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  1. It’s not his opinion, it’s someone else’s. He’s just repeating it. Bush = bad. You = racist. Everything comes back to that. Remember, according to people of his ilk, George W. Bush was bumbling moron who was completely inept and drunk / stoned most of the time. But yet that complete moron was able to baffle the intellectual geniuses who lead the Democratic Party. And he was able to do so for most of them, long before he was ever voted President. So, if Bush is as dumb as the Left thinks, doesn’t that make the Left even dumber for believing him? Or is Bush a genius, who was able to trick a group of dimwits?
  2. Again, you suggested a majority of people were offended by the name, but yet only reference a couple supposed leaders who are desperate for attention. There is an Indian Reservation not far from where I live, and I have played with and against a number of Indians over the years in Minor Sports, and in Rec Leagues, and I have yet to hear one who says they are offended by any of these names. In fact, every one of them is a fan of one of those teams. It’s no different than every Irish guy I know who loves Notre Dame or the Boston Celitics. They are proud of it. There are far bigger problems the NCAI should be concerned about than a sports team honouring their ancestors by naming themselves after them. But speaking of the Reservation; as you probably know, things are cheaper to buy on the Rez, including smokes and gas. So through someone, my father has a connection with a guy who sells just those things. When he goes out there, he gets the “Redskin” price, not the “whiteskin” price. Even the Natives call themselves redskins. This just proves the ridiculousness of it. People want attention. People want money. That’s all it is. There are people offended that the Toronto Maple Leafs use the wrong grammar with their name. There are people offended that the Colorado Avalanche use an event in nature that can cause catastrophic danger and death. Teams are named after things that project great pride and honour. Strong and feared warriors or animals. Or something that represents the city’s past. For the record, I’m greatly offended that Columbus named themselves after the Union soldiers in the Civil War. Oh wait, it’s only the Confederate stuff that can offended people. I take that back And just because we now have a small group of people who are offended by every single thing, doesn’t mean we should bend over backwards to accommodate them. It’s the pussification of our society. Not to age myself, but growing up I hated when the Back Street Boys would be played on the radio. I distinctly remember telling my mother that I wish we could ban them. She looked at me and said there was a very easy way to avoid being offended, then reached down and changed the station. Simple right? At the end of the day, when you find yourself on the same side of the issue as Keith Olbermann, it’s time to take a step back, realize you are wrong, and move on. The Redskin protesters need to find a new hobby
  3. I’d really love to see the calculator you used to determine that is a “large group”. They can’t even find a large group of Native Americans that find it offensive. This is from Wilki, so take it for what it is, but… And really, with the problems that are going on in the Native American communities, their leaders should be looking at solving real issues, not made up ones like this just to get on TV. Same with the US Government. Barely a week goes by that an NFLer doesn’t end up under police investigation, mostly for violent crimes, and most of those against women. A team name is getting more publicity than when a player was caught on film beating the hell out of his wife? With us just passing the 20 year anniversary of OJ Simpson killing his wife and one of the guys she was banging, maybe we should be focusing our attention elsewhere. You know, on stuff than matters. While other teams may have changed their names, it was their choice to do so for whatever their reasons (under pressure I’m sure, but they weren’t sued or forced). I’m sure Snyder may have eventually (changed it), but with him being forced to do so, he’ll dig his heals in a fight like mad to keep it. And quite frankly, I don’t blame him. This is not something the Government should be involved in, and we should stop bowing down to the constant whining from a small group of people who are incapable of seeing the big picture. The people who think this is the way to go about things are the ones on the “wrong side of history”, because this is a slippery slope. You open this, then beware of what is coming next. Heck, I’m more offended at the name the hockey team in Montreal calls itself. Why should they be called the Canadiens when the majority of people in the city hate everything about Canada? I guess I would launch a campaign against this, but then my mother would remind me of what she taught me when I was 3; “sticks and stones might break my bones but words will never hurt me”. It makes no sense to me that you would name yourself after something you were mocking. Would you name your kid “stupid” or “idiot”? Of course not. So why do people think Redskins was meant as a bad thing? The Redskins were named after a tribe that was known for being fierce fighters. They were a proud group of warriors. This is so silly it’s stupid. I would also like to mention that the University of North Dakota removed their name, the Fighting Sioux due to PC pressure. Interesting that both University of Notre Dame and the University of Illinois have not been pressured to change their names, the Fighting Irish and Fighting Illnoi respectfully. And neither has Florida State, who are the called the Seminoles. As well, North Dakota removed their logo, the Indian head, which is the same logo the Chicago Blackhawks use. If the bedwetters of our society are going to be this easily offended, then at least show some consistency and be offended by everything. If the Redskins go, then shouldn’t the Kansas City Chefs as well? The Cleveland Indians? The Atlanta Braves? The Golden State Warriors? The Chicago Blackhawks? Edmonton Eskimos?
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