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Everything posted by hedgehog21

  1. I am holding my breath! can you say no expierence no unity. Gary and his Committee is weak!!. But I am still holding my breath, forever an optimist.
  2. Wow what did I get started with this thread?. If the constitution and the Local By-Lays prevent Jon Snyder and Dave Perez from running they will except it, both are true unionist and activist in the Union cause. I dont know the Politics at Saline but I know that Jon will have enfluence on all that come from AAI, he also has ties with people from other plants that will be comming to Saline, not to mention the people who come to Saline in 2000 from AAI, Dave also has alot of pull from the people from AAI and people working at Saline. Like I said I dont know your poiltics but If I were running I would want to get to know these guys.
  3. To Saline workers with all of the people comming into your plant you have got some real Unionist's and former union officials from many local plants , I reccomend that you look at them closley I hear your elections are soon comming up. I wish Jon Snyder was in office now the committee needs his expierence to help the membership through these tough times, from what I hear he is working on thr Mustang IP line I always voted for him he was a very good for the membership, he has alot of fight for what is right and alot of expierence and knowledge. The other person to look at is Dave Perez He has been a district rep he was on the execuetive board at Local 3000 and has a good union heart I hear he works somewhere in the Mustang door panel line. This is just a suggestion go talk with them get to know them they will be there if you need them just my two cents.
  4. Captain 723 my bad the re-call question was regarding our local contract not national contract, she still didnt answer our question not a gen or standards rep area of enforcement this lies with the Bargaining Committee. As for you pumpmaster if you are so involved with the union, like you accuse of others not being, step up and Identify yourself, I do attend the meetings and speak on a regular basis figure me out. Maybe you and Capt 723 should hang out together, I would put money on it, you two are one of the Local Chairman or the Bargaining Comittees lackeys.
  5. Like the topic said NO ACCOUNTABILITY. last week I talked with a bargaining rep. Cindy in the body shop I asked about the recalls back to home units, she tip toed around an answer like a ballerina a big one at that ( sorry about the visual) she blamed it on Gary, I am not a gary fan either, she also blamed it on the district rep also. Well Cindy you did get elected as a bargainer you should know what is going on here, you dont, you have not changed abit your still blaming everything on other reps to cover up for your incompetence, same as when you were a district rep all mouth no action, but you can blame it on everyone else real good, you are a magna cun loude graduate from the Lynette Tyner school of blamimg other people for what happens, to cover your inability to do your job. I did not vote for you or any other rep on the bargaining committee, to date all of you have failed the membership at AAI .
  6. AAI reps have went to the school of cut throat politics, they are not smart enough to take classes to better there self and the union representation at AAI, those pirhanas woud probably eat the teacher anyway. Cindy, Steve, Kevin probably no classes, to better represent the membership at all or they were asleep in class. Gary according to his flyers and his buzz slogan " Credentials alone" AAI should elect him, you can go to calss and learn and put it to work, or you can be an educated idiot, no common sense but Gary and the Committee does give everything up to the company with nothing in return for the membership. Gary Quit whinning you lined up with Pork,Steve,Cindy,Marcy ect. that says alot for your ability to make sound decisions oh yea dont forget all of the wisdom you got from Deboodt. Scares me.
  7. Eagle he fooled you just like he did the membership at AAI, he has given away or not enforced good language that our union and membership fought hard for over the years. He sucked you in too, he can talk a good game but no action, like the rest of our Bargaining Committee and District Reps .
  8. Rider were f@#!*%. The King of consessions Ron Gettlefinger and his band of concessioneers one being Gary Sommerville have give up the farm, but that should not surprise anyone at AAI we know that Gary and the RAG TAG comittee have been rippng pages out of the contract and giving more to the company than any other Union Committee in the history of AAI, since thay have been elected. STEP DOWN LOSERS YOU HAVE F@&%^ the membership beyond what you inexpierenced AS@ HO#!@ can fix. :happy feet:
  9. What have u done! Gary you and the Bargaining Committee have basically gave up the farm at AAI and Gary I guess that hasn't changed since you have been in CONCESSION NEGOTIATIONS with Ford cant wait to se how much we have lost, I guess there is a silver lining for you, you probably will be offered an International Appointment, that's what you are looking for anyway, AAI MEMBERSHIP LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE. I was at the union meeting last Sunday Cindy Maynard run the meeting, she butchered the meeting, I don't know answers, working on it answers its shameful we are truly in a sad state of affairs in our Union. Dont know who runs a worse meeting Cindy or Tom well I guess we should expect it they were both on the same political with ticket Gary, all are sad. Steve and Kevin you two also sold the membership a bill of goods, you have not produced as promised. Wake up amd smell the coffee AAI and see what you have done, be prepared to bend over and take it, you did it.
