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Everything posted by chuckie

  1. Ford will begin consolidation of plants, this is in the fine print of the new agreement. It will save Ford billions of dollars. They want everything built in Dearborn or close by. Just watch in the coming years what happens. Remember you don't see the fine print written in crayon at the bottom of the agreement because those papers they don't hand out. They are called "Back office or Backroom deals" I say "Under the desk" but who am I to judge, I'm just a number, as we all are. Ford lets start booting these temp workers out the door and honor your flowback agreements, (ohh) there is another agreement written in crayon. No wonder why this is such a mess.. have a nice day. (the company) (the auto worker)... I call this "the clobber effect"
  2. Bla Bla Bla, people that point out spelling mistakes in forums are people that like to side step and back pedal their arguments with others. Arguments that have no valid points. I hate that and you should be ashamed of your poor self. I hate this so called "competitive" argument. It's an excuse to just fuck the auto worker. Let me give you an example, if I buy Ford vehicles all my Life and support the company I work for by always buying them, then does some other companies competitiveness influence my buying habits? Hell no. If that other company is paying their employees less claiming they also produce better quality vehicles, does this influence my buying habits? Hell no. I will always buy a Ford so companies trying to be competitive with one another has no bearing on my buying a product. This is like a false positive or "oxy moron". The competitive argument is an excuse the companies can use to just cut workforce and lower wages, wages they agreed to give through a contract they signed (I guess contracts don't mean anything). And it's always the workforce (which is less then 10% of the cost of building a vehicle) that they go after. I am so tired of you company cheerleaders telling people we make too much and we should be happy with what we got and I'd like to say that if your in management you won't be talking too much soon when your job goes down the competitive company river will you?. Ford has already begun to slash white color. Have a nice day!. PS can't wait for all the down time to come..
  3. Why do you wanna know where he works, you don't even show your face you idiot. Get the FUCK OUT!
  4. Hey guess what Ford did all this to themselves with the spin off of the Visteon plants and the ACH and flow back bullshit. They should have kept people where they were now there is a MASS checkerboard/chessborad problem (MOVING PEOPLE ALL THE TIME) they started it now they are feeling the pain!.. good let them!. Just move my ass out of Dearborn I don't care about anything else. My sen still grows, and it all pays the same.. Have a nice day. Ohhh btw, better start creating another form of income for yourself.. If anyone at home wants to learn how to make money get a hold of me at beedollars.com
  5. The problem with this is that they can not pay or short your check and you won't know for 1-3 days later cause your lazy ass will be too lazy to look it up and print it out. Also some of us don't have printers or computers. (or checking accounts) like the other fella said... So yes this will be a huge problem. I have the solution, You direct deposit your checks into my business account, I will charge you a fee to collect the money out of your check, say $10 bucks for every check. Email me to get your name on the list and I will give you the account number. j/k hahahah
  6. Dec 95 sen, have not been called yet..Called Taylor to find out, I will post it when or if they even return my phone call!. lol.. WAIT!! it's 2025.. I should have known 16 years ago!!!!.. damn.. no one called me! sorry!. hahahaha
  7. Wow if that list is up to date which give or take a few people might have retired (I highly doubt it tho) being that there are some people in the union that have over 35 years in because they don't do a damn thing during the course of a day or year for anyone for that matter. This list makes me sick to think all these people, organizers and Admin Assistants make upwards of over 111k per year and what do they do? answer phone my friend, that's it. I am puking at the fact that these idiots can't take pay cuts and we have to give all the concessions up (our rights) basically under the old contract. The problem is now is that if GM and the others don't pass it, look for giving up more shit, and if you people continue to be stupid enough to pass it again then your all fucked and deserve to reap what you sow. It's truly not the amount of the salaries that bother me, it's the amount of people making them and the amount of people that can't even pick up the phone to return a phone call from a member that bothers me. I think more then 2/3rds of these people should make under 80k per year. I think if you knock off 80k from each person's gold nugget on that list you can save about 50 million per year. 50 Million that can go back to the membership in the form of a profit sharing check. I am also sick over the fact that some of you glass house cheerleaders come in here and tell us members that we shouldn't ask for the UAW to take pay cuts. You idiots that have 40 years in (refuse to go anywhere) - "like get the fuck out", and then sit there and bash others about their