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Everything posted by phil1336

  1. I`m not going to get into a pissing contest with (you) or any other non-Vet, on matters of the Draft or the Military. get it? Common sense doesn`t need substantiation or verifiable facts. Need proof that the World is round? If you travel the Oceans you won`t fall over the (cliff) because the Globe is (not) flat? The Sun rises in the East and sets in the West? Good luck in 2016, you`ll need it. Same about your rising Star, TX Gov Rick Perry being arrested and booked for (ethics) violations attempting to shake down a Democrat Travis County, TX D.A.,huh? Seeya
  2. KIrby; Would you say a "reasonable" Person would simply assume that young Men and Women from wealthy and prosperous families might have better job opportunities and less financial pressure to find employment then those from so called "middle-class" and "poor" families? With few employment options, many, both Minorities and Caucasians seek College and Job Training benefits that our Military provides as an incentive. That is simply common sense. If that requires both (hard) facts and numbers, I will gladly except your "excommunication". Maybe you can provide me with some "numbers"? How many Posters in these Off Topic Forums seem to lean Conservative/Right to those like myself who admittedly lean to the Progressive/Left? Perhaps a Membership in good standing with the John Birch Society is just around the corner too. I promised to leave these Off Topic Threads, and rather then await your punishment of "probation" or temporary "suspension" I will show (myself) to the door to exit. Differing opinions and point of views (in theory) is always welcomed, but when subjected to 10X magnification, not so much. I will let you "Gentleman" continue to form your consensus that soon, The South Will Rise Again, and all of America`s problems will be put behind us. They said the same during "Reconstruction" and what happened? Jim Crow soon followed! Cheers
  3. So, you feel that the "modern day" Tea Party having its origins in 2007, a mere 12 months (before) "O" got elected President was simply a co-incidence, huh? From a (seed) of discontent to a full grown Tree in just one year. Just what was this (magic) plant food or fertilizer that created such sudden growth? Couldn`t be the "Tan" since John Boehner`s spray on or tanning salon glow hasn`t effected him as dramatically as Obama. Playing that (race) card again, huh? Why not, unless you can prove that its (not) in the Deck!
  4. So, the previously announced tentative JOB2 production date for 2015 Mustang Convertibles 10/27/2014 is obviously going to be pushed into Nov or Dec assuming there are no further Production complications at FRAP. Perhaps the Unscheduled Order Bank for 2015 Mustang Convertibles (might) actually start accepting "Clean" Orders with Prices near Thanksgiving in late Nov. Looks like early Spring will be when the first "Verts" start hitting Dealers Lots. 9 more months of Depreciation on the Vehicle being traded in just adds to the frustration. LIke I Posted before, much like the extended 2013 Ford C-Max Hybrid run, the 2015 Mustang run will be either very short or extended almost into 2016.
  5. I guess the Ford Daytime Running Light mystery saga will continue indefinitely. Why a Fleet Identification Number or "FIN" is necessary to Order the DRL Option is very puzzling. If for some odd reason Ford wants to join Nissan, Mazda, and Chrysler who choose (not) to make them standard equipment on their US Spec Vehicles, at least make it a stand alone Option! Chrysler Vehicles that don`t come with the fancy LED Signature Lamps at least offer DRL`s as an Option! It took me 3 attempts at different Ford Service Department before one Electronic Tech activated them using the IDS Programmer and the Smart Junction Box. All Ford Vehicles (still) have the DRL capacity in the Cars Body Control Module. A easy 15 minute procedure and viola, as they say, "let there be light". Maybe a good topic for the television show, "Unsolved Mysteries"!