  10. So AAI Union why no information about Saline?, and buy the way why didnt PDC get posted at AAI those are good jobs for seniority workers, care to comment, probably not!. I would have gone to Saline but couldn't get enough information to make an informed decision, I got more info from the Saline Union and workers than I did my own, I wonder why that is, I remember when AAI went to one shift the Union had meetings with the people, had description of work, phone numbers to plants and Unions needing people and some seniority in other plants they would try, to get you an answer to your question, or at least steer you in the right direction and call you back, now you wont even get a call back , why is that.
  11. Level Pebble, you hit the nail on the head,with that one, people at AAI should look at who they vote in and also look at who they are supporting. Last election two of our district reps supported the current Union Bargaining Committee only turn on each other after the election was over. Some of our reps think only political and practice, save your ass tactics, and will never come together as one. thats why we are WEAK,WEAK,WEAK. We know who you are.
  12. Your Right Re-Dem axle probably will not come back to AAI, what puzzles me is our UNION has no fight they are giving up the farm, the cattle and the chickens everything, the word on the floor the membership is MAD at the UNION in our plant, the company is running wild over them. If you call them, you will be lucky to get a call back or an answer, they will just blame it on someone else. It has never been this bad here, hate to say it Mary Olsen had more fight than Gary Sommerville has, the rest of the reps are just feeding on each other.
  13. NO! I have been around along time, Cindy is all MOUTH will cuss you out good but nothing ever gets done, she always has an excuse why someone else did it not her. If my memory serves me right she never signed the job security agreement support letter either, all other union reps did why not her?? she is no different than lynette all mouth and no results. She is only trying to stay off line, before Cindy got elected I worked with her in PDI unit 24 she was on medical 6 months every year, ur right if she ever looses she will go out on medical. :happy feet:
  14. I'm glad to have a job too, been on one shift not good, I'm not confidant our Union knows what to do, follow me? :stats:
  15. What a JOKE people were reduced out of units, within the plant before the line balance was complete, they want us to pick jobs,without seeing the job just a piece of paper,how can we make an informed decision on what job to pick,WE CAN'T and you know some jobs will change. 11:00 am strart for B-shift I feel for your loss of family time not to say your whole day is shot thanks Gary, Cindy, Steve, Kevin for that one. Next one, the contract has specific language on job change procedure, Did the Bargaining Committee forget the language and how it is to be used, Cindy& Steve you used to fight the company as district reps to do it right so why no fight NOW!! you two should know better Gary and Kevin are clueless. Its apparent that not one of you have a clue on what to do but I bet if you get called out on the floor you will blame it on someone, the membership is tired of the secrets, and the vague and clueless Chairmans reports that don't address the issues in the plant. Oh by the way BC'S how is your grievance hearings going? and Steve where is the dockett of grievances that you promised in your campaign flyers you put out during the election. Thats all for now, I am ashamed of our UNION Leadership we used to take the company on but I guess not anymore.
  16. Shelby I feel for you, you as the membership keep up the good fight. Tom Spears well what can I say he got voted in, he is a puppet for region1-A , all he is worrying about is riding out his term, he has no fight or negotiation skills, Carlos is a good will ambassador that's all, he is a scared little kitty. On the local side of local 3000. you are not the only one Tom & Carlos didnt return calls, Johnson controls when they were closing, Johnson controls members contacted the Monroe Evening News with their.displeasurment with our UNION President and Vice president, NOT RESPONDING TO THE MEMBERSHIP THEY COMMITTED TO SERVE.
