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Everything posted by Decker

  1. As for an experience well, I for one have seen our Chairman open up communication with more and more members regardless of who they are or what he has been told about the different members from the old school types. The man has become aware of those that can only push the negative side of anything for their own personal gain. He listens to input then moves on to check into different points of view for the benefits that can be had. Looking beyond his own political gain, he has a following now because of that. Using older members for their background and experience in the contract along with looking to the transferee`s for the different experiences that they bring from their other plants is an asset that hasn`t been applied here at CAP. Ever. We, like so many other locals have been our own worst enemy, Along with how the IUAW will play one against the another, the locals have been pitted against each other for years. Here at CAP we still have the old political BullShit but those in that mind set see some writing on the wall that they have never seen before. We have so much communication going on that it is hard to use the old political ways of with holding information and putting out half truthes or just the bald faced lies that have worked to keep the membership completely confused. Now we still have those that for what ever mentally challenged reason, have to start the bullshit rumors but, lately these mentally weak souls have been catching hell from the members that have good communications on their side. I will go as far as this, CAP is doing what our Union was built on. We can only hope that this movement will gather strength. I for one can now see that light of hope clearer than ever before, In all the years of being a member and sitting on the floor at the Consitutional Convention as a delegate I can state with total confidence.... I AM PROUD OF THE MEMBERSHIP AND IT`S LEADERS HERE AT CHICAGO ASSEMBLY. If you noticed.... not one time was that silly ass word used ...."Change". It seems to be so over used and has lost it`s meaning and apeal here at CAP. More and more the members grab their books and "DO" what Union Members should "DO". Communicate with each other and don`t be afraid to make a mistake, correct it with good communication and the truth. Decker 1 of the 1788
  2. At 4:30 pm today @ CAP our Plant Chairman put Roush out of our MOD Center. The Chairs stance is Full Utilizition of our workforce before, utilizing an outside workforce. Hang in CAP, the regularly over used, most times used for everything under the sun, pharse.... "Work for a Change".... may just be working. Decker 1 of the 1788
  3. They (Rousch) worked our MOD Center (CAP) for a month or two or three... Hell, they still may be out in the DT Lots somewhere.... just waiting..... I thought there were big birds circling over our MOD Center??? Nope just Rousch. :shades: As long as ALL REPAIR members were utilized, that was there reasoning for the use of the non union people working.... Decker 1 of the 1788
  4. May....Be.... the IUAW could scare Ford by going all the way to arbitration :hysterical2:
  5. Well, we start the process again Monday. All the peeing is done, next is the class room, then the reality of the floor...... We can`t get members to transfer to this part of heaven, "CAP", so the doors to the street are wide open. (again) :yup: Think about it, CAP isn`t all that bad...??? The AWS is working out soooo well, everyone loves it. Attendance is at a point that LRO is just standing at the gate and waving the AWOL`ers (that come in 2 days a week) down to the floor. Pick up your green card (LRO release to work) later or the next day and take it to your supervisor if he/she even asks for it? DRAMA we have so much, new actors are needed all the time. Bring your rumors we always need new rumors.... OH... the weather, you will love it here!!!! Come...On...Down.... Just ask Jimmy, he will tell you he loves it here!!!! :D Decker 1 of the 1788
  6. Outstanding!!!! Great post. Glad to hear a good after buy out story. Decker
  7. I agree with you completely. At best, it reads like something out of the 50`s or 60`s. It seems the UAW has been stuck in a room some where and the rest of the business world has not only passed them by but, its like they just got out and only know how to operate in the mid 20th century way of doing business and have no way of catching up.... or at times (like this situation) can`t move forward. How has the UAW tryed to keep up in a business world that has companies making governments do as they, the company wants? Grooming.... Yep, grooming. Gettelfinger was groomed, then Gettelfinger groomed King, now King is grooming Settles..... All along Ford hires 10...20..hell!!! ....50million dollar a year men to sit across the table from the groomed..... Ford hired a "professional strangler". He has a record of squeezing dam near the life blood out of a workforce (Boeing) but, just as the workforce starts to blackout... he slaps the workforce and wakes them up to tell them he`ll stop if they give and be thankful they can give some more. He is a professional. Groomed.... Decker 1 of the 1788
  8. The General has been reading. :D aaah yeah, the good old days, I was just a young UAW member when I first heard the term. "They can do that...." But, the contract "states?".... "They have a verbal agreement with the President"..... AAAAH yes the GOLDEN HANDSHAKE..... Decker 1 of the 1788
