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Everything posted by uawxlt

  1. deport there asses :happy feet:
  2. Bob King is the new UAW President this is just a free vacation for popular union reps :happy feet: One thing these reps better start listening to the membership the same old lies are getting old All the broken Promises by Ford Product Commitments ? going to what plants is Chicago the only plant with a new product or maybe Mexico or even China or just more lies We have worked our asses off to help Ford succeed now most of us are in limbo not noing if we have a job or not We no who we are we are hourly its time whos plant is closing and whos is not ?????
  3. ship there asses back we don't need them drug dealers gang bangers
  4. F-150 sales have increased and we are going back to 5 10's with a sat on june 5th Good news for Ford employees production increases and hopefully bring back layed off workers :happy feet: Good Luck Brothers and Sisters hope the good fortune smiles on us all not just Management n Executives
  5. yep i hear ya :hyper:
  6. http://www.freep.com/article/20100422/BUSINESS01/4220312/1210/BUSINESS01/Americans-want-U.S.-made-cars American Quality is back and throbbing Lets kick them back to Japan like we did 65 + years ago in the Pacific American workers are the best in the world :happy feet: Go Ford :happy feet:
  7. we all buy non union made products always have always will a true union member will not support companies that give millions to union busters like wal-mart, target, rush limbaugh , a true union member would do a little research and find products made by union members like boots microwaves refrigerators tv's etc hey there still making them in the usa like the vehicles we build they have foreign parts nothing we can do about that you can support america by supporting american companies and the workers they employ thanks mafia dude quit hanging out on 4chan
  8. this is sad don't post shit like this confront them yourself
  9. hes not going and prolly won't be a rep after the 2011 election :happy feet:
  10. Mullaly loves you and hates unions so keep fighting that plays right into this assholes gameplan
  11. love the avatar do one for toyota and let me know where to download them
  12. the mustang wins hands chevy can't keep a muscle car that sells the new camaro looks great like all chevy's people lose interest after a couple of years because its the same ole same ole car the stange even in slow times moves on i haven't owned a mustange for about ten years i sold my 67 i prefer a truck but i have looked at and driven several of the new stanges and love them :happy feet:
  13. yea and Bill Ford with Bobs help wants to take everything back to his grandfathers heritage "Detroit" where Henry required all his employees to live in certain areas around the plant and they killed uaw supporters Sad but it might be true
  14. uawxlt


    LAP quits making the current explorer in october 2010 ? union says LAP will be down TLO for 6 to 8 months hopefully running at full speed with the new escapes when kcap starts retooling in october 2011 when the last current / 2011 escape roles off the line
  15. they have no language for a 3 crew in the original contract or the modifications sad but true kinda like the holiday pay in lei of bullshit for people working 4 10's in other words you get vacation when the company sees fit
  16. Safety is a Joke Ford could care less they pay a fine and keep doing they same shit I SEE IT EVERYDAY and don't forget the idiot suckasses on the line that violate safety rules daily because production is more important or there supervisor might not let them suck suck suck swallow Sad but true UAW safety reps are a bigger joke than the company safety reps My heart goes out to this man that was injured his family and friends Let us not forget the 29 minors in WV that lost there lifes because of corperate wall streeter greed My Thoughts and Prayers go out to the Families and Friends of those that died
  17. its good to see this kinda dedication to our customers Thanks DTP WORKERS :happy feet:
  18. UAW only sold 11% of there holdings according to what I read Its also a good thing to make a profit on your holdings and I don't think it will hurt Ford because investers don't like the fact that the Union has a vested interest in the company of the employees they represent That may cause a conflict of interest for both sides at contract time Just a thought maybe I'm wrong Look at all the shit thats been stired because the Goverment has a vested interest in GM and Chrysler
  19. well everyone is skilled in there own way not everyone in the world can be a engineer,doctor etc.a college degree does not make you a smart person i got a degree and i'm the dumbest MF on the planet at kcap they don't play that tummy ache shit anymore fmla or awol but we still have a hand full that play the restriction game but there ranks are getting slim no work available for 3 days gets you 2 chargable absences and its almost impossible to blame a injury on the company with the new work comp law in missouri :happy feet: thanks marvin
  20. I should have made my point a little clearer Engineers/Executives yes Most of Management no If Stupidvisors had the same work standards as hourly they would not last a week what a bunch of F@@K / UPS The exes that empowered us unskilled line workers TO THINK INSTEAD OF GO THROUGH THE MOTIONS are pretty smart and deserve a bonus Kinda stange that Ford has world class Quality now and Team Leaders or FPS Coordinators run the lines "ie unskilled hourly" so might want to watch the unskilled comments Thanks Also at my plant you go to medical with a tummy ache or anything personel they refuse to work you labor relations sends you home and they awol your ass and we all know that the old game of not working does not fly anymore awoling gets your ass fired Circus animals I like that You must be a Monkey I had a stupidvisor tell me once that he could get a bunch of monkeys to do these jobs and I stepped back and said ok go for it
  21. Bob will take care of it
  22. Fuck You Company Man Marvin you live in a dream world you never get back what you give up 1 Question how did you type while being under the desk
  23. Looks like our sacrifices are paying off :slap: http://www.freep.com/article/20100330/BUSINESS01/3300326/1204/business01/Ford-pledges-salaried-bonuses
  24. I think everyone working for Ford still has a moral problem UAW and Ford have lied to us so much over the last couple of years its not even funny anymore and my understanding after talking to transferees that have friends working in plants with new products coming there moral is still extremely low ? A engineneer friend of mine told me the other day that the reviews for lower management and engineering merit raises was so low that they don't expect to get one why because they didn't make task in 2010 model year As I see it We have at all Ford Plants in North America the best Quality and Productivity of all the Auto Makers ? and we work hard everyday to improve on that and still get shit on WTF Good Luck everyone
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