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  1. go fuckyourself toy boy

  2. You've become more than irritating

  3. This young kid came to our line today he was from downtown, his name was Frank something. He was going around to everyone's ear talking about the contract. Everyone got pissed off and kicked him off the line, he was telling people that if we didn't vote yes on this contract that we would be in big trouble and that Mexico would be getting our jobs.. lol One guy on my line got so pissed off he almost got into a fight with him, then they had to break it up, security came down and told him to leave the building if he didn't work in the plant.
  4. If your a commercial business and would like to support UAW members if a strike is called we are looking for the following plants to be sponsored by you! Here is how you can do it: People on strike need the following: Hot Dogs Bread Pop Propane Use of RV's If you own a grocery store or party store and you would like to sponsor UAW members (maybe you have family that works in the UAW) so this would be a great thing you can do to help us. The UAW only pays $200 a week for striking, but everyone needs supplies while they are out there. In most cases when there is a strike, the worker's family may come out to support the worker's so they will need to eat also, after all they are only getting $200 a week, and we will need enough hot dogs, bread and pop for many people per plant per day. I suggest a donation to start out (when you pick your plant) 100 pounds of hot dogs, 50 pounds of bread and about 50 cases of pop. This would be a great start for the members that may be outside. Propane is also needed for heaters for this strike may carry into some cold days. If your an RV company and would like to donate a couple RV's maybe 1 for each plant in the Wayne County area then we would also appreciate that. Good care will be taken to the RVs and they will only be used for shelter and to store food. So if you would like to donate and help during a strike, please email watkins3752 (at) yahoo.com your information and phone number. The Following Small Ford Plants are listed below: Saline ACH Sheldon Rd Plant ACH Michigan Assembly Plant Livonia Transmission Rawsinville Thank you!.
  5. Look what happend at Verizon with their strike, they are back to work, they got more money out of the profits. There will be no strike, so nice try using scare tactics at the last minute to sway the vote. Your an idiot if you think there is going to be a strike. I actually hope there is because we need to get back everything from these greedy fucks. Ford will simply go back to the table (it's their job, it's what they get paid to do) and bargin for more money. They will go to Ford and say the membership wants more cash. Ford will say ok, 10k each up front, and then it will pass. The membership if they can't get any concessions back they simply want more money. Throwing money at it always seems to work. I just hope people are not crazy to take a deal like that. We must get some of the concessions back. And if your a 2nd tier worker, and think 15 years down the road your going to make what top pay workers make your dreaming unless you vote NO!. Protect your future and vote no! Scabs cannot take the lines over, that's why there is a contract. No need to take out 9 irons and bats, were not going that far... Simply bring back a better deal that's all.
  6. If the IUAW has to go back to the bargaining table which in this case it looks like it may happen, tell them what you want in this thread. I'm sure they will be interested to know. Personally I would like to see my break time minutes given back I would like more money for a signing bonus (despite public perception of what a sign on bonus is) because they don't know what it means I would like OT after 8 hours brought back Fair across the board flat profit sharing percentage for all workers no matter how many hrs they worked. It's profit share "not OT", you got paid for that OT remember! 2nd Tier get a pay raise but not $3.70 per hour, I think $1.50 is fair if you have more then 5 years in Trades (I could give two shits about trades) they hurt this company and cause too much down time All sub contracted jobs given back to Ford UAW workers Christmas Bonuses Monday after Easter
  7. I was told by someone at local 600 at the union hall last night that the, and I quote "fix is gonna be in when it comes to locals 600 and 900, we only need 2 and it passes". I hope this guy was messing with me and he wasn't serious. I won't mention who told me this because I don't want to shed more light on this corrupt local then it already has. If this is true, it is sad we can't get accurate supervised ballot counting by a third party. Please make sure you watch your ballot boxes. And do not let the voting committees tell you they can handle it. All voting must be done at least 100 feet off the property of the plant property else it's in violation of voting bi-laws.
  8. Ok then we will take all your salary from you and spread it around to the hourly workers. Go back to the Solid house and push a broom and bring Alan his coffee.
  9. Can't wait for the SRP and Saline totals..
  10. Any group of 20 workers sitting on their ass all day in lab coats are willing to sell out the membership remember that. Just like people at the proving grounds, they will all vote yes because they don't have to lift a finger to do anything, but wait until their asses get sent to an assembly plant then they change their tune or retire.
  11. Ford owes debt because they choose too. It's a tax write off. Ford has 7 years to pay down it's debt on their loans before they lose their credit rating. Paying your debt off too soon can cause looses. Sorry this is how our banking system is setup. The companies get rich off debt while keeping Americans (middle class in the hole). Stop using the "Ford owes money BS" to justify voting yes on this contract. They owe it because it's not fiesable to pay it off in 1 year. Ford has more cash then any other automaker remember that, we gave it to them in 2007. We also gave them over 12 billion in profits in the last 3 years so pay me more money bitches.. Voting NO today.
  12. I'm in the market for a new f-150 I have a 2003, if this contract goes through and passes, I won't be buying a ford. I'll take my business elsewhere. I won't buy non-american but I won't be buying a Ford.
  13. Ford won't send any more product outside the US if they know what's good for them, remember we the workers scratch the monkey's back. I will not buy a car from the company I work for that is sending jobs outside the US, in an economy that is so bad right now with millions out of work especially from my own company that got rich on my givebacks then won't give'em back. If all the membership is voting no we can't all be wrong.
  14. Add buffalo Stamping to the list of "NO" votes, my friend works there he just called me said it was voted down. They didn't buy the fact that the company promised them 138 million in plant upgrades and 400 new jobs when 100 of them just got laid off. They can't believe anything the leadership is saying there so they voted no.
  15. I think with the internet and social media being as strong as it is, there can be no more shenanigans by our trusted leaders. Leaders that are not doing their jobs and looking out for our best interest. We proved that we had a voice in 2007 and so now we can prove it again. Garry W. is right in what he says, no more give backs, call their bluff then walk out the door with a bigger bag in your hands. This I UAW has contract after contract gotten us mediocre deals just barely getting something to get a yes vote, while every contract we give stuff up or someone gets screwed along the line. Well no more will this happen. You 2nd tier people, I'm even voting no on this because my friends that work a long side of me have made sense when they tell me we need to look out for our future. If the future of the 2nd tier could mean being brought up to top pay scale, then I have to protect that future. I don't see what's in front of me $3700 bucks, I'm looking down the road to see a larger piece of the pie. Also Fair profit sharing across the board with no caps is a major thing for me. I think the company will always make a profit while I'm alive anyway, and so while I don't mind giving up my COLA forever, I think the profit sharing if it's fair with no caps will make up for that money. I'm still voting no on this deal, even if they bring back 10k up front.. it's a NO VOTE
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