  9. Don`t call Ron Gettelfinger, he didn`t make the hearing. Hinrichs and Mulloy had time to testify and support Ford. "Mr. Gettelfinger was not called as a witness for the UAW to provide testimony on this subject or related matters". NO VERBAL PROMISE...... The UAW has proffered that Ford made a verbal promise to forego 2010 merit increases and/or a 401k for its salaried worforce. The evidence establishes that no such promise was made.............................. not to mention the patent implausibility of "experienced negotiators" leaving a subject of such indispensable importance (merit increases/401k for 2010) to words or even the "handshake". Franky, this notion is 'preposterous". The following Finding is made: On the evidence, there was no such promise but even if arguably, such a verbal statement came from Mr. Hinrichs (which it did not) that could be characterized as an implied verbal/oral commitment, it would be unenforceable.It has long been held that dangers abide in permitting oral modifications to written labor agreements and that "national labor policy" disfavors verbal "side" agreements, the variation of written labor contractsby evidence of contemporaneous oral agreements is contrary to national labor policy. That is because on clear and convincing evidence, a verbal commitment by Ford to the UAW not to provide merit increases and/or a 401k match in 2010 for its salaried workforce, was never given by Ford. The grievance is denied. Ever hear the term "verbal agreement" on a local level? One last question, who will be sent the bill for this arbitration? If you have the time read... read.... the whole Voluntary Labor Arbitration. Decker 1 of the 1788
  10. Check out our Local website. UAW Local 551. Its there. Decker 1 of the 1788
  11. "It`s not the Union that is failing the membership but, it`s the membership that`s failing the Union". Haven`t read the arbitration report, have you? Decker 1 of the 1788
  12. EVER since a guy named Adam.... "men" having been making "verbal promises"..... Evey... baby... I won`t!!! really I won`t!!! ..... Opp`s sorry baby. :mellow: Seems, Mr. Hinricks is really good at "verbal promises".... Some really good reading this arbitration stuff. so thats what goes on at the table. :shades: Decker 1 of the 1788
  13. Dam!!! Big country!!! thats a good one!!!! I needed a giggle :hysterical2: Hold your heads up CAP, its not a big deal.... just remeber those sentences that started with "I heard" or "Someone Said"... and don`t forget those faces that the sentences where coming out of.... they will without a dought be leading you down the "right" path once again in the near future. Its easy to see the membership will be paying for all the hard work ( as Bob and Jimmy stated) in this last negociations... and pay, and pay.....and pay. Decker 1 of the 1788
  14. Tax Free.......... you could have put any other stupid shit at the end...but no, "TAX FREE" The same members thinking their going to get $$$$$.00 and listening to those members that start their sentence with "someone said".."I heard".. are the same people who listened to the voices in their heads ...then started their sentences with "someone said" or "I heard" then stated the current contract was the best thing for us.... Here`s one for ya... You will get what Ron tells you, what you will get. And you better be thankful!!!! or Ron will send Jimmy out there to kick your ass..... :banmolest: Decker 1 of the 1788
  15. Come on Big forker..... I have made many mistakes on this forum. Besides if The General and I knew something about everything, do you think we would still be just your regular member at DTP and CAP? Really, if that was true (knowing something about everything) The General, would be your... District Representative, me I`d be your... Alternate District Represenative......... Can you imagine that???? Decker 1 of the 1788
  16. I`m so sorry, damage.... :dry: Totally forgot about your impairment. To much input on any one topic still making you disorientated? Decker
  17. Well, more like an 8 hours, 8 hours and 6 hours.... sorry. Trim, Chassis and Elvis have left the building... (12:30) Decker
  18. No "Production" 15 July Sunday, for the C crew. Oh... my G-D.... I can here it now " there closing CAP" !!!!! Start up that Bull Shit Rumor Mill !!!! Decker 1 of the 1788
  19. Tomorrow, looks short real short (0 hours) and Monday is regular start times for A crew and C crew...... Decker
  20. They just called 8 hours for Body and Plaint. (Mass Relief) The number over in Trim and Chassis is as of last hour is 228. I believe we are going to be priority .... again. Buy those Explorers!!!!! Hell we cant make enough of the rest of the units... Buy`em ALL!!! Decker 1 of the 1788
  21. Sir, General Sir, The plant that manufactures our sensors. Once again all the eggs in one basket, syndrome. Sir How things going up there at the Generals plant? Decker 1 of the 1788
  22. B crew was let go at 10 hours last night after relieving for 10.7. C crew today and B crew today, 8 hours. Tomorrow will have the C crew doing 8 hours. Is that better? Has CAP been given priority status for stock? Decker 1 of the 1788
  23. CAP has done three shifts of 8 hours. The weekend work will only be for repairs. Reducing production because of the parts plant fire. Decker 1 of the 1788
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