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  1. ^ Yep. Of course, if we get involved in a Middle East war and the stock market crashes as a result anyone with a pension, stock, bonds, or money in the bank is screwed as well. And if a general war breaks out between the U.S, Russia and China the nukes will fly and none of this will matter anyway. Have a nice day.
  2. From the company bulletin: "In some instances, STEP separations and SRI retirements may be delayed based on the operating needs of the employee's work stations." My immediate supervisor has told me I will be one of those held beyond April 1st.
  3. You are correct about Scandinavian Democratic Socialism but you are wrong about the World Socialist Website. The World Socialist is an international socialist news site that is the online news and information publication of the International Committee of the Fourth International. They are unabashed Marxists... Trotskyites, to be precise.
  4. The World Socialist Website characterized the CAP vote as a “decisive rejection.” Judging by the turnout I would characterize the CAP vote as “extreme apathy.” Ya’ll must be proud that you made the Communist’s day.
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