  17. Maybe you should go to Dearborn after reading the Blueoval, you sound like you dont like it here, you probably complained the same way where you come from, you sound like a winer and complainer to me. Move on you will not be satisifed no matter where you are at. I bet you call out the UNION everyday with some whiney ASS complaint. Leave you still wont be happy or STFU.
  18. The answer is clear Flint, our Union has let John Savona get away with murder, they dont know how to Bargain/Negotiate all they know to do is to blame everything on each other, make agreements and not communicate with each other. With all of the credentials the chairman has, he hasn't a clue what to do Ha Ha. Cindy was blaming A-shift Bcs for all of problems( that has not changed from when she was a district rep) steve blames cindy,gary and kevin. for everything. So with that said I guess the moral to the story is we have a mess at AAI, our union!!!. HANG ON MEMBERSHIP ITS GOING TO BE A BUMPY RIDE.
  19. Your on track Re-Dem, I dont have alot of hope getting the Axel jobs back, but the membership should remember good things the past committee did, and not focus on the bad or faslse statements put out by the current reps, well nost of the veterans were talking bad about the prior committee for their own feble political gain!!!. When axel people returned to the main plant they had options they had seniority lists for all units where there were openings, they could choose what was best for them, and make informed decisions, layoffs by inverse seniority and the company was made to follow the contract. Remember back when your rep blamed everything on the Bargaining Committee, they sitll do and now it is worse than ever. Once again WE the membership cut off our nose despite our face, where I come from not all of the UAW Committees were well liked, but the membership didnt change then out every election like AAI, when it came down to it they may not of personally liked the UAW reps but they knew they had the expierence to handle the situation,make the right decisions for the membership and make the company follow the contract. Isn't that what we want I do!. As for the start time the earlier time will SUCK I-75 is a mess wait untill you expierence it, lost time with your familys, and no worker imput, I was here when the UNION put it to a vote, and they made the company abide by the memberships decision that is strength, not the company dictating to the Union we have now. Yes Ford is hurting and so is AAI, we all need to work together to secure our job security, but that dont mean give up the farm in the process.
  20. Well Flint, if my memory serves me right didnt the Chairman and the Bargaining Committee, tell the membership when campaigning that they woulld be accessible and on the floor. YES THEY DID!!!. So where are they now oh yes in their new office that is being redone,(what did we give up for that) Mr.Credentials Alone Sommerville, reports are lame I guess I am not the only one who sees that the Chairman is not trying to inform us just ramble on and on, no info, he dont know what to do, but Per his last letter Him and the Internatiuonal Union Will keep the plant open and us working,yea right get a grip, AAI Chairman and Bargaining Committee. Although they talk a good game they are inexpierenced and weak!! P.S. Why do the smokers have go outside to smoke when there are plenty of Reps in the Union Office, Smoking inside .Dont go outside the new smoking room is in the Union Office, maybe lynette will let you in her office to smoke with her in her office like she does everyday, she dont go outside why should you.
  21. Redemption Ur right so where is our UNION now, looks like to me that the company has Sommerville and the bargaining committee where they want them, behind the 8ball, what scares me is where will the chair and bargaining get the expierence and the backbone to stand up to the company, our contract will get us where we need to go, without all the deals and non contractual decisions that the union is making as of late. we stand to loose alot with the crew we have in there now . hang on Brothers and Ssters.
  22. You are right look where the Chairman come from WIXOM he has no fight and has epierence he gained while being at Local 38 on hoe to CLOSE A PLANT
  23. SORRY new at this this post is for the AAI plant
  24. Take a look at what has happened over the last week,#1 Shift start times 4 pm, not that I liked Deboodt but I remember when the company wanted a change in start time for B-SHIFT him and the committee put it up for a vote and it stayed the same, not that I liked Deboodt but the Bargaining Committee had some fight and backbone and could stand up to the compasny now look what we have they are giving up the farm. #2 canvassing for people to go to TRIM wow!! how can you make a informed decision to go to trim when you dont know what units are open and how your seniority fits in, it would be common courtesy Mr. Chairman& Bargaining Committee for that to be available when the canvass was done, I believe it is also in the contract. I know you guys are of little expierence but this is our lives you are playing with here,remember you are supposed to represent us not the company.
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