  6. Did your forget....... 1. Equal Pay for Women doing the identical Job as a Men 2. Protecting Women`s reproductive rights. 3. Allowing same sex Marriage or Legal Unions 4. Legalizing Marijuana for medical use and/or decriminalizing its possession. 5. Getting rid of pay for profit prisons. 6. Reducing Corporate taxes but at the same time eliminating all subsidies,loopholes, and depletion allowances 6. Replace "RomneyCare" with a workable national healthcare system for all Americans like MediCare and Medicaid. You get the idea...I`m running out of clothes pins
  7. I will (I promise) , leave this thread once and for all. Just as once before, I found myself being more in agreement with your last Post then I possibly could imagine, you hit a common chord of a paralysis caused by lack of "compromise" that is entrenched on both side of the Aisle. I am still adamant that Warfare Queens and Warlocks that love the beat of War Drums should have no say in getting our Nation involved in another War or Conflict without re-instating the Draft. I blame the Dems on this issue as much if not more so then the Repubs. You did`n`t refute my assessment of the wealth and privileged class have not contributing their fair share of Sons and Daughters volunteering to wear the Uniform. To admit that would be pandering to god forbid accusations of "Class Warfare"? I`ll return to "On Topic" Ford related issues and leave you and the majority of the Tea Party crew to rally around your heros of Ted Cruz, Blake Farenthold, Louie Golmert, MIchelle Bachmann,Sarah Palin, Steve King, and Rick Perry to carry your Banner to Victory in 2016.
  8. Your correct! Guess I had a few too many "Pints" before I posted the Obama Win in Nov of 2007 rather then 2008 and later being sworn in Jan of 2009. I don`t watch nearly as much MSNBC as I`m sure you watch and get your Gospel from Fox News and Friends as well as most AM Talk Radio. My point was and still is, even moving the clock back to 2007, a period according to (your) calculations was the birth of the modern day Tea Party, whats a gestation period plus or minus 12 months unless your Pregnant and expecting? The fact in undeniable that just like a Hurricane builds up strength as its crosses warm Ocean water, the (nouveau) Tea Party got very energized once "O" came into Prime Time. By the way, not to change the subject but whats with VA Gov McDonnell and his Wife and those (liberal) allegations being smeared on them. Family Values, again? Cheers Sergeant...
  9. Race Baiting...who me? Let see, you claim the modern day Tea Party "roots" go back to 2007 and Libertarian Ron Paul, Father of 2016 Presidential hopeful and Genius Senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul huh? Thanks for reminding me not to let my (facts) get in the way. When was the election held that Barack Hussein Obama won his first term as President? November of 2007 and sworn into Office in Jan 2008? Oh my, what a co-incidence, you think? My sincere condolences over your loss of Eric Cantor. HIs "Tea" was too strong for John Boehner`s taste but too weak for the Tea Party base, so sad, indeed.
  10. Why are you mixing "apples" with "oranges"? Disputing my Liberal and admitted progressive leanings now requires (me) to provide hard facts and data, huh? Not so much if you happen to have a "R" or Conservative point of view. I get it. Getting back to *your" knowledge of who now serves in our Armed Forces since the Draft was abolished, if you honestly believe that young Men and Women from wealthy family are (proportionally) represented in our all Volunteer Military and I need to provide Income Statements to prove it, fine. I thought common sense would be proof enough but I can see, common sense is no longer very common. I`m out of this "ball game". I`ll still let you buy (me) a Beer at your local American Legion or VFW. If your not (eligible) for Membership, I`ll sign you in as a "guest".
  11. Kindly tell me where the Tea Party was before "O" got elected President? A seed that lay dormant during the "W" years that suddenly sprouted and grew like Jack & The Bean Stalk as soon as Obama moved into 1600 Pennsylvanaia Ave, just saying.......Just a co-incidence?
  12. Kirby, Are you really that naive? Who do you think makes up the largest demographic of those that volunteer to serve in our Military? Mostly poor lower income folks that have no better Job prospects. They are certainly not (all) minorities but they compose a huge percentage of those that serve with Caucasians filling in the rest. Do you know of many young Men and Women from affluent well to do Families who volunteer to serve? You will find the exception now and then but for the most part the working poor and low income families supply the majority of the Military`s rank and file. Would you kindly inform me of what I was (wrong) about in my rant?