opinions when you electricians and trades don't do a damn thing either in the plant. WOW you might install some wire or gind down a die or something (HARD Fing WORK MAN).. BIG DEAL! YOU SUCK! GET THE FUCK OUT!.. I am so sick of busting my ass every day on a line just to have things slowly taking away from me because of some idiots at the top thinking for themselves and not the membership. I say it's time for the membership to start auditing the people at the top of the UAW chain. Get rid of your company vehicles and private planes, sell Black Lake, stop going to Vegas every year to gamble our dues away, start paying attention to the membership and protecting them like you should. After all we pay not "union dues" but "protection money" yeah whata joke. I am not anti union by no means, but I am tired of this crap and if I could run for Pres of the UAW I'm sure RG would be out on his ass. I would turn the house upside down, you either work for the membership or you get the hell out or go back to the line!.. NONE OF YOU DESERVE 150k per year. or even half that!. I bet even the automated phone opps make 100k a year also!.. I bed someone's got their DOG on the payroll making 100k per year!... HAHAHAHAHAH you know it!.. Trim the pork so the UAW can get lean again!. (idiots..) ggeeeazzzooooo-peets.. OHH one more thing, next time the contract gets opened, look for your short work week to take a hike on down the road, that's next. ---- 50, thousand dollar buy outs Ford??? stop thinking we are stupid and offer us what were worth! this is BS!. I ain't leaving until they offer me a 200k buy out or more... I refuse to be lowballed. peace..
  8. Where is the IUAW constitution, I didn't think they had one anymore.. I heard someone pissed on it and kicked it down the road. And btw, I don't claim to know everything, I just know what I see my son!. Also in case you didn't know a vette is an American made car. The underside of your desk has head hair scuff marks on it.
  9. If they want to increase truck sales, give everyone a voucher let them go out and buy a FORD product. Better yet, lets start a vehicle pool for each plant. Everyone joins a pool for $500 and each month a new person on the list gets a new vehicle of their choice for the amount they put in.. This will sell vehicles without vouchers and the company will make money while people get a new car or truck. $500 car (20-25k) Teir 1 $1000 Truck (20-35k) Tier 2 Like a raffle u say? yes.. and apoint a couple people to handle the specifics. great idea? yes, I know.
  10. You could have rented out the Silver Dome if you need seats to deliver information bud, you don't need to send our hard earned money out to Vegas outside of Michigan. My union dollars had to pay for their dinners, hotel rooms, the area they rented out for their conventions, the extra day or two or three they were there not to mention I'm sure some air fair tickets as well paid for by our great union. Those trips still go on and our money is still being spent frivolously so you guys can just take a union dues cut being that you want us to pass this crap agreement. Hell i don't want to pay union dues anyway, I am so fed up with this UNION Guess what my pay stays the same, and my seniority still grows and that's all I care about. I voted no so have a nice day I'll be shinning up my corvette convertible soon, you'll be working under some desk.. ahhahaha PS at least I'm not afraid to place my face and speak my mind.. Lets see who you are my friend..
  11. how bout this, what stops the union from using previous election results that have passed before? where do the ballot boxes go? Seems odd something in favor of what the union tells you always passes by 51 percent. lol They are better off holding the elections inside the plant so when you walk in you can vote. Then have the election committee look up the names later and cross them off. At local 600 you have to drive to the union hall to vote. It's BS. every no vote is counted as yes too. This is how they get things to pass.
  12. haahahahaha nice.. was the shredder made from china? that's the real question. j/k
  13. Get real Ford isn't going to be effected by GM's demise. That is why the UAW goes to Ford first to hammer out the agreements. If GM and the others cant follow suit, then so long!! toodaloo! This is again all fear brought upon by the UAW.. If you think about it, how many people tell you during the day that "if GM fails so will Ford"?? Everyone you talk too and this is what they want. I personally hope the others fail and Ford comes out on top. There will always be suppliers, stop worrying about them they might stand to lose some work, but think about it, they too can hire people at 8.45 an hour, they are not unionized so what do we care? I don't, you should worry about yourself and not others, all your doing is trying to survive who cares what others do. Hell it's Fords fault for making all those new people Ford/UAW top wage makers, they should have kept all those 2000 on 2nd tier in my opinion. Oh btw, Ford if you want to hire me and pay me a large salery, I will bring other products into your plant to be made. Stop sending jobs to Mexico and other countries. You have injection mold machines at SRP you don't use.. Start making Frisbies or something other then cars. All that silicon goes to waste every day, think how many nice coffie mugs you could stamp out with it. People always drink coffee!!! (get my point?)
