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Right Winger

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  1. $50 dollars a month is $50 too much. I agree we can do better without the union. Waste of money.
  2. I am truly saddened by the shootings in Arizona. I am writing this post as a way to cleanse my soul for I feel somewhat guilty for carrying the Fox News, Tea Party message to far. I have participated in these Fox rallies and seen firsthand the riotous tone that is no different than Hitler’s Nazi Germany using media to carry a message of hate and separation. Don’t look at this as a weakness for I cant support most of the Democrats message but to watch Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity and hear people recite these messages from Fox verbatim puts our country in a zombie state of mind. I do hold responsible Sarah Palin for she is right there on the front line spreading the hate. I will no longer watch Fox or carry their hateful messages. I truly apologize for being a part of the Fox news viewers and Sarah Palins messages. They have been removed from my Facebook page with an apology to all of my Facebook friends. RIP the all of the deceased victims and a quick recovery for all of the survivors. May God be with all of you and your families.
  3. Yes it is true. Go to your local Monday and demand your dues go to a charity of your choice for the next 12 months Its a new program. That $50 a month should go to my charity..... My Pocket Book. Go to the local and demand them to stop deducting union dues. We can do much better with wages, benefits and job security without them.
  4. We need the union out of our plants. We can do better on our own with the protection of labor laws. Join me in breaking away from the union. Save your dues money, we dont need them anymore. Their purpose has been served and they are now just sucking $50 a month out of our pockets. The UAW is a business that does NOTHING to protect me and they hold back my earning potential. All of this work was going to the plants anyways and the rules in the plants are not needed. The UAW is the reason GM and Chrysler failed. We know that first hand. Lets get the Bums out.
  5. Jim Cramer from Mad Money has it right. We need to get rid of the Union. "Break the Union" is the only way to stay competitive. Cramer says "the UAW will be the downfall of GM" We need to start a push to exit union representation so we can become profitable as a company. Are you sick of paying $50 per month for nothing? We can get our stock up 4 fold. We don’t need "the Union" The time is now........... Let get together end socialism in its worse form, UNIONS.
  6. Fox news is real news. Just because Hannity, Beck and O’Rielly got it right and expose the Democrats and their working class agenda doesn’t mean that they are not reporting the news. You and those Liberals don’t know what this country desires. This country is against this cafeteria style social agenda of free healthcare, free social security, and free unemployment, free Medicare, free Medicaid. Citizens know these programs are far from free and we need to terminate all of these programs. People of American need to stand up and scream. End all of these social programs and watch the budget deficit return to controllable levels and get these lazy people off of their butts back to contribute to society. Sorry Grandma and Grandpa you should have saved your money. You aren’t taking anymore of my wealth. Go back to work. Oh sure these Democrats’ will cry. These people need to get off of all of these programs and pull themselves up and get a job. End Socialism NOW.
  7. The union holds back wage potential by creating a classification structure. If the UAW would step aside and let good workers prosper and the slackers wallow in their disdain for the company to be productive we would be a better company. The UAW ties our wage structure up for 4 years. There is no way to gain more compensation for increased productivity. The only way I can see increasing our wages is to keep the 20% entry level and pay no more than $10.00 per hour like Toyota and Honda. Never let them become full time. This would increase more products to our plants. Transfer the wage increase to the people that do the most work. This would be a reward for the hard workers. Save your $50 per month………… It’s a waste of money and actually holds back the productive employees
  8. What happened to this post???? The original post states that Wall Street was not happy that the UAW saved the wages, benefits, pensions and retiree healthcare. I strongly agree with the article. The UAW had no business saving GM and Chrysler. They should have let them fail including sanitation of the UAW agreement. The agreement does nothing but hold employees hostage and makes the companies inefficient. We would be much better off financially saving $50 per month negotiating for ourselves wages, benefits and other protections that don’t hurt the company.
  9. First of all we do not need “seniority” for preferential jobs. WE DON’T NEED THE UNION TELLING US WHAT IS CLASSIFIED. We should not have to “equalize hours” if I am capable to do the job more efficiently and effectively then I should get the overtime. This betters the company and the employees that want to see the company prosper. If the UAW didn’t have all of these rules’ I would be able to negotiate my own classification and rate of pay. The UAW is my bargaining agent, not I. I could negotiate a better deal myself. We need to get the UAW out of our work places so we can save that $50 a month and negotiate our own deals. I don’t need the UAW to do this for me or promoting a flunky that can’t even do half of what I do. That’s just plain wrong
  10. We would all be far better off without the UAW. There is no use for Unions anymore in the United States. They served their purpose and now we have labor laws that protect us. The UAW has done nothing for me other than holding back my earning potential.
  11. Member of Local 900. Michigan Truck to Wayne ISA. Been with Ford and the UAW since the early 90s. Just because I don’t like paying union dues doesn’t mean I am not an employee. I would rather save 50 bucks a week and show that I have the skills to do 3 jobs at once. I can negotiate my own rate of pay and not have the Union tell me I can’t work the weekend or seniority determines shift. These rules get us now where and should be handled by job performance not union rules. The contract can be company policy and just a document for handling benefits. We don’t need the UAW. Sorry but we would be better off negotiating for ourselves.
  12. Funny I didn’t see any Bond Holders or Dealer Representatives at the Congressional or Senate hearings! The UAW should have not been there. The CEOs know what they needed for competitive labor………..Not the UAW.
  13. The UAW should have never been involved in the bankruptcy process. They should have walked away and left wages, benefits, pension, retiree healthcare and product up to the bankruptcy Judge. Because the UAW was involved and the UAW contract was not sanitized the stock price will never be where it should.
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