  13. As a "Canadian" you should know better. Fortunately, your Country usually does, unlike us Americans. Am I bitter, damn right! I was one of those "pacifist peaceniks" you referred to. I indeed was Drafted in 1967 to participate in America`s campaign to prop up and support a corrupt South Vietnamese puppet regime. Exactly, what was gained? Except for massive profits for our Military Industrial Complex and those who profited with "No Bid Contracts". You statement on an all Volunteer Military makes no sense. Israel has one of the finest and best trained Military in the entire world and they have a compulsory Draft. Why? Exactly the opposite of your argument. "Everyone" needs to be involved in any War with fighting, the good, bad, and the ugly. Why should simply the poor and minorities be the ones sacrificed while Children of the privileged & rich are spared? Is one life less valuable then another? Some Wars need to be fought, no doubt. WW2 when the allies fought against both Japan, Germany, and to a lesser degree Italy. Most other non-declared Wars downgraded to mere (conflicts) still cost fortunes of both blood and money. You, as a career Soldier should have a better understanding of the big picture. To obey orders and do as your told while wearing the "uniform" is one thing. If I had it to do all over again, I would have never submitted to the Draft knowing what I know now. I would have joined thousands of other Americans who became permanent Canadians residents, "Landed Immigrants" many which later became Canadian Citizens. My final two cents on both Benghazi and being a Soldier of Fortune. Kill the Thread Kirby as you please! Cheers
  14. Rather then attract Kirbys "ire", I will concede that the extreme partisan bias is on both sides of the aisle. Blaming Obama for everything and anything beyond what was thrown on "W" never seems to be included but excepted as simply, "fair play". Sorry for confusing you with (my) source of knowledge, the (real) Glenn Beck. My apologies.
  15. If you believers of a "just War" is worth fighting, simply bring back the damn Draft! You bring up Vietnam which I happen to have a tiny bit of insight with. What was accomplished? What was the End Game. Billions of dollars flushed down the toilet, over 55,000 Troops killed, we "ran" away after having our Ass KIcked, North Vietnam (unified) the entire Country and the United States has given North Vietnam "favorite trade status" and have become one of our closest import/export Allies as well as Vacation destination. Was that War too worth the good fight? Halliburton and the rest of America`s Military Industrial Complex believes so.
  16. I absolutely "disagree" with you KIrby 100%. If you don`t have a "dog in the fight" or "flesh in the game" you have nothing to contribute. Only those that wore the Uniform should be heard from or listened to on matters of the pain and suffering of War. Wanna have (non) Gold Star Mothers putting their two cents in as well as what its like loosing a Child to War? Saying a non-Veteran should have the say weight in opinion as someone who safely watches the ravages of War from the comfort of their Lazy Boy Recliner as one who put their Ass in harms way is simply asinine. Being a Vietnam era Vet that was honorably discharged, I say, Bring back the Draft before another Campaign is initiated, period!
  17. Glenn Beck; And your point is? Assuming your "facts" are correct, Lyndon Johnson sealed the deal, period! Exactly, what are you refuting? The South was solidly Democrat "dixiecrat" until LBJ broke their final straw. Wanna rewrite history and claim that the South championed equality and hated Segregation too? Not saying that Connecticut didn`t have a strong KKK Chapter in Shelton, but where was their core epi-center?
  18. Are you a Veteran Sir? Did you or any of your Children risk your/their personal lives for Iraqi Freedom? Yes or No? Same goes for Afghanistan! Stop talking Shit until you help push forward legislation to bring back the Draft. I`m sick of you and other "patriots" as well as Fox New WarFare Queens enjoying the beat of "War Drums" without also enjoying the fun of being a participant. Maybe a "Hundred Year" war is worth the good fight to establish another US Colony in the Middle East in order to secure a back up source for Houston TX based Oil Interests? If so, state it!
  19. Do you actually believe that the vast Majority of Iraqi`s feel that they are better off economically, politically, or socially today with Saddam gone? We picked a fight with the (least) religious Islamic leader in the Arab world! Was he Santa Claus? No! He was a strong armed Dictator that ruled with an iron fist. But,under his rule, his token Minority of non-Moslems, Christians and Jews were always left alone. Why? He pronounced that if anyone harmed them, (he) would avenge and punish those that did them harm. Did he used chemical warfare on the Kurds who started an uprising to gain Independence, yes. Was it wrong, no doubt. Where did he get the Chemical Warfare? The US Department of War and Donald Rumsfeld, but it was made in the USA. Some countries can`t deal with Western style Democracies. "Tito" was a strong armed dictator. What happened after he was removed? Iraqi women did`nt need to worry about Sharia Law, they could Drive, Vote, run for local office, didn`t need to wear vail`s or be covered up from head to toe. Gambling and alcohol was available in Bagdad despite its ban in orthodox Islam. They saying, the devil you know is better then the devil, you don`t know. Saddam was ruthless and no good but what has followed him is much worse. Saddam or Isis? You make the pick. PS: The Special Congressional Joint Committee on the Benghazi Massacre has concluded that there was (no) coverup. It was composed of both Republicans and Democrats. Only (you) and Fox News pledges to keep the matter alive, enjoy!
  20. I will make this my last (non) Social Security off topic response agreeing to Kirby`s request. I`ve spent many days going through the LBJ Library on the UT Campus in Austin and have seen and listened to many of the taped archives. LBJ basically committed political suicide, destroyed his own career, Vietnam war, notwithstanding, by giving both Texas and the South to the Republicans forever for sticking his finger into the South`s segregationist eyes. Formerly Democratic, right-of-center "Dixiecrats" never forgave either LBJ or the Democratic Party and never will. Where was the Conservative "Tea Party" before Obama became President? Just a seedling that needed a "cause" to sprout suddenly through the soil of hatred and blossom under Obama. The contempt most of the (dirty south) has for the Northeaster Establishment seems to be lost to their historical memory. Like I Posted before, if it wasn`t for those Massachusetts rebels who tossed those bales of Tea into Boston Harbor, we would still to this very day be a colony of Great Britain, and seeing by the ways things are going today, probably would have been better off. Time for Ross Perot who donated a surviving Copy of the Magna Carta housed in our National Archives in Washington, DC to return it to England. Thanks to increasing income disparity, Corporation moving both their Operations and now their Headquarters offshore to avoid paying US Taxes despite enjoying unbelievable Tax loopholes allowing billion dollar enterprises like Exon-Mobil and GE to basically pay (zero) Taxes anyway. Fortune Magazine, not exactly a Socialist Rag like Mother Jones, even condemns this practice. Our modern day Robber Barons won`t rest until with the help of our US Supreme Court, who they obviously have in their pocket, eliminate once an for all the few remaining "Middle Class" Americans quickly becoming or new, "working poor". Blame the thousands of Children from Central America crossing our southern border for all of our problems, both economically and socially. Unfortunately, the "Caste" system is heading to our Nation. Fear not, its worked quite well for (some) in India for centuries.
  21. Again, we may not agree on virtually anything including the time zone we live in but on this issue, I`m absolutely 110% in agreement, including Aid to Israel which, although I do support, but feel they can manage financial quite well on their own! While we are at in, we can save billions more and bring back tens of thousands of US Troops assigned to our Allies all over the Globe that don`t need or want us there anymore! Germany, Japan, and even South Korea, despite the DMZ, like the Rolling Stones sang, "Just a shot away" just in case North Korea`s "Little Kim" decides to do something stupid. No longer any need to assure that the Sun never sets on the U.S. Empire. That goes for our "Advisors" still remaining in Iraq & Afghanistan too.
  22. A half dozen State Department employees and our Ambassador lost their lives in a terrorist attack, indeed a true tragedy.Was it caused by a anti-Islamic Video, anti-American sentiment, etc? Was there a lack of security, no doubt. That entire region is extremely dangerous. Cover up? Keep rehashing the issue. Were the 5000 Troops we lost for (nothing) in both the Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns looking for Weapons of Mass Destruction of less value then those lost in the Benghazi attack?
  23. Imahosure; Correct me if I`m wrong but when did the South turn "Red" from Dixiecrat "Blue". Wasn`t it during President Lyndon Johnson administration when he ramrodded through Civil Rights Legislation? You claim that Conservatives "in this Forum" want (everyone) to be treated no differently then Caucasians regardless of their race. I`ll take your word for it. Maybe, you can attest to knowing what lies in the hearts of (this) Forums Posters, but I assure you, in the real world, not so much! I do agree that our Government is apparently terminally broken, bought and paid for by Lobbyists, Billionaire special interest groups and Super Pacs such as "Americans for Prosperity" their own at least. The Supreme Courts, Citizen`s United" decision upholding that Corporations are People too and are protected by the same Constitutional Rights will prove to be one of the worst rulings handed down in generations.
  24. What about poor States like Mississippi that get almost 50% of their revenue from the Federal Government to fund their budget? The "Red" States that scream the loudest about Washington`s "over reach" have their hand out the farthest!
  25. Lets start right now by having the Highway program grind to an immediate halt. Enjoy the Pot Holes and the return to Dirt Roads. Think the Interstate Highways could have been built today with this Congress? It takes revenue to prevent this Nation from becoming a regressive developing Third World Country.
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