  14. How bout the UAW stop going on these Vegas vacations and conferences. How bout cutting out all non union business that they claim to be union business. I would like to see the media investigate the UAW for 1 year to see where are dues are all going. Also how about all these local 600 idiots that don't do a thing or lift a finger for anyone, go back out on the damn line or retire where you belong already. Go to a local 600 union meeting? hell no its a circus fear mongers. Let's cut those positions in half and union dues as well. Stop milking the system local 600 and either retire or get back on the hi-lo where you belong. You don't do anything for anyone anyway and you know who you are. Another thing, my badge hasn't worked for 4 weeks now and a new one was taken 3 weeks ago which is also BS, can't someone get DTP's Labor relations off their fat asses to send over my new badge to the plant? Why the hell do I have to pick it up a security at 3:30PM (close at 4) and wait an hour and a half to go to work when someone should have that crap sent over to Labor or the plant I work at (sorry I don't get paid for my driving so I am not going out of my way). It is a security breach also and they just don't give a crap. Get out of the Rouge if you can it's a cluster fu*k and never go back. I'll take a buyout before I go back. I do 40k on ebay with 6 power seller accounts I can whip my ass with Ford Money, your shit pay is only good for the health care. Have a nice day, see ya wouldn't wanna beya.
  15. I heard local 845 (Sheldon rd plant) voted it down.
  16. AHhh, I think you have the wrong station don't you mean FOX news? You must not watch MSNBC, they are more fair and balanced then any other news channels and they are owned by CNBC... By the way don't ya all just think Erin Barnett is hot? I do..
  17. Learn how to spell and write a complete sentence you idiot. The guy that wrote this must be one of the sub contracted bathroom cleaners. (another nice concession the UAW gave to the company).
  18. These union committee people and higher up, all they are trying to do is protect their own jobs, they don't give to shi*s about you or protecting you within your plants. They all lie and GetFingered needs to go also. I say vote on getting him out before the new agreement is voted on. Can someone with a backbone please stand up?? I say if this passes everyone take the following Monday off of work. Take your writeup like a man and don't show up. All they can do is mark you for a no show. Flood their call center with call off's. Lets be heard you fools!.
  19. The union and company is just trying to low ball the worker into an agreement. Get ready for the next agreement 12 months later, that's when they hit your "short work week" and pay wages. Another words, you work 37 hours and break down on Friday, your paid 37 hours and that's it. I agree with the people above, if your silly enough to keep your tail between your legs and vote yes on this then you deserve to get whatever's coming. I am not married and don't have kids (thank god) so I don't have to worry about putting kids through school and crap. Make your kids pay for their own college, if you can't raise them to be independent and work at McDonnalds to save money then your a loser as well. Also all you people that bought jet skies, a cottage at the lake, go on vacations 3 times a year and built 5k sq ft homes on 50 acres of land were just nothing but fools!. It's your own damn fault you have no money to put your kids through school. I also wanna say that if your not smart enough to create multiple streams of income while your working at good ol'e Ford then you better go back to school and learn how to use a computer and stop smoking your cigarettes, your pot, your other drugs etc etc and worry about your doomed life. Your pathetic, and your even more pathetic if you vote yes on this agreement. The UAW is running this agreement once again on "fear" your falling right into it. Ford hopes GM and Chrysler goes into bankruptcy, it will put their product up on top and stock will go up. But because you voted yes, your screwed my man!. If you don't have 10 years or more in, kiss your bottom goodbye. I will end with saying, I hope this agreement doesn't pass and if it does, it will be by 51 percent or something because the UAW is not honest. They will have all their friends that are voting "yes" vote 10-20 times to get the thing passed. Or they will simply tell the membership it passed. And you can't do anything about it. Man, if your going to take stuff from me, at least give me a vehicle voucher for a new F150 or some going away cash!.. YOUR GETTING LOW BALLED!!
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