is an example. I don't personally care if they sell it or not, but at least make some money off the place- then put the money back into the fight. The deal is this- the union needs to cut the pork. AND that's not a Republican term, either. If they cut out the extra spending- maybe we can fight hard enough to stop more concessions. Like it or not, we are ALL in the same boat. None of us want to lose our jobs. If we DISCUSS how to make changes, then follow through with the local- we can win this fight. For the poster above, don't know if they were talking to me and don't really care, but I voted NO on the contract.
  17. We just bought a new Escape. The economy will get better and if you have to get a new car, this is a good time to get one. That said, I'm broke as a joke and my other car was totalled, so I worked with the dealer to get the best bang for the buck. The Escape had the highest rebate.
  18. Here's what I think- what happens when the economy gets better? The DOW soared today, best it's been in 2009. Obama's stimulus plan will work and Ford will be building vehicles again. I don't think we will see 50 to 60 hour weeks for a long time, but we will see us working and not on lay off. Ford won't need a government bail out, they have a solid structure.
  19. Possible. Now tell me wny you think this. Let's have a real discussion- without fighting, as to why the union should not be reconstructed. Here's an example: Anyone seen Scotty, the benefit rep, work a 40 hour week? This guy is my FRIEND, I adore him. But, he knows how I feel, I don't think he should get paid 65 hours a week for working less than 40. He's the absolute sweetest guy (I'm female, I can say that :shades: ) and I just want some accountability. While we are losing our ass, our elected guys are taking a 5 hour lunch. That's all I'm saying, let's discuss. There is a middle ground, let's find it. Then, let's present it to our union officials. We are all not going to agree on everything, but somehow, there is a middle ground.
  20. Come on! I am not anti-union, I am all about reorganizing the union to be more efficient. What is WRONG with that?
  21. My kids even started doing better in school, because we are home more often. I kinda like the 30 horu week myself, but can't quite pull it off financially.
  22. HELL NO I'm not a Republican. They are who we have to thank for the economy in shatters. Let's see, we started 2 wars and didn't settle shit. Bin Laden is still not found and there are no weapons of mass destruction. Pork is used by the Democrats~ my party that I'm proud to be a member of~ :shades: Call me whatever you like, I'd rather be called anything but a Republican.
  23. Here's the deal- I used my benefits and have a Masters Degree. Guess what? I can't get a new job to take the buyout! All we can do is wait for the economy to grow, it won't be long although it sucks. My Masters Degree won't take my kids to see a movie! So whoever started this thread can kiss my @ss.
  24. It's a senority thing, I get it. I actually respect that.
  25. You are right and Dec is 9 months away. A lot of the economy forecasters think that growth will start in a few months with Obama's plan. It's rough, we make about half of what we made last year. We don't go out to eat, buy things we don't need, etc. Once the credit markets open, things will